A love letter to: Indar - The Stronghold

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CheeseN!P, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. CheeseN!P

    I love this base, and you should too!
    This base is some what overlooked I think, and it shouldn't be. Who ever made this little gem please contact me, because I owe you a drink. (not kidding, not even a little bit) some of you are thinking? "that base?" or "what is he talking about?" so please read on reader...

    1. Every class is really useful
    This base Has a bunch of different ways to attack / defend. First of it has narrow towers all over the place with turrets on top of them, Its pretty much a jungle gym for engineers to frolic on, a gold mine for snipers, and a thing to shoot for HA. - boom three classes. one thing. The spawn has a divider between it and the cap point, as well as the entire base is enclosed by a wall, but LA can get over that sucker and avoid the choke points, the entire base is a stomping ground for them. HA's can camp choke points along with engineer turrets, stand by the wall and shoot tanks shelling the place, or hide in the bunker and stop people from trying to cap, there's plenty to do, its pretty much just a shooting range for them.

    2. This base is straight outta starship troopers

    Hell yeah, would you like to know more?


    3. Vehicles

    This puppy is walled in, but the battles that take place out side of it are stellar as well, The rocky walls kinda protecting this place give you choke points, but at the same time 3 very big choke points. and the vehicular spawn comes out from underneath the base, which makes it look pretty bad ***. And the Air? its walled in so you need to know where you are, you cant just swoop in missile pod and swoop out in any ol' direction, takes thought, plus there is so many turrets you gotta watch your self a little, if any of those engineers are on the ball you are gone.

    4. Duckin' Simplicity

    Hop on the Ms. Frizzles Sundy and take a ride to this place, look around, There is no generators that you have to take in order to get the base, no stupidly easy choke points to camp. The spawn puts you right smack into the fight with out having to be in your high school cross country team. but at the same time gives the attackers a solid chance to take the place.

    and it dose not take 3 hours of your time to get either.

    alright i'm done.
  2. Beef Castle

    Too easily camped. Any base that isn't sealed like a tech plant or bio lab is just liberator fodder.
  3. CheeseN!P

    That's what max suits are for, and friendly ESF's. That said it does also have cover.
  4. Aghar30

    Heh I love the stronghold for the trampoline.
  5. Zer0range

    And it takes ages to cap. A bore.
  6. GTGD

    May HA rocketspam rain down upon thee forever, brave Stronghold
  7. Tobax

    Agreed love fighting in this base, even if its been copied from a movie doesn't change how good it is :)
  8. Beef Castle

    There much better.
    • Up x 1
  9. Deathrus

  10. Nekky

    Is there any reason this base takes 10x longer to cap with 2/2 on the point and a good amount of influence?
  11. willTell

    They should call this base 'the end', because VS never takes the high ground bases around them (south) to improve the cap speed a lot.
  12. Babaganoush

    It's an ugly planet, a bug planet!
  13. NoctD

    Love the Stronghold. Been there several times over the past few days. Keep ESFs for CAP against Libbys, and the infantry can duke it out on the ground. Takes forever to cap, I think that's part of the charm.
  14. Morpholine

    It has a single control point, and the capture rate of a base built to have three control points. Once it's locked down, it takes entirely too long to actually flip, even with maximum influence.

    And that's my only real complaint with the base. Otherwise, it's very nicely designed.