50 SC for scopes/sights seems a bit steep

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GoyoElGringo, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. GoyoElGringo

    I'll pay that if it unlocks the scope or sight for all of my applicable guns, but otherwise it just seems like a better idea in the long run to just spend the 30 certs on all of my alts. Really, getting 30 certs is pretty easy so I don't see any benefit to spending real cash instead.

    Is anyone here actually ok with spending 50 SC for something that only costs 30 certs?
  2. DashRendar

    Well I already have pretty much all the scopes I'll ever need from certs, but I was wondering if the SC purchased scopes unlock on all weapons? I know they were working on a chrome laser sight that was supposed to unlock for all weapons when you bought it. Might not be a terrible idea if that's how this worked.

    You'd be surprised how quickly the funds for scopes add up when you need a couple different ones for each primary and you have a handful of primaries per class and 5 classes... I've probably spent a few thousand certs just in scopes if I think about it.
  3. GoyoElGringo

    No they only unlock on that one weapon. It works pretty much like buying with certs, except it's account-wide.
  4. WyrdHarper

    How silly. I would have assumed if you're spending money they'd at least unlock for everything--that's honestly the only reason I'd consider buying them. They're a minor purchase, but they add up--and 30 certs for each scope (5 for certain ones now cause kids these days blah blah blah) is fairly steep for a new player who has trouble earning certs. These days it's pocket change, but if they unlocked for everything, I'd probably consider spending the 50c on some scopes just to save myself the trouble.
  5. EmmettLBrown

    This kinda cash grab is why I'll always push people to play engineer or medic for certs.
  6. MrHenderson

    p2win my friend. Just wait, in a few months you'll be able to unlock auto-aim pistols for SC.

    Or if you don't wan't to wait, play Titanfall now.
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  7. Talthos

    Well, this makes the prospect of playing my currently neglected alts more tempting (seriously, when you're learning to play something other than your main faction, you want the big upgrades first, like the BIG upgrades, but you can't exactly live without that 2x reflex sight either).
  8. WyrdHarper

    Yeah--plus their weapons tend to be better for hipfiring and usually have okay ironsights (although the NC and VS ones are much better than the TR ones imo). Honestly, I think scopes should be unlocked for everything with certs, too. It's a weird design decision that has never really been re-examined, but it makes no sense when you think about it, other than to be a cert/money sink.
  9. TheRunDown

    I think it's a joke to even put SC on progress unlocks trees.
    Optics for crying out loud are 30 Certs.. that's repairing 2 Turrets or killing 8 people..

    The Problem, there putting it on Scopes because scopes are harmless... but when people get used to it, they'll most likely put SC on attachments, where does it end?

    If that happens this game will truly be "Pay to Win" FULLSTOP...

    I've already said my piece of what I think about Pay to unlock Progress in the patch notes.. I wont say again, cause I'll generally get mad, and got on a rant about how SOE wants money and PlanetSide 2 is barely PlanetSide as it stands..
  10. Paperlamp

    Some people've probably ended up with small amounts of SC left from spending smaller/less even numbers during various sales.

    Plus some players seem to enjoy throwing money @ practically anything, supporting the game and/or enough disposable income they just don't care about spending to essentially save a very small amount of time.

    Also on NS weapons you're potentially saving 30 certs on 3 characters which...is still only 90 certs which isn't a big deal either.
  11. AssaultPig

    some combination of sales left me with a total of 49 SC to my name :mad: Not that I'd probably buy a scope anyway, but still.

    also I can't say that it would really bother me if more skills and such were buyable with SC.
  12. GoyoElGringo

    Well I actually think buying a scope with SC and having it available for all weapons would be awesome. 50 sc for that is worth it, imo. I hate it when I get a new weapon and I automatically have to spend more certs to be able to shoot it comfortably or effectively. And sometimes I might just want to play around with a different scope, and not spend certs on it. For instance, maybe I want to try an IRNV scope on my LMG, but I'm not sure if the limitations of the scope will be a problem. Right now I've basically got to chance it and buy it, and maybe I don't like it in the end. I have a number of scopes and sights that I tried and never used again, and it's annoying to me.

    There's always going to be some P2W stuff going on in PS2. People with a subscription have a constant XP and resource boosts. And some of the best weapons are 1000 certs, which only makes them accessible to newer players if they use SC or a lot of boosts. I'm ok with that though, since the game is F2P and all non-cosmetic the items are unlockable with certs. I'd definitely spend 50-100 sc on attachments that I could use for all weapons. If I could buy thermal optics for my ESF for 100 sc and use it on all weapons, I'd be very happy. Same for things like soft-point and high-velocity ammo. I'm of the mindset that, the less the game feels like a grind for the "necessary" items, the better it is for me. And the only purpose of the grind for gear is to make people pay, since it's a F2P game. It shouldn't really be any surprise to anyone if they offer ways to circumvent the grind with cash.
  13. Robes

    I cant wait for my ES smart pistol
  14. Mastachief

    The price is a perfect gateway purchase for the game. 50sc is less than a chocolate bar and gives a new player instant scope use. What it also does is get people to put the minimum 500sc into their accounts thus generating more revenue for developement.

    It's not pay 2 win as you can cert unlock everything thats isnt a cosmetic.

    For all the tightasses you can still play completely for free.

    Though SOE need to be careful as paying for weapons and unlocks is a slippery slope.
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  15. GoyoElGringo

    I wouldn't say I'm a tight-*** at all, I've spent over $100 on this game so far, and I still have an ongoing subscription. My complaint is more that the 50sc price tag doesn't seem like a good idea when I can get 30 certs fairly easily(that's around my daily passive amount), so there needs to be some incentive there for me to spend SC. I can kinda understand if they put this in to help new players, but I think there should be some reason for people with SC lying around to buy them too. SOE probably doesn't care about that though, since that SC I have that I'm not using has already been purchased.
  16. Mastachief

    My tightass reference is aimed at people that never spend anything yet play for 100's of hours.

    This is clearly a feature aimed at new players only.
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  17. GoyoElGringo

    You might be right.
  18. NinjaTurtle

    Well the game needs money to continue being developed. If people want to waste their money on such trivial things let them... they are helping with prolonging your gaming experience ;)

    Personally I find spending money on optics pointless but what someone else does with their own income is their issue
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  19. Ash87

    Seriously, who gives a crap.

    50 SC? That is nothing. Literally, it is absolutely nothing. 50 cents.

    50 cents.

    No, that is not pay to win, no that is not a slippery slope to pay to win... That is half a dollar, that you don't need to pay, because you'll get 30 certs in like... 10 minutes of play.

    Come back with legitimate complaints when we never get to the situation where you can Only buy something powerful with SC.
  20. doombro

    Agreed. I have 47 SC. When will I be able to rid myself of it?