3 Empire Warpgate farm > Warpgate farms > Alert Wins > Outfit Resource Ghostcaps

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Mar 8, 2024.

  1. AuricStarSand

    That's the order it should go if you want to be a EXPERT SQUAD PLATOON Leader. IF you don't understand that oder, then plls pleassee don't be a leader ever, for ps2.

    I'm so tired of seeing people who view PS2 in the opposite order. Literally the opposite. People don't understand that 3 empire warpgate farms are the touchdown expeirience to any longterm vet squad pub leader.

    So they don't touchdown, half the allied army redeploys. After getting near a warpgate. & I have to yell at them all to return; to try to start the 3 empire farm at the enemy warpgate.

    It's way too tough. Where are the redesigned 3 bases for every warpgate remodeled with better roads linked all 3 bases for every warpgate & tosssing events for path to warpgates.

    I sound like a madman for yelling at entire armies to start these 3 empire warpgate farms. & I'd rather not. I'd rather their is features for Warpgate farms. For all 3 empires. Even if that means editing some warpgate bases for the main 4 maps; seeing as Oshur isn't gonna be worked on. I agree. Save funds for Koltyr; Nexus; & remodeling the warpgate 3 bases for every Indar Amerish Hossin & Esamir Warpgate roads, trenches, and point system else events.

    However having warpgate as only a " way to make links turn offline " isn't having people farm them for 1 hour which to me as a vet, is better than a warpgate win, at least when the entire server ignores 3 empire warpgate farms for months at a time. & Always redeploys before they get started.

    I've yelled about this on and off for years. At Wildcards outfit. Now for how NC just ruined the WG 3 empire party by redeploying before they toughdown with the 3 empire fight.
  2. ganthercage

    You're absolutely right