a buch of issues i have with planetside 2 and suggestions that might fix said issues

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zeta3901, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. zeta3901

    so i thought that it couldn´t hurt posting a thread regarding some of the issues with planetside 2 and how they (in my opinion) could be solved. this post is pretty long so... you have been warned.

    i know that this isn´t a complete list of PS2´s problems but these are the worst things in my opinion.
    im not going to mention the lag and optimisation issues because, to be honest SOE already know all about that.

    i am concidering posting this thread on the account and billing support part of the forum, because this thread is primarily focused on getting someone from SOE to read this, and i think that they are more active over there...
    anyway. the issues.

    the lack of tutorial
    i know im stating the obvius here and that its been said a billion times on the forum but its still important.
    my idea is that you - before thrown in there at least get a type of vr simulation ish traning with all the stuff, like
    basic combat (aiming down sight intro to bullet drop + projectile speed) and more importantly objectives (generators, how to cap, the SCU, etc.) and THEN get thrown into the fray like another lamb to the slaughter

    the stats of the weapons
    we already have spreadsheets with the stats of most of the items in the game, but i would really appreciate having these stats in game in their shop description (probably under details) this would help the players pick a gun that they like, an help get more intelligent debates in the forums (instead of all the herpderp nc is underpowered, nerf vs crap) it would be easier to find actual balance problems if we had all the data.

    the prices
    yeah we have all heard it before but it is still THE big issue with the game. i heard from a reliable source (totalbicuit who apperently heard it for the devs) that only 10% of the playerbase have actually spent any money on planetside, ten percent. i personnally blame the prices of the items for this. so... yeah lower the prices. if you want an example of wwhy you should lower the prices, i bought a cosmetic for what i think was the sunderer, simply because the price was 50 sc (it was on sale), this is something i believe SOE can learn from, purchasing items should be like "yeah you could grind for 10+ hours for that paralax, but why do that when you can buy it for 2 dollars? i really think that you would earn a lot more money in the long run, SOE...

    camos helmets and all that good stuff...
    the problem i have with the cosmetics is that you can´t really see how you caracter will look afterwards. theres no preview, no "before after comparison" which would definetly help selling a lot more camos, people don´t buy cosmetics because they are afraid (probably a bit too strong a word but you get the idea) that the camo that the buy wont look as they expected it to. its a relativly easy thing to solve (as i mentioned before: previews, "before after comparisons" or just being able to trial camo would work)

    feel free to comment and come with you own suggestions, just come with something constructive...
  2. zeta3901