[Suggestion] 3 Capture Point Towers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xMihr, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. FeiXue

    No unified mechanics will work because not only layouts differ but also because how tower and adjacent buildings are positioned into the world. And then how whole region is positioned in relation to surrounding regions. What works for Crown will not work for Crux HQ.

    Facilities need more variety in regard to capture mechanics down to LLU, cap points of different importance, progression caps to name a few. Each tower and main base then needs to have cap mechanics which works best for how it is designed and where it is. Finally, each type of cap mechanics needs to be adjusted on individual case. Only then we'll reach a point where we have "fair" fights.

    This whole process takes time, a lot of time. Only thing I'd like to hear from SOE is that they want to make bases as unique as possible.
  2. Endlos

    I was talking with a friend in Vent about this very thing the other night, and we were even using Crossroads Watchtower as an example.

    I definitely think there needs to be a rework in the system. Some bases should be set up so that you cannot take them unless you hold the defining characteristic of the base. It seems wrong and downright silly that any attacking force can capture the Crossroads Watchtower without ever actually setting foot in the Crossroads Watchtower.

    There needs to be some kind of altered setup. Changing it to a 1-CC base probably isn't a good answer. I personally like the idea of having an [ B or C ] -> A mechanic. Say A is the tower, and B and C are the small, meaningless buildings. To cap the base you need to flip A, but you cannot flip A unless you have B or C. You still don't need all three, but it makes an attacking force actually have to breach the tower.

    Another pet peeve is that biolab in northwestern Indar, can't remember the name. The place is undefendable. At 100% enemy influence, the building can be flipped just by point D, that silly little shack that isn't even in the biolab. Why can an entire aerial domed fortress ever be conquered by two dudes standing in the utility shed on the ground?
    • Up x 1
  3. centurionvi

    This drives me crazy too. Tower bases tend to have the best battles in my opinion, but its so cheesy how attackers can plop a Sunderer next to the B and C points and camp the outdoor points to win. I really like the Indar Bay base, with 2 cap points and a big battleground in between, too bad its on the fringe end of the map where no one ever goes.
  4. Tenzin

    A quick fix could be to allow the attacking side to get very close to capping, but the last couple points HAVE to come from having all the points capped. (including A) It's really cheesy to be defending against a large force, having them sit in their magriders and never touch A, and have them capture the base simply because they sat at the far away B and C control points.


    [IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ] Base is not yet secure, capture & hold A to secure the base!
    [IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII] Facility Captured <Facility name here> (after A, B, and C are held)
  5. VexTheRaven

    A suggestion I saw that I liked was to make Point A a x/4 capture point instead of a x/2 capture point. This way, if the defenders have 4 people on Point A, and equal or greater influence than the attackers, they can continue to hold the base, without changing the underlying capture mechanics.