304th Star Knights are recruiting.

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Elansir, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Elansir



    The Star Knights are a newly formed Outfit consisting of a handful of players new to the Planetside Universe and the Mattherson Server.

    Our Goals:

    Our long-term goal is to become a lethal fighting force for the Terran Republic. Operating with smart Tactics and Discipline, we will become a strategically placed dagger in our enemies' backsides. Be it a rolling Armor Division laying down suppression fire to cover a base offensive, or the Galaxy dropping troops behind enemy lines, we intend to be on the frontlines of the Planetside War.

    While we value discipline and teamwork above all else, you are encouraged to bring your sense of humor to the fight as well. We're a pretty casual group of guys that have played together for many years across many games.

    Being new to Planetside, we definitely feel that our numbers are lacking and definitely have a noticeable effect on our combat effectiveness. That being said, we're not looking to take in all the masses out there.

    A successful applicant should:
    Be courteous and respectful, we understand griefing and naysaying, but would prefer it be kept to a minimum and out of the public eye.

    Be a teamplayer. We want to be the best, we expect the same from you as well. But being a teamplayer doesn't mean blindly following the leadership into battle. We encourage growth as a player, squadmate, and should it be your interest, additional squad leaders as well. Your success is our success.We value your voices and ideas as well. If you have a better idea to take that hardened outpost, we want you to speak up. See an exposed enemy flank? Let us know, and we'll be all too happy to pound some lead into it. At the same time, we work as a unit, when orders are being given out, we expect you to follow them. A cohesive well trained force is the goal.

    Have an eye for the details and be strategically minded. We want to play smart, not mindlessly run into a wall of enemy gunfire like lemmings.

    Still Reading?
    If any of the above appeals to you, by all means, contact us at your leisure. We're actively recruiting all mature, teamplayers, young or old, noob or hardened vet. Being a newly established, and very small outfit, we don't have much to offer at the moment, except open arms, friendship and teamwork. We don't require you to have a mic (but strongly encourage and prefer that you do), we typically use the ingame voice chat, though we do have a TS3 server available should the need arise.

    How to contact us:
    Feel free to pm me through the forums, email me, or contact any of our recruiters in game.

    Active Recruiters:

    We thank you for your time.
    Good luck out there.

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