A Good Solution To The Air Problem

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RetroRayner, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. RetroRayner

    Air Calvary is ruining the game at the moment, it's multi role is 1 multi too far. Because AA is just not worth playing for a number of reasons, mainly down to the insuffiecent XP gains from it, so how do you remedy this.

    Remove ALL Air to Ground weapons from Air Calvary.
    Increase the Liberators Armor against Air.

    Now Liberator becomes a Tank Buster and Infantry Bomber, it has one Anti Air weapon, then an Anti Tank weapon, this gunner can be the bomber, it can only carry 1 bomb. I don't know if it has these already.

    Air Calvary now becomes Air to Air, with Lock On Misslles and a Machine Gun.

    Remove the Burster Cannons from the Max and replace with an Anti Air Missile system that can only lock onto a Liberator Siganture.

    Change Skyguard to a Missile system with a slow lock ability against all Air target, this makes it more effective against Liberator and Galaxy the lock times gives AIr Calavary enough time to bug out.

    Remove AA Turrets from the base, replace with Anti Infantry.

    I think this will give a more balanced game, as Air is just way to rampant at the moment,and is spoiling the game for a lot of players.

    The only players I see having an issue with these changes are the Pilots, who know they are getting very easy XP at the moment.
  2. Riftmaster

    On my server I see plenty of A2A fighters, and I have my reaver kitted out for such.
  3. RetroRayner

    Yes plenty of Air to Air but too much Air to Ground.

    I like the concept, but disagree completely with the solution specifics. The last thing that we need in this game is a mini-game of lock ons. Anti-air missiles are fine, but should instead be very fast dumb missiles, or semi-guided (player guided) missiles. if AA becomes nothing more than lock-on missiles, then the air/anti-air games becomes nothing more than a timing act where AA and counter measures will be tweaked endlessly with no real party ever being happy. BF3 is a PERFECT example of how auto-guided munitions are a horrible Idea (amongst many things).

    Put the control in the players hands.
  5. FireKetchup

    Air is the best counter to air while ground based AA is an effective deterrent. The devs have stated this is how its meant to be and it makes sense.
  6. Imnuktam

    That neither makes sense nor is it balanced.

    Basically what you are saying is "air should be able to kill everything that moves but the only thing that should be able to kill aircraft is other aircraft...?

    How can you guys keep saying this with a straight face in regards to balance. ??

    Dont know a single person who logs on this game every day to be a deterrent.
    • Up x 1
  7. bloodgulge

    Air is dominant in smaller fights, ground is dominant in larger fights. Choose your fights.
  8. Freyar

    Dear god these "nerf air" threads are getting NC-worthy.
  9. FireKetchup

    I'm just curious, have you spent an appreciable amount of time as a pilot? I don't know about others but I find myself gaining more certs playing infantry. You have to spend a lot of time resupplying and repairing your plane, so it would be rather pointless if you weren't strong enough to get a few kills on your strafing run.
  10. Xandax

    They just need to up damage on anti-air and lock time of the anti-air rockets from the ground.
    Even if you land 3 from a HA on an air craft it's still not enough to take down the craft.
  11. Dubious

    Lower max ceiling for ESF to like 600 !!
  12. Imnuktam

    I spent a lot more time as a pilot in beta, much more than I do now for just as you said, i get a lot more exp on foot and I got burned out on vehicles a bit in beta. Now I pull them here and there when I want to get somewhere easily and use A2A to get a few kills along the way. This is the only real good counter to air sadly. I usually get 3-4 kills before I have to bail out and use my jump jets to drift down and kill what I can on foot when I get where I want. The jump jets are why I dont use engy or bother repairing, once you get the hang of it you can live pretty much everytime and pilots just fly off thinking you died.

    I am not a great pilot though and am pretty good on foot so my answer would be yes i get a lot more exp on foot than in the air. Also I dont really use pods much on any of my toons and that is the way to go if you are looking for fast kills and exp. A2A takes 3 missles to drop someone and is a much longer fight than the 1sec it takes to kill someone on foot. Splash in more nosegun and you will resupply less often and it kills much faster most of the time anyways for me at least. But I do love watching those missles chase someone down, sometimes I find myself spacing off watching them and forgetting to switch to nosegun lol.

    I enjoy max when we are getting overwhelmed and light assault when fight is about even and those get me the most in exp and kills probably, while dying very little. ktd is around 10:1 on tr and 6:1 on nc.