A-30 Walker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by adb93, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. adb93

    Firstly i'm going to start it off with a good note that Planetside 2 is the game i've been looking for for years. I love it and i'll gladly spend more money on it.
    Secondly my problem.
    I'm a frequent Lib pilot and there's nothing more satisfying than hovering over enemy bases and bombing the crap out of them, until ESPs arrive and mince up my liberator, but that's exactly the problem, I spent 250 certs on the A-30 walker to be able to deal some serious damage to ESPs, but I was pretty disappointed in the capabilities of the A-30. It's clearly labeled as an AA gun, but has less capability at dealing with ESPs than the basilisk. It needs a buff, so that once an ESP gets on my tail, it'll actually disengage when the A-30s shooting it instead of tailgating and just taking me out easily. I haven't personally used the gun as I've always flew the Lib, but my rear gunners have had more ESP kills with a bulldog than with the A-30. I respect that the Lib isn't supposed to be an AA death machine, but I feel like it should be able to fend off a fighter if they decide to engage, because to them, it's normally 2-3 easy kills. I'd feel that making it a small flak gun, or increasing the fire rate would do the trick, as it's also supposed to be a heavy machine gun. (Correct me if i'm wrong on any of this) I just want the A-30 to feel like it should be the most expensive rear gun and for it to start firing and think to myself "That's badass" or be able to actually shoot down ESPs quite regulary if they're sticking to my tail. It'll make ESPs think twice about engaging and them having to use more tactics like attacking from the side or above the liberator.
  2. Gavyne

  3. Tobax

    What Gavyne said, being sorted next week.
  4. adb93

    Thanks, didn't come across that post, good to know they'll be fixing it :)
  5. Compass

    Good bye Marshmallow launcher, how I will miss splattering enemy cockpits with puffed sugar.
  6. Shockfrosted

    I jumped the gun (because I overlooked the 'next week' portion of the patch notes) and purchased the Walker for my Prowler yesterday.
    Since then I have been determined to prove everybody wrong and get to say "It's okay now, just have to use it right!"

    ... No. It just sucks. I die a little inside every time I remember that it'll be a week before it does anything worthwhile.
  7. adb93

    Yeh, guess i'll just have to make do with trickshotting rear gunners with their bulldogs for the rest of this week :p