[Suggestion] 2 new vanu max weapons

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Hackerr, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Hackerr

    ok so i recently got these 2 ideas for vanu max weaponry, i think they are probably a bit overpowered, but i could have overcompensated so they could be underpowered, anyway i have decided to call them The Defender Left/Right and The Plasma LS Left/Right. i am willing to accept better name suggestions, and i will make the appropriate edits to their abilities as i read peoples opinions on the matter.

    Vanu Shield Arm
    possible name: Defender Left/Right (both would be Defender Full)
    Vanu only, cause we use energy weapons and everyone else doesnt.
    blocks all solid projectiles and explosives.
    so vanu can shoot guns through it (cause they shoot plasma bullets)
    but cant throw grenades, cause they are solid.

    projects a frontal only field that's enough to cover one infantry unit on each side and
    high enough to cover a normal size door.

    As stated blocks solid projectiles+explosions
    has a battery charge
    starts at 100% battery
    loses 2% per second when active, but can be certed to lose 2% every 5 seconds max, but costs a lot
    (maybe have it increase the time it takes to lose 1% by 1 second every level, the first one costing 500,
    the last one costing 2000)
    (certs only, no station cash)
    loses 1% for every 12.5% rocket core explosive damage (applies to other explosives as well, such as C4,
    but frag gernades are completely blocked.(so one rocket brings it down 8%, one heavy carries 5 so thats 40%)
    bullets and other solid matter completly blocked.
    when a Defender Left and Defender Right are equiped it merges the energy pool to 200%
    it can be certed to reduce the explosives effect on the shield so it takes 25% explosive damage (so one rocket=4%)
    but the energy pool is halved. (so only one arm would be 50% total battery, 2 arms would be 100% battery)
    when energy pool is empty it can be certed to then feed off health, but then the explosive resistance is at half

    when active movement speed reduced by 60%
    ability sprint can't be activated with a defender equipped
    and regular sprint not available
    nano regen available
    shield can go through solid objects
    can't use other arms weapon while shield is active, unless its a Defender

    vanu light saber arm
    possible name: Plasma LS Right/Left (both would be Plasma LS Full)
    vanu only
    beam is purple in color.

    Range: 1.5m
    Intsant Kill
    other maxs take 3 slashes
    can damage vehicles (have not decide how much.
    increases movement speed by 50% and both sprints speed effect by 25% when active
    starts at 100% battery
    looses 8% per second when active (i mean a beam + boost speed=a lot of buff, gotta make it a short but powerful
    dual means 200% battery and movement speed increased by 60% (overall) both sprints at 35% more effective
    dual means 2 slashes to take down a max, and improved damage against vehicles.
    when dualing health total is lowered by 1/2
    active or not any launcher can lock on to you and when you dual they can lock on 2X faster
  2. Hackerr

    and bumping
  3. Hackerr

    ok so 67 ppl have looked at this and no one is saying anything???
  4. Santiak

    You shield-arm is basically a boosted version of the NC MAX units shield ability from PS1.

    In my opinion, it would remove the VS MAX from the general VS philosophy of mobility over longevity or damage, even when talking about MAX units.

    More on topic, I get the impression you are looking for something that allows it to push the frontline back by pure brute force, as the stats you post suggest, but in my opinion that's not something this game needs, at least not now - or ever.
    Again, in my opinion.

    The longevity of it along with the ability to simply wade through a base systematically, sounds more like herding violent protesters or clearing lightly armed people out of a building, than fighting an army.
    Also, the ability for VS to shoot through the shield is just overpowered, to put it nicely yet bluntly.
    The same applies if we were talking about an equivalent ability for TR and NC.

    Seeing as I disagree with the idea itself, I can't really come with any suggestions.
    At most I could imagine an ability that temporarily shielded the MAX from taking damage, but depleted rapidly if fired upon by anything - like the HA shield, maybe a bit stronger - and even if not under attack would drain somewhat rapidly on its own. That is, however, more suitable for the NC MAX.

    As for the lightsaber, again, not my cup of tea.
    Other than that, the playerbase is already struggling with discussing/solving the issue of a weapon that is nigh-capable of insta-gibbing infantry, and downing MAX units in the same time as 3 ordinary melee strikes would take. :)
  5. TheEvilBlight

    It might be OP if a MAX could carry a spawn-room type shield that could be fired through by people behind it.

    That said, some kind of shield that can protect infantry behind it as they close up on a back door could be useful. I imagine it would just be a big grenade target though.

    I just want close-in defense: automatic frag launchers that can be discharged to kill people at close range (sides? Rear?). Make it cost infantry resources and I'd be set.
  6. Ocaml

    Maybe just add suit ability: Protection Shield, which will block all damage for people standing behind the MAX (read: no grenade explosions damaging people behind the MAX). Or even make it baseline.
  7. Hackerr

    well i would not know about PS1, i have never played it, but i have noticed there are no team defense type abilities or equipment. and that is why i wanted to suggest one. this would allow for max users to go purely defensive which would be useful when say a spawn room is surrounded by enemies, and i guess i could modify it so that neither side could shoot through, but that means that all people need to do is get right in front of the shield and wait for it to go down, making it only a time staller, not a viable defensive measure. though i could have a damage modifier so that our weapons do less damage once it goes through. and if you think of it the VS is suppose to have no bullet drop and yet infiltrator snipers have bullet drop AND lower damage over distance. so the philosophy thing is rather irrelevant, in fact i do not see why a high tech shield does not match the philosophy of the VS who worship the advancement of technology based off of an alien race.

    and while the saber can insta kill troops, and 3 hit maxes, the VS max would first have to get within 1.5 meters, meaning someone with a rocket launcher 15-40 meters away, who can lock on to the max (if it has a lock on) has a good possibility of killing it.
    and thats 1on1, if you have more people then its even simpler.

    but either way i thank you for your well thought out arguments, and some ways i can lower its OP.