A different suggested change for VS aurax weapon heat...thing...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MotionBlured, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. MotionBlured

    So I watched a bit of a twitch stream (wich I would try to find of twitch wasn't crapping itself atm), where Scourge was talking to T-Ray while playing and using the Betelgeuse. I noticed he wasn't having too much problem with the heating, but I'm not interested in whether they need a bigger mag or not. What I want to address is the reload.

    The reload is the same speed regardless of how much heat it's acquired. This resulted in many reloads when it would have been faster to let the weapon cool down naturally. I want to suggest a variable reload. The less heat, the faster the reload. Simple. If, for some reason this isn't possible, then perhaps a way to lock out manual reloads when the heat is under a certain percent

    This topic isn't about how many rounds you can fire before overheating. There's more than enough topics on that.

    TLDR: Variable reload speed based on percent of heat
    • Up x 1
  2. Forumside

    Just don't hit "r". That's the whole POINT of the cooldown is that it can decrease the time it takes for the gun to reset to a "full mag".

    If you allow for variable reload speeds, then you might as well just take heat away from the guns.
  3. MotionBlured

    It's counter intuitive.
  4. MotionBlured