3x Station Cash? I ain't buying nothing.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheDarthMoogle, Dec 17, 2012.

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  1. TheDarthMoogle

    Merge the servers. Please.

    I got Alpha Squad, and I'm cool with the stuff I have, but I'm not spending anything until I can be sure that this game will continue to deliver on what I love about it - huge battles. 2 out of 3 continents being nigh on empty is unacceptable.

    Multiple posts on this topic haven't generated any response either.

    I know you're on holiday, but your 6-month plan won't be worth a thing if your playerbase has buggered off somewhere else by February.
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  2. Cyridius

    Don't merge the servers ffs. Consolidating what we have is not the answer, we need the population to go back into growth. Merging the servers wont do a thing, the populations will continue to shrink and the servers will be under populated all over again. SOE needs to get their **** together and improve the game's mechanics by reducing the ******* grind so F2P Guys(Who provide 90%+ of the content) stick around, having a better intro for new guys, and jacking up the Metagame BIG TIME.
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  3. Izriul

    All they need is advertisement, and a lots of it.

    Game has issues, so what, EVERY MMO, EVERY game has issues.
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  4. Quickscope

    LOL this guy.
  5. Alphablue

    Station cash isn't exclusive to PS2.

    So, you know, there's that.
  6. Over00

    The problem is the content. There is nothing encouraging you to stay beyond your outfit and cert grinding. Until they implement additional content with a purpose then I suspect we will see a gradually declining population.

    For the time being, I am happy playing with my outfit daily. But over the last couple of days I have noticed declining numbers online at prime time and had a few rant posts on the forums.

    Fingers crossed SOE listen as this game has so much potential!
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  7. Daedrick

    I truely hope this is sarcasm. Advertisements that doesn't tell the truth about a game isn't going to keep whatever player they can get. Major things need fixing and if the game was that great it wouldn't need any advertising because everybody would play it.
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  8. lsp1

    I am def taking advantage of the triple sc.
  9. RadarX

    As you mention there are in fact multiple posts on this topic and in order to help us consolidate feedback I'm going to ask we use those. Thanks for your help in this.
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