2 items to disturb the enemy

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Candarian, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Candarian


    a radar false information emitter

    run in the enemy base drop it and the enemy see enemys everywhere(like somebody spotted a enemy
    it spam these things at random
    the better the item the more false information for the enemy


    a lock-on device

    so what for could it be used for on a infiltrator?


    just some sounds at the enemy tank/aircraft to let them think they are targeted


    same like a and but u mark the enemy for lock-on-weapons too
    and marked enemys can be locked-on before u see them(in buildings or behind a hill)

    its not that u fire it in the air and hit
    u have to leave your hiding place but the time tanks or air can shoot you will be shorter

    if reaver or prawler as example spawncamp u dont have the time to lock-on after u leave(u would be dead)
    but now u leave and shoot(because u have allready aimed) and maybe get back alive
  2. NC supporter

    Your radar thing will cause immense lag if mass amounts of people equip it and spam it which will probably happen as it allows for massive infiltrating. B makes absolutely no sense but a sounds legit. Your last comment I do not understand either so please clarify on your last few thoughts.
  3. Candarian

    its not a holo-infantry that run around its only on the radar
    like add some dots on a rl-radar this add a max symbol like someone spotted a enemy max
    it just show false spotting infos on the radar
    some symbols on the radar should not cause any lag

    there is air flying over a base and u are a spy
    if u use this item the enemy get a lock-on-warning(with sound)

    and b

    if the spy used his lock-on than your lock-on-weapon know the position of the enemy
    u can lock-on on the same target even if a wall/hill is between u and the target(wouldnt work normaly)
    and if u step out of the building or go over the hill u can shoot without waiting for your weapon to lock-on

    normaly u are dead by rockets or he-shots befor u finished the lock-on

    or u can just jump and fire over the wall because u have allready aimed
  4. Linheru

    We already have the Decoy Grenade. Just sayin'.
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  5. REZistance

    1) Yeah, I think the Decoy Grenade already does what your first suggestion says. I have yet to try it, but it's on my list just for kicks. I have a question for anyone who has used the Decoy Grenade.. does the Infiltrator shout 'FRAG OUT' when he throws the DG, thereby giving away the ruse before it even plays out? (I always hated that FRAG OUT thing, seems so unnecessary and just gives away your position and intentions when you want to sneak a nade into a crowd of guys)

    2a) A false lock-on signature might be useful for making a vehicle leave the area, or at the very least create short-lived confusion. I'm having trouble though trying to imagine a situation where this would prove all that useful.

    2b) The laser-pointer idea I actually like, but I can already hear the crying and moaning from players about having no chance against a basically instant lock-on. If this were to make it in game, the Infiltrator would have to be uncloaked in order to use this ability and therefore he leaves himself vulnerable to enemies while sighting vehicles for friendly rocket launchers.
  6. Scudmungus

    We only need one item to truly disturb the enemy.

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  7. WarmasterRaptor

    Damn. Thank you, now my eyes are bleeding. :confused:
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  8. DatVanuMan

    Only your allies can hear automated sounds. For example, there are two NC infiltrators. One of them kills a Terran one, and she/he will say,"Got one". Only the other NC infiltrator can hear that:)
  9. DatVanuMan

    Have a female version of that? XD
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  10. WarmasterRaptor

    For strange reasons, I think it would be censored, would lock this thread and even maybe ban the user :\

    But hey, sex equality right? ;)
  11. DatVanuMan

    Indeed. EVERYONE is equal! ...
    Nah, blacks are still hated and religious people are told to die.
    Good life!
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  12. Linheru

    Some animals are more equal than others.
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  13. Sevinos

    Please. We already have infiltrator booty and Decoy Grenades. What else do we need?
    I wish they'd bring back the recon drone though. People would focus fire on that thing till it fell and give us time to put a bullet in their ears.