A continent thats more urban than natural?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jaquecz, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Jaquecz

    Would be nice SOE.
    Look at the picture, I could set up a nice ambush on a somewhat sizable armor coloumn by using the empty ruined buildings, hiding on the catwalks, I could see people having fights here instead of an actual outpost area because of the way the map might work.
    Zergs would be alot less effective here than in the wide open spaces of Indar and Amerish and Ho- i mean Esamir.
    Plus overall it seems like a more fun area to fight in, I mean who doesn't like urban battlefields.
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  2. Jaquecz

    Also on the topic of fighting people on the roads inbetween facilities, maybe we could find a way to make scouting something people would do more often, maybe release an item that would allow platoon leaders to set down "Beacons" of sorts that could be seen by everyone when they open up their map and on the map it would say "Enemy Force Located Here!" or something along the lines of that.
  3. ColonelChingles

    Biolabs... Biolabs... Everywhere... :confused:

    I get that some people enjoy fighting in Biolabs, just I'm not one of them. If you mean just 4x larger bases (with different smaller buildings and lanes between/around them) then I'd be fine with that.

    Platoon (and squad leads too I think) leads can also place "offensive" and "defensive" requests which can be seen by people outside that platoon. Often they will use those to make important enemy targets, like Sunderers and stuff. If it's just for the platoon's knowledge, they can place colored smoke that only that squad can see.

  4. Pikachu

    It cant be done because of performance. Arclegger said in a video that biolabs are the closest to a city that they can afford.
  5. Exonis

    Actually, Biolabs are a freaking terrible example of why they can't have a urban(ish) continent.
    Actually, Biolabs can't even be used as an excuse to why they can't create urban(ish) continent.

    Analysis of a Biolab:
    1. 80% - The big *** Biolab, not the buildings inside it
    2. 5.5% - Vegetation + Extras
    3. 5% - The garage and everything in it.
    4. 4% - The 4 actual buildings inside the Biolab.
    5. 3% - Landing pads + Jump-pads
    6. 2.5% - Sundy parking + Elevators
    • + Is very Vertical
    • + Is RIDICULOUSLY Inefficient
    Most Urban Bases
    • Quarts Ridge - Especially this
    • Kwahtee Mountain Complex
    • Bases in southern Amerish ( Barrik Electrical, Auraxium Cryobank, etc. )
    These are good examples of both why we CAN have urban(ish) continent, and why it IS possible. They contain both more buildings and used* urban structures. (Structures that aren't purposeless)

  6. Pikachu

    Smog city. :rolleyes: 300m render distance. Oh boy would people complain when they get the sky bug and that distance follows to Indar.
  7. salembeats

    Pro Tip of the Day: Everyone in your faction can actually see that smoke.
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  8. Talthos

    I can only see urban design in an outpost-sized facility. Think about it; does being in a perpetual global-civil war EVER give you time to actually build "city centres"??
  9. Pathogenic

    All of the buildings in game are impervious to explosions, so the building speed of nanites means yeah, it could be done :D

    IMO, I'd just rather have basic bases and highly expanded engineer capabilities. Doesn't have to be minecraft, but the basic idea of Halo's forge: limit to amount of things you can place, but a wide berth of options. Just focused to structures, siege equipment (towers, bridges), and stationary weaponry. That way, a platoon of engis could build a small city if they wanted to and had a good bit of time to prep, and it could be blown up! Blowing things up is good.
  10. ColonelChingles

    :confused: Really? I always assumed that it was just my squad because I'd only see one set of smoke on the battlefield at any given time... my squad's.

    I mean I've never been in a situation where the squad lead has said, "Everyone, flank west to destroy the Sunderer at the orange smoke" and I look on the map to see two orange smokes.

    You're right of course, but that just means that smoke is heavily underutilized then!
  11. salembeats

    Yes, it's not used very much.

    If you look it it this way, though, it's not too surprising:

    If every player in the game was in a full squad, then only 1/12 (8%) of any given players online could possibly have access to it. Now of course, not every player is a part of a 12-man squad, but I'd reckon that there's enough squadless lone wolves out there to make the numbers work out.
    Take this 8% pool of total players who happen to be leading squads and sift down to the players who happened to cert the smoke lines. I'd venture to guess that you're now looking at 1-2% of the current players.
    Now of course, there isn't always a need for smoke, and in fact, it sometimes obscures visibility for your own faction. Sift out a lot of situations where using the smoke isn't worth the effort or the cooldown.
    Finally, when someone in this very small overqualified sample pool does actually use his smoke, it's highly unlikely that you'll be around to see it, or even be on the same continent as the person using it.

    Anyway, it was fun to think about. FWIW, I generally don't like it when people use smoke, because I often am not sure of its purpose and it can make it hard to see enemies.
  12. ColonelChingles

    They really need to increase the render distance on smoke. As it is, if you're using it to call in a friendly airstrike they know where it is on the minimap... but the smoke itself doesn't render before the aircraft gets much closer... at which point they could probably see their target sans smoke anyhow!

    Ideally the smoke would render before anything else does, so at least a pilot can get a visual on the smoke and pick the best approach.
  13. CARunner

    i love the idea which i have made posts about and supported other posts that have similar ideas as this here.

    I just want an urban Continent or At least more Urban areas where soldiers could accualy live and sleep and eat and
    have Training sessions. And also a huge Capitol City that is huge and bigger than any Bio lab with many buildings
    surrounding it.

    So those who don't support the idea..., go play on Amerish,Indar,and Esamir instead while all us
    play on a Legit map with urban areas that could be called Ulethopia or something like that.