A NC br100's opinion on post-balance-update faction weapons comparitively.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gnometheft, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. BadAsElite

    To be honest I think tanks are fairly balanced atm.

    Prowler is top dog when dealing with infantry.

    Vanguard is top dog at dealing with tanks.

    Magrider is in the middle good at killing infantry and does well at armour at the same time. (PPA and Saron are just amazing)

    But if any tank needed a buff I would say it would be the Prowler on the basis that as a Vanguard driver I have a much easier time dealing with a Prowler then I do a Magrider by far.

    ESF's on the other hand are all over the place in terms of balance. And flak against ESF's is far to powerful.

    Striker defo needs somthing, but I feel all lockon rockets have bad mechanics in terms of the agility they seem to have.
    Nerf the agility on all lockons and leave the strikers as it is then it could atleast have somthing over the other lockons.

    And give the Pheonix a dumbfire mode with the same damage against infantry for "balance".
  2. Hoki

    Calm down broly, was only pointing out that BR100 doesn't make an opinion more qualified.
    It does take dedication, just don't wear it like a badge of wisdom.

    I actually agree with most of your insights. But there have been other 100s that have shared their expert opinions with their imaginary facts that honestly make you wonder how they made it to BR100.
  3. Masterofm

    I actually agree with everything you said.

    NC just like the TR suffer from this Empire specific traits they, for some weird reason, need to have. IE: shotguns on everything vs. lots of inaccurate bullets on everything.

    The prowler to me is both the best tank and the worst tank in the game. In the hands of someone who knows what they are doing it's amazing. It kills tanks and infantry, but I think most people give up on it and anchor before they can see how it really performs. And running w/o anchor 4 is like running a vanguard w/o shields except no one sees it that way when they look at a prowler. They just see an immobile paperweight.

    Right now too many people use the prowler incorrectly (as a MBT that can slug it out with other things.) The prowler is a lightening with more firepower. Fast, agile, and absolutely no good in a knockdown drag out fight. It's great when you use it right. Most people don't use it right and a lot of tank drivers don't even run with it.... which is just dumb.

    I'd also say the TR could use some sprucing up on their infantry weapons..... in fact I wish every empire had more sprucing up on their infantry weapons. This idea of either having an inaccurate bullet hose, a shotgun like weapon, or a no drop slow bullet speed laser gun doesn't really cut it.
  4. gnometheft

    I totally agree sorry, I misinterpreted that against myself, I just assumed from the way it was worded.