7 -11 store locator ...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tugernut, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Selerox

    Or in Europe.

    SOE really isn't doing much for non-US customers. Yes, it's a US company, but seriously, would throwing us a bone once in a while kill you?

    Also, please don't post adverts about SOE Live over the server broadcast system on EU servers. No-one from here is going to go to them, and the messages are annoying.
    • Up x 1
  2. EnigmaEngine

    To be perfectly honest I live in the US, and I can't remember the last time I even saw a 7-11. So it's not just EU missing out on this. I mean, if I wanted to drive across several states I apparently might find one....and that one may or may not even have the cards.

    But as RadarX stated, this wasn't a "PS2" thing. It's something the parent company SOE is doing (and as I recall, has done before). So complaining about it here does...little, aside from allowing one to vent.

    I'm just gonna wait for the next across the board 2x/3x SC sale. Go go Walmart bonus cards.

    Theres tonnes of 7-11s in Australia, I have about 3 very close to me. Shame America gets all the good stuff for some reason.
  4. EvilPhd

    You have Tim Horton's. Be thankful.
    As an American, thank you for Tim Horton's. Delicious Tim Bits. mmmmmmm
  5. Leo Di Caprio

    How about Mc Donald's scratch and win? when is that happening?
  6. Bloodmyth

    Is this not discrimination, for as an EU player (UK) I often feel discriminated, I get its an American company, but we are not in 1950, the world is a much smaller place these days yet so many of us feel hard done by and we are an after thought in many situations, either that or SOE are very lazy and behind the times :)
  7. TintaBux

    Also take into account EU has bigger player base in PS2 than in the US, it would only make sense to offer EU special promo's like US, currently losing money not doing it and ignoring over half of the player base with these US only promotions. However I guess its hard without any special EU base/team to set things up here, but if there's money available to set it up, then there's allot of money to made in the EU with special promo's like this.
  8. hansgrosse

    All kinds of 7-11's here in Seattle...

    But I would give up every single one of them if I could get just a single Wawa over here in return. :(
  9. Nintyuk

    The thing Is they expect Pro-Sebian to do this kind of thing in Europe for them, They wouldn't think it's their fault that you made a American account to play the game or that Pro-Sebian are crap.
  10. St0mpy

    I dont fricken believe it, Ive just had my post removed and a warning for being non constructive, for constructively telling you guys

    • that SOE are not responsible for any sales of station cash or any kind of cross promotion in the entire EU, meaning exactly the kind of 7/11 promotion this thread is about.
    • that Prosieben have product penetration mainly only in german speaking areas of the EU and an unusual fit for administering deals like the 7/11 promotion to the whole of the EU due to their poor connections to most of it.
    • that the plantside promotions PSG have allowed so far have been ones initiated by the SOE side, not their own ideas for this region, eg no local versions of the 7/11 deal
    • that in my experience of all the friends I have told about planetside, only one whos hobby includes satellite television has ever head of PSG, meaning the likelyhood of anyone local seeing any kind of 7/11 style deal they did would be low.
    Now please, can someone tell me how that post was non constructive and/or off topic to this thread? Ok I worded it all differently earlier, Im not particularly fond of how PSG are messing the european players around, it seems not a week goes by without some post on here or reddit complaining, they got hacked, theyre down, they didnt do the deals etc etc ect... but its ridiculous how some Faceless Nameless mod can decide its non constructive when its clearly got more relevant and factual content than half this thread together.

    Not impressed. Till today ive quietly respected the mods here for their hands off approach but that has now finished. Im appealing for sure, what a ridiculous excuse to remove my post and give me a record as if im some bad boy trolling or something. Pfft.
  11. vulkkan

    Chill out guys, I just visited two 7/11's and neither carried smedbucks cards.
    Good going SOE, so much for double SC.
  12. Otulien

    A true Canadian knows Tim Horton's is disgusting. It might of been a viable advantage 10 years ago, when the Pasteries were made at the Tim Horton's and came warm and delicous. Now, the Pasteries come frozen and smushed from some far away place, and taste like sh*t.

    Even the Coffee has slowly degraded into tasting like catpiss. Now we have learned to buy a Keurig or Tassimo and make our own.

    And, as a Canadian, I think Starbucks is overpriced, disgusting and embarrasing. They belong in America. Could you take them back please?
  13. ih8Darian

    I have 9 within 4.06 miles from me
  14. xTEExGOWx

    haha, is this sarcasm or do you live in the prairies?

    Rare? theres on on every block almost here in Calgary

    7-ELEVEN (#15856)601 17TH AVE SW , CALGARY , AB T2S 0B3(403) 228-7879 = ...........0.73 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#14821)802 - 1ST AVENUE NE , CALGARY , AB T2E 0C1(403) 269-3648 =........ 1.00 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#21914)2012 SPILLER RD SE , CALGARY , AB T2G 4G6(403) 265-5554 = ........1.15 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#25349)311 - 16TH AVE. N.E. , CALGARY , AB T2E 1K1(403) 277-1041 =..........1.50 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#15049)402 - 20 AVE NE , CALGARY , AB T2E 1R2(403) 276-4226 = ................1.79 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#29761)4001 MACLEOD TRAIL S.W. , CALGARY , AB T2G 2R6(403) 243-0228 = 1.87 mi
    7-ELEVEN (#29433)2417 - 4 STREET N.W. , CALGARY , AB T2M 2Z8(403) 289-9845 = ........2.02 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#14817)2903 CENTRE ST N , CALGARY , AB T2E 2V9(403) 276-4310 = ............2.28 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#14816)1907 8 AVE NE , CALGARY , AB T2E 0T2(403) 276-3838 =................... 2.32 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#20916)2604 KENSINGTON RD NW , CALGARY , AB T2N 3S5(403) 283-5200 =.. 2.58 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#14818)2901 17 AVE SW , CALGARY , AB T3E 0B1(403) 246-3534 =................. 2.90 mi
    7-ELEVEN (#14819)2923 26 AVE SW , CALGARY , AB T3E 0M6(403) 246-3575 = ..................3.06 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#23037)2936 RADCLIFFE DRIVE S.E. , CALGARY , AB T2A 6M8(403) 272-3234 = .3.20 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#34474)#8, 920 NORTHMOUNT DR NW , CALGARY , AB T2L 0A9(403) 269-1462 =. 3.37 mi.
    7-ELEVEN (#15526)1619 37 ST SW , CALGARY , AB T3C 1S7(403) 246-3712 = ........................3.45 mi.
  15. Quiiliitiila

    It seems most 7-Elevens don't carry these cards anyway... At least the 7-Elevens in Connecticut D:
  16. Llaf

    Look, no offense to the people posting in this thread or anything, but this thread does not pertain in any way to gameplay or even the game at all. Why hasn't this thread been moved and/or closed? I've seen plenty of other threads that at least have something to do with PS2 get closed because they were not "gameplay" related. I'm calling you out mods.
  17. Shadestorm

    But do they carry the cards?
    I'm in Montreal, It's really rare to see a 7-11 here. You see them more frequently in ON but not as much as Calgary!
  18. Morpholine

    Did this really need an almost month-old necro?
  19. Shadestorm

    Guess not, just saw the alert for it lol. ><
  20. xTEExGOWx

    haa yea i do that to, see the alert a month later. but i have never checked if they do. i doubt it. i know walmart doesn't have them.