[Suggestion] 3-Bodyshot kill too scary?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Leckermatz, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Leckermatz


    I am a really big fan of DMRs and semi automatic rifles in shooters. Most of them reward accurate players with a faster-than-average time to kill even at closer range.
    Planetside2 is an exception.
    The developers seem very scary about the idea of having semi automatic weapons which kill fast, with the example of the "no-3-bodyshot-rule" at longer than close range (the magical 334 damage border, which practically is a 4 shot kill, since you have either armor, regeneration, healing or a bio lab).

    Why is that? Because you don't have a killcam? I don't quite understand this philosophy.
    I would like to play aggressively with semi automatic, but in this game you should play full auto or bolt action. Semi seems to much of a nice weapon. Instead of making them a support weapon, they should reward aggressive assassination. Smg fire is causing too much unwanted attention, bolt action is too slow for me for picking out more than one enemy. The trap is the only weapon which I would consider to play, if it wouldn't be so bad. It's a shame that infiltrators are treated with kids gloves, instead of giving them something which is really worth their name.
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  2. ShotgunGuru

    Amen, we need a 2 shot kill, low mag cap gun
  3. Alarox

    Usually, I like to use semi-automatic weapons with high damage/shot and accuracy. In Planetside 2... not so much.

    This game is all about how many shots you can put out. High TTK and CoF mean you're always better off moving around like crazy and spraying at your enemy. It is terrible for semi-autos. The only times when I want one are at long-range when picking people off. Except they're marginally better than full-autos. I find the full-auto scout rifle for each faction to be more effective than the respective semi-autos.

    Game has lots of flinch? This hurts slow-firing weapons more. Game has high TTK? It minimizes the benefits of using a semi-automatic. Game has CoF mechanics? You want guns that put out lots of bullets rather than ones that suffer heavily from missed shots.
  4. drhead

    The 400dmg sniper rifles (including the low zoom one) can three-shot within 70 meters, but everyone has nanoweave. I have a lot of fun using the Phantom. It's nice to see that there are other people who acknowledge that bolt action rifles aren't the only Infiltrator weapons in the game.
  5. cyb_

    This happened to me yesterday again. At close range (10m!) I was able to quickly hit the target 3 times ... he turns and kills me with his SMG. Meh.
  6. Akashar

    Amen! I hate infiltrators with smgs, love them with vandal, but it is hard to use in close quarters. A shame, because the vandal made me use the infiltrator, like no other weapon did.
  7. KnightCole

    Actually, games with CoF are more about slower, more accurate fire because the game with Cof usually has the bloom heavily bloom out when you fire much past a few rounds at a time.. BF2142, that game was all about Cof and more about single shots from mid range. I remember my time with the Baur, which is kinda like a DMR in this game. I would take it into single shot and at times would outshoot Voss users who were spraying me full auto. That game was not very nice to full auto fire. Even their Machineguns used a backwards fire model...the longer it fires the more accurate it is, but it stops firing after like 20 rounds due to overheat. They were very tricky guns to learn...but I eventually did and hte Ganz became one my favorite weapons...and it also ruined me...which is why I prefer LMGs now to smaller cap weapons. BF2142 had hideous CoF mechanics....

    Mostly im ok with PS2's non 2 shot kill noob guns....Ghost Recon Phantoms has OHK snipers, regardless where it hits you....that kinda stuff just doesnt need to be in PS2. Might be why I want to like this game, despite all it's flaws. I like the overall feel and TTK of it. It doesnt really have to much of that insta kill easy street weaponry, aside from Flash grenade launchers, PPA and Banshees...most infantry weapons are cool. We dont have rocklets..spamming endless explosions in hopes of some noob kills.....that kinda stuff murders game imo...
  8. Leckermatz

    Is there a word from the developer why they try to avoid any consistent 3-shot kill? I mean, even the marksman rifles in this game aren't more than support weapons.
  9. Rikkit

    in my opinion any boltaktion with straight pull, especially the low zoom is kind of superior to the semi auto...
  10. Leckermatz

    Yes, that is problem! Apart from the personal feeling, there is no real reason to play semi-automatic (if you are already experienced in this game).
  11. BillHaverchuck

    No... It depends on the situation and on the player (can he/she sustain headshots at all or most situations?). If you run solo and face to face yeah bolt action is far superior. I find scout rifles better when flanking/backstabbing or running with group of allies. Not to mention the EMP + scout combo.

    On topic... Not many people realise that but SOE really tries to have all the guns around a specific TTK. They want to balance between the people who are good and want killstreaks and the nubs that get easily killed, frustrated and eventually quit. I know that bolt action have a zero TTK (if aimed at head) but 2nd kill takes enough time, careful aim and much skill.
  12. Mustarde

    Semi autos are underrated by many IMO. They truly shine with headshots, but are viable even with a preference for body shots. Lately I've been favoring the KSR-35, which is a TR close range variant. Here's some gameplay footage.

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  13. Rift23

    Before the nanoweave nerf, SAs were king. While I'd rather start with a BAR (only reason I'd ever make an NC character)a well-timed double-tap can still drop Mr. Rocket spammer/turret fixture before he knows what's going on. Also, it's fun to suppress windows/doorways at long range by spamming lots of shots through so they think there's a whole squad of BARs shooting in.
  14. Leckermatz

    They are not underrated, they are too niché to be viable. It is not that special to kill people from the side, you can use any weapon for that Mustarde. I really want to love semi-auto, I tried every one of them, but it still can't hold up to any other weapon. The number of players using dmrs is speaking for themself. Especially the TRAP is a pain to use. Why they the devs don't even TRY to buff them? I mean, it is ridiculous how cautious they handle the infiltrator weapons.
  15. Leckermatz

    Another thing I just noticed: There isn't even a scout rifle directive. What the **** do they think? Is there any statement from the devs about dmrs for infiltrator and why they have to be so intentionally bad?
  16. Iridar51

    Compared to other "modern shooters", TTK in PlanetSide is generally longer. That's one of the reasons I love this game.
    So it's not like semi autos are intentionally penalized over other weapons; all of them kill longer than "usual".
  17. RavenCZ

    Soe logic . Scout rifle directive : All wepons exept for one is for infiltrator and guess what . Directive scout rifle cant be used by infiltrator ! Gj .
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  18. Leckermatz

    I mean, compared to other weapons from ps2. In the actual gameplay, they are penalized. I am not talking about 2 shot kills like in Battlefield or in Call of Duty.
  19. lawn gnome

    pick up a nova or other similar shotgun and put slugs on it. 3 body shots will kill anything short of a shielded heavy at ANY range.
  20. Leckermatz

    Not for Inf ;)