42nd Highlander Guards

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Swordsbane, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Swordsbane

    The 42nd HG is recruiting again. Wednesday, April 22nd we will be assisting novices and newbies in Planetside 2, conducting training exercises and providing assistance and tricks/tips for combat maneuvers, particularly with Sunderers and Vanguards. Of course we hope you will consider joining the 42nd, but all are welcome, even if you are a member of another Outfit, we will still offer our experience and assist in training.

    The 42nd Highlander Guards is an Armored Cavalry unit, preferring Vanguards and Sundies and use mobility and firepower as solutions to most problems. We only use the command channel in game to coordinate with other units and outfits. For everything else we use teamspeak 3. Our server is: 42hg.typefrag.com

    Web Site is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/floatingbadger/

    Hope to see you Wednesday.