3 Cheaters in 2 hours, can only open one ticket at a time. Problem.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NC_agent00kevin, May 17, 2014.

  1. NC_agent00kevin

    So something about this weekend seems to have brought out the cheaters in full force. Have watched 3 different players all using a teleport hack within the last couple hours. They all appeared to be using aimbots as well. One seems to have made it to BR 64 and has been playing since Feb 2014.

    Why can I only open one support ticket at a time?
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  2. Utrooperx

    San Diego is burning down...the chances they won't get caught are good...so here they come!
  3. Klypto

    I still write them off as laggers.
  4. Rogueghost

    I wish I could play the game longer than 15 minutes without crashing so I could worry about cheaters....
  5. NC_agent00kevin

    Well, I replied to Klypto but I am not allowed to discuss what happened to it...

    In a nutshell, it was perfectly clear these dudes were cheating.
  6. Klypto

    I read the post.

    Probably because you mentioned a name.
  7. NC_agent00kevin

    Well, at least you got to it first. I changed the name...apparently it was not enough.

    I think this kinda exposes SOE's 'anti cheat' for what it is though...or what it is not :p
  8. Codex561

    Teleporting seems to be lag. The other day when I was playing with my outfit, I was holding a corner and shooting everything that went passed it. So I saw a guy peek out, I shot him not doing enough damage to kill him. Then after a few seconds he teleports into my face and shoots me dead.

    Panicking I took a friendly down with me :p
  9. NC_agent00kevin

    It wasnt lag.

    You encounter the same dude with a name that advertises his cheating and every time you see each other he warps across the base directly behind you and everyone else, its not f****** lag.

    FYI his character has also been deleted already. Now I just need to see his two cheating buddies gone too.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    Lagging players will teleport through objects, like appear half in the terrain.
    Hackers will teleport and land on terrain not in it, usually right behind an enemy.
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  11. Codex561

    I knew the guy well. He dont hack.
  12. Silkensmooth

    2 months is way more than enough time to get br64. You have no idea how many hours per day they play.
  13. Silkensmooth

    Not saying that there arent cheaters because i know there are. When some guy hits you with nothing but headshots from 200 meters with a gaus saw something is funny.