2x defense bonus + 1/2 Cap points = clear frontlines. Alt, Cap cooldown

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yerk, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Yerk

    Aside from the current faction imbalances, hacking, and friendly fire exploitation, one thing they need to fix is merry go round frontlines.

    Currently, players simply leave their bases as soon as they cap. The value of capping bases is much higher than the value of owning the bases. The value of the base has to tilt towards ownership rather than towards cap farming them in circular musical chairs type of raiding.

    If a base has actual value in terms of accumulating cert point (nee much bigger defense bonuses), then clear frontlines will be established.

    Planetside 2 supposed to be a clash of 3 factions over territory, but as it is players are more interested in empty base capping rather fighting and defending for territories.

    Again, ownership of the bases has to of highest value to the faction and a priority, not giving them up to retake them again.

    An alternative (or in addition) is to set base capping a COOLDOWN (with the timers labelled in the map and nodes).
    example values:
    Large bases = 1 hour cooldown before it can be retaken
    Medium bases = 30 minutes before it can be retaken
    Small bases = 20 minutes before it can be retaken

    If a Base has been taken, then the attacker then must attack again. If the next bases cannot be taken in the next hour, then the defenders can now counterattack. This not only will establish clear frontlines, it will also open up better continental map strategies and fluid attack/defend patterns.

    Planetside 2 really need a better flow of battles and solid frontlines not a bunch of hazy, irrational battle lines where the only object is to cap more bases for cap points.