40k outfit

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Sledgecrushr, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Sledgecrushr

    Anybody know of or is running a N. American 40k inspired outfit?
  2. Hader

    Haha, I used to be actually. Sort of inquisition oriented. Was just me and some friends though so nothing big or serious. I have not seen one here or anywhere since though.,
  3. Sledgecrushr

    The only one I know about is Elysian Drop Troopers. They are on a euro server and I would have lag and playtime issues. I am certainly going to try them out but I would like to know about US inspired 40k outfits.
  4. RobotNinja

    You mean an outfit with a name that references 40k? Because that's basically where the "40k inspired" will end. Just join a good outfit. I wouldn't worry too much about the name.
  5. Sledgecrushr

    It should be more than just a name. Im up for a little 40k rp while Im blasting away at heretics and the unclean.