6 month Heroic boost or 1 month heroic boost

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheProScout, May 26, 2017.

  1. TheProScout

    Hello everyone, i think this is my first post on this forums,
    I had have an important question to ask, before i plummit another 50.000 daybreak cash into this game.

    It is that time of year again when the Heroic Month boosters are up for sale.

    Last year i bought 24 heroic month boosters to fill up both booster slots for an entire year.

    now that we are a year further, i again have the option to buy another 24.

    However during 30 days of Auraximas, i bought all 4 editions of Anniversary bundles.
    and with it i gotten 4 x 6 month heroic boost.

    Now here is my question, when i read the description of of the 6 month Heroic boost

    I am missing the 50% resource boost that the normal 1 month Heroic Boosts do have.

    Do the 6 months boosters have the 50% resources, but not written,
    or is it like its written and doesnt it have it,

    Extra xp is nice, but in all honesty for it is about the combination of 50% extra resources, wich makes it intresting for me.

    So i think i need to drop another 50k DBC in it, because these 6 month boosters turned out to be useless to me....
  2. Zagareth

    How about that you get an all access membership, incl. 50% XP and 50% resources?
    • Up x 1
  3. TheProScout

    I already have an 1 year all acces membership, wich indeed gives 50% xp and 50% resources, and having 24 Heroic 1 month boosters to fill both Booster slots for 1 full year, giving 150% xp and 150% resources for a full year. that is my goal.
  4. Liewec123

    the 6 month ones used to do both but they nerfed it a few anniversaries ago,
    now it just boosts xp, if they'd put the resource back on it then it might actually be worth while to BR100+
    XP isn't too useful when you've already unlocked everything you want...
    but more resourse is always useful!
  5. breeje

    this is what i found from a old (2013) official post, as far as i known nothing about the boosts are changed
    Heroic Boost - 6 Month: This boost will increase your experience and resource gain by 50% for 6 months. Yours for only 5000 Station Cash.

    best is to install one of them and see whats happening in the game
    see you in the outfit, pulling sunders/gals when we need them ;)
  6. TheProScout

    in the end i went for the extra 50% resources,

    i still had 4 heroic boosts over from last year, ( not all months i consecutively activated them )
    so this time i only had to buy 20 of them.

    since im also br 100+ im also more after the resources.
  7. TheProScout

    I forgotten at wich date i could buy these heroic 1 month boosters.
    so between the End of May, and the Beginning of June.


    gonna buy another 24 heroic boosters this year for the entire year !!!