$70 down the drain NC faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Savvon, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. StrangerDanger

    Yeah a lot of people fail on so many levels of this game. Like complaining about one fraction of the game, one where their faction does have an advantage but not the specific advantage they want, and ignore all the other aspects of the game their faction excels in.

    I give this guy two days on the "OP TR" faction before hes complaining about weak guns, bad snipers, and horrible tanks

    NC guns hit hard, and heaven forbid they get one shotted by a sniper...since other factions take two shots to snipe.

    Bottom line, theres a reason they made NC guns less effective...they had exactly what you are asking for and it was so OP they had to nerf it. Youve been nerfed for a reason. Learn to play please!
  2. ziegler

    I believe planetside universe has player stats you can pull.
  3. MobileAssaultDuck

    Once again, this is not just a case of player whining, both the devs and the mathematical data taken from the game on the guns shows that NC weapons are not where the devs want them to be.

    The developer concept of balance trumps anything we gather from subjective experience.

    Data and math are the key to balance, and thus far the data and math point to NC weapons not being strong enough.
  4. Seiha

    Pick an empire based on its style, not how powerful they are. Power will be balanced eventually....overpopulation of an empire is what people (and devs) should worry about. Be proud to be NC (or VS / TR) and submit constructive criticism on balance.
  5. Alduin

  6. Jestunhi

    Balance will change, it always does.

    Unless you intend to make a new char each time the balance does change I'd just play what I had if I were you.
  7. DirArtillerySupport

    I have often wondered about this myself...why are these things we spend money on not linked directly to our SOE account? Why are common pool items linked to individual characters? and to add insult these individual characters can only exist on individual servers? Do I understand this correctly that there will come a time in the not too distant future PS2 populations will drop and servers will need to be combined and those of us with multiple characters will have to pick and choose the toys we purchased and the ones we will have to throw away? This is the sort of uncertainty that prevents me from spending a dime on any of my characters. I don't even want characters I just want one person...me...and I'd like to be able to travel from server to server possibly following my outfit and still be able to tote along the things I spent money on. How would this effect the game-play experience of my fellow players? Am I missing some kind of loophole or exploit that makes this scenario impossible?
  8. Jestunhi

  9. Meiu

    Game Devs confirmed NC need buffs and will be getting buffs. I bet you feel silly now.
  10. Meiu

    Except Devs said they are overnerfed and need buffed in their recent interview. I bet you feel a bit awkward now in hindsight.
  11. Bear

    I really don't understand why it's so difficult to even out the dps between factions. Make VS the baseline. Pick three faction specific weapons and equalize them. The VS will have weapons that fire fast and are fairly accurate. Tthe TR fire faster but do less damage per shot and the NC fire slower but do more damage per shot. Make the accuracy of all the faction specific guns the same and just vary the fire right so that they all have the same DOT. Now you have a balanced baseline weapons. From that point you can make super fast or super slow firing weapons but they all should produce the same DOT. Attachments should be identical across factions.

    See, problem solved.
  12. Jestunhi

    Every DPS figure you have seen is based on assumptions.

    Assuming a 100% hit rate, or some other specific amount. Assuming hitting a specific body part. Not accounting for things like damage drop-off at longer ranges. And so on.

    The reality isn't that simple. When you're actually playing it's not laboratory conditions.

    So there's only so much you can learn from any DPS figures which you have seen.

    If they assume a specific hit rate then how exactly are things like recoil & cone of fire factored into the DPS?
  13. Bear

    True but if you balance things numerically then it has to come down to player ability.

    As for the cone of fire, standardize that as well. A single shot is dead accurate up to 50 yards, a 5 shot burst falls into a 2 foot circle, a 10 shot burst into a 5 foot circle etc...
  14. Deathrus

  15. Plunkies

    Getting recoil control advice from a vanu is like getting tech support from the Amish.
    • Up x 1
  16. ichebu

    Flavor of the month - just wait and NC will get their turn.
  17. F4ll3N

    Its like the NC are balanced so poorly the devs must have wanted to see them die. The only one up we have is our la80 other than that we are out classed in every way possible.

    Maybe if they did what they said they would do and make us hard hitting heavily armored faction it would be fine, but instead they gave us same armor one bar extra on a few guns and made our recoil enough to break your chin with every shot.

    They have basically ruined our air by making the turrets on the reaver not only sub par but borderline non functional (when I spend points to get a turret that claims air sup and only has 25 bullets i expect not to have to use 4-5 clips to kill another light fighter).

    Its not just that they are unbalanced, its so obvious that I wonder if the devs just gave up trying to keep them competitive.
  18. Duskguy

    Im sorry but if TR guns are being nerfed does that mean our box car yank is being fixed? NC complain a little and the devs fix it. We've complained about the prowler from day one and we got. 5 second quicker reloads?
    tank fires off center. Tank constantly rotates itself. Our armor is a joke. The rounds do 50% compared to the other factions' and our ability is to stop moving... you nc get a super shield while still able to move and shoot.

    Your guns hurt. They arent fast because they do more. And why in gods name do you all always complain about TR. What about the VS? No bullet drop. Fast firing and decent damage which seems equivalent to my TR guns except at extreme ranges.

    Nerf my guns if you will but give me a real tank at least
  19. MilitiaMan

    I just got the Piston and dealt with it, the VG is terrible out of the box but once you get the AV and AI cannons and get the Shield. VG gets pretty awesome.

    A few days ago I went up against 4 lightnings and 3 mags 1 right after another, I have the dual AV guns (cannon and rocket on top) though my gunner was awesome with aim. We killed all 4 lightning and the 3 mags, sadly an ESF flew in a spammed us to death. If I remember the pattern it was 3 lightnings and a mag then 1 lightning and 2 mags. Barely had time to repair to full.

    NC has the worst weapons but with skill behind them, you can make them....Not so terrible....Accept for the LMG, they just suck...

    I went with the Piston with extra ammo for my main gun and slug for range when needed, though 90% of my time is spent in the VG and the rest either in a Reaver or infantry.

    Also, I love it when TR and VS infantry huddle up. Makes it that much easier to maul them all with the piston. ^^
  20. DoomBlackDragon

    Devolpers need to go back to basic. First thing they need to do is put numbers on all the guns. Second they need to add stats like recoil and spread. Third they need to go with what they have promised.

    NC weapons should look like this.
    Damage = High.
    Recoil = High.
    Spread = Medium.
    RoF = Low.
    Projectile movement speed = Meduim.
    Reload = Medium.

    TR weapons.
    Damage = Low.
    Rocoil = Medium
    Spread = High
    RoF = High
    Projectile movement speed = Meduim
    Reload = Fast.

    VS weapons.
    Damage = Medium.
    Recoil = Low.
    Spread = Low.
    RoF = Meduim.
    Projectile movement speed = High.
    Reload = slow.

    This is what they promised us. Yet this is not what they gave us.

    How hard is it to set up guns?

    VS bullet drop is countered by faster degrading damage. You do not need to counter bullet drop CQC. While Skill player count counter bullet drop at long distance. How do you plan to counter degrading damage? You can not. At long range our guns are the weakest. While in CQC our guns do not stand up compared to faster rate of fire and/or higher damage per bullet.