7 day XP boost questions

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SirJMD, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. SirJMD

    When it says that the duration is 7 days - is it then 7 days of game time or 7 actual days?
    Will it count down even if it hasn't been equipped yet?
    Is it possible to unequip the boost - if so, will it stop the count down?

    Thanks in advance! :)
  2. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

    It's 7 actual days, the timer will begin once equipped, and will continue to tick regardless if you're logged in. If you leave the boost unequipped, it won't count-down. It is not possible to unequip boosts, so make sure you're being careful.
    • Up x 1
  3. Hydragarium

    In other words - once you equip it, you have 7 realtime days of the bonus. If you try to take it off, it vanishes permanently.
    • Up x 1
  4. GraphicJ

    Is SOE ever going to fix the Alpha boost problem where one can't buy and equip another XP boost (50% XP imlant for example) until the Alpha boost is depleted? Don't want to look disrespectful but seems kinda dumb no? Alpha players got the shaft on that.
  5. Hydragarium

    Depends on your point of view of course - I invite you to compare 6 months worth of 50% boosters (divided down to 10% to be comparable) in terms of cost when compared to a free booster from Alpha Squad.
  6. SirJMD

    Thanks for the answer!
  7. TSR-Jesse S Customer Service

    Not a problem at all, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.