A Mattherson take from a Connery VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaserai, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Shockfc

    Kids, please. This entire game is easy mode. There is no "best" server.
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  2. Nakar

    Connery TR is hard mode for me because Connery TR is just... just terrible. Especially compared to actually competent NC and VS as Connery has. It's like playing Mattherson NC, without the confidence that at least your teammates can be trusted to watch your back more often than never. Mattherson NC at least looks behind themselves every now and then.
  3. Aristel25

    MilitiaMan said:
    “Personally, I find people on Connery to be far more challenging to kill than Mattherson or Waterson.”
    Because NC as a whole on Sean Connery is the biggest joke of a faction in the game.

    You.....didn't really read that sentence did you?
  4. VanuSovereignty

    I really can't stand this server anymore. Vehicles are pretty much pointless. There are people that actually think Mattherson as a server is more 'skilled' than other servers. There are people who that the VS on Mattherson are more 'skilled' than the other factions.

    Mattherson seems to be a server filled with trash talk, bad attitudes, and many people who think they're better at the game than everyone else. Also lots of outfits which think they're better than they actually are. The transfer tokens are looking more and more appealing.

    The only outfit on this server that I have seen do anything impressive recently is BWC.
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  5. BongRipper69

    Whatever u do dont go to Connery they got great players like TheBauce. The way he plays is very tactical and he runs with some of the best guys in the game, I think hes in that outfit JENK.
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  6. VoidMagic

  7. Drsexxytime

    It is awful. Pop balance is out of control, 4th factions skew everything. And when the largest pop also happens to be the continued OP faction, it's just an exercise in frustration. New players quit fast because of this, vets get fed up and leave. All because SOE and higby refuse to do anything about these issues and just ignore it. Perhaps they're just more concerned about the PS4 version and banking their efforts there now, ignoring PC and letting it run it's course into being a wasteland. Optimizing? Fantastic. Now "optimize" the POPs and faction balance while you're at it and we'll talk.

    I want to like this game, it has potential. But it's higher ups lack any sort of proper direction.

    My patience is running thin once again, and this time I won't come back when I leave.
  8. ColdCheezePizza

    of course the enemy is going to appear more challenging when the majority of your teammates don't watch the flank and are just situationally clueless and blind half the time, I have an NC and VS alt on Connery, the killstreaks I go on as VS against NC are ridiculous sometimes.
  9. NoctD

    I think this topic must have really ruffled some feathers, cause this stinky fish turned up today on Connery...


    Basically an auto firing AV mana turret and seems very much like the hacker going around on Mattherson a while back one shotting ESFs with a Shrike from beyond render distance and killing everyone with a Guass SAW.

    Can't think of a reason why anyone in Connery NC would be desperate enough to do this - all it led to was a DRAW/tied alert! :p

    Oh SOE - your anti-hacker measures, you're so helpless!
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