4-9-13 Daily Sale: Sirius/Hailstorm/Blitz (SMGs)

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by zaspacer, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. zaspacer

    Today's Daily Sale are the "2nd Round" (notably have a larger Magazine Size) SMGs:
    PDW-16 Hailstorm (TR)
    Blitz GD-10 (NC)
    Sirius SX12 (VS)

    You can see weapon details here.

    They are normally 700 SC/1000 Certs, but are 350 SC with the sale.
    • Up x 1
  2. Lazaruz

    Actually, I have the Liberator tail gun daily sale and the Bolt action sniper rifle member sale... Odd.
    • Up x 1
  3. zaspacer

    Liberator A30 Walker was yesterday's sale. I saw the Member sale for today update first with the high end Bolt Actions, and at that time the Liberator gun was still up. But then when I relogged with a different character I saw the 2nd Round SMGs up as well.

    They are two of the top Infiltrator weapons in the game, and the SMG is usable by all Infantry Classes (except MAX). I went ahead and bought all 3 copies (all factions) of each gun. :eek:
  4. LibertyRevolution

  5. zaspacer

    I feel your fun in this case < getting info out to players. I am sorry that it was ruined for you though.

    I did not know about the monthly Daily Sales thread, and I bet a lot of others don't know about it as well. But it looks like a thread that is put up AFTER the sales are over. What use is that to the person that wanted to buy the item on the sale day?

    A lot of players have a hard time stretching their budgets to enjoy the game. I want to make sure that they get alerted to the opportunities that could help them.
  6. Alex Heartnet

    I just grabbed the Mercenary bundle a short while back, so I fail to see the need to buy a second SMG.

    Do indeed wait for sales whenever possible, I am certainly glad I waited to get my Cyclone. I love the Piston that came with it :)