17th Recon Ops Group [17RO] - Stealthy squadular stuffs&things

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Sidecar77, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Sidecar77


    About 17RO:

    This is the beginning. The 17th Reconnaissance Operations Group is new on the PS scene, but we've all got a hard on for FPS. We have a lot of experience in other realms and do our damnedest to translate those skillz on Auraxia. We are firm believers in the "Combined Arms" approach and go to lengths to fill gaps our TR brothers cant man. We prefer self sufficient squads with overall goals, to micromanaged platoons, and we accommodate all play styles. (I personally won't run into a generator room with a friendly EMP grenade tossed ahead of me). We currently have no home continent or home base, but we're open to the idea. We're also too new to have been invited to any Outfit Alliances, tho we are hopeful - once we see little 17ROs everywhere!

    MIC Requirements:
    • Being a small outfit, we rarely compete across a scale that the in-game voice can't handle. Vent, TS, etc.. are not a requirement to run under 17RO.
    • A mic is not required to join the Outfit but is recommended if you like to lead squads, or hear yourself speak.

    We started this Outfit so that we could work in teams, but make our own objectives without some Outfit leaders ******** at us. So if some Outfit leaders ***** at 17RO leaders for team kills, harassment, or jerking off at the warp gate, we'll get quite annoyed with you.
    • No Team Kills- Mute the guy. Troll him on the forums. But DO NOT shoot him for the hell of it.
    • No harassing the children. This game if for everyone. Some people take it more seriously than others, and some lack the capacity to take it seriously at all- Odds are, you're being trolled and insults/foul language is only going to stoke the fire.
    • Don't show your *** at the warp gate. Everyone logs on at those places and they see the [17RO] well before they see your name. If you can't keep your galaxy upright, hit the Virtual Reality area and practice.
    • FUN, Have it!

    We are currently recruiting.
    • Most recruiting will be done in game. Message any member carrying the 17RO tag and they'll get you to an officer than can invite you.
    • Posting here will work.. eventually. (We may only get this thread weekly)

    Our Ranks aren't in depth. They are merely a permissions system that will gauge our trust in your character, and not our trust in your ability. (Quite frankly, we mostly suck..)

    • Commander - Full rights, Creators of the Outfit
    • Officer - Outfit recruiting, MOTD, promotion, kick/ban players
    • Veteran - Outfit recruiting
    • Scout - You show up.
    • Runner - You breathe.
  2. Sidecar77

  3. Sidecar77

  4. NC Sniper

    I would be interested in joining, but I have a few questions. Are we capturing small or large bases? my computer cant handle fights above 1-12 very well. Secondly, My BR on this server is 2, but I spend most of my time on another server with a BR19 character
  5. Sidecar77

    I feel it's only fair to say that 17RO is in a bad shape. I am literally the only active player right now. The other members are friends and co-workers from the CoD/Halo communities and "have lives" and haven't played longer than it took to join the Outfit. I am currently looking for another small outfit to merge with, but I'm holding out until the Outfit Recruitment in-game is setup- to hopefully draw some infiltrators into the family.

    That being said, and in response to your post- I would be thrilled to have you to play with. My current rig is a bit weak as well, so I tend to play infil in the satellites around the larger battles. I find that I can still make a difference infiltrating, capping points behind enemy lines, and playing a little "turret-denial" with a close-range sniper setup. I like to stay away from the heat, partially because of my frames per second and partially because my tower is hooked to a 50" LCD- so my close quarters reaction times have tanked. TRANSLATION: I stay close enough to large battles to ensure myself a good target/xp pool, but far enough to maintain my frames per second.

    If you like to play infiltrator like me, I could use some company, and we can really start recruiting! Let me know if you're still interested. Either here, or friend me in game @ sidecar77.
  6. Sidecar77

    17RO is actively recruiting once again!

    A few key members are back from hiatus and some others had some gaming upgrades completed. Still looking for Infil mains looking for small but active squads(12v12 mostly). Checking the threads more often now, so don't be shy!
  7. Alex097

    I would like to join.
    Can you add me ingame and I'll accept the invite when I get on.
    My ingame TR name is Alex097
    I'm usually on Saturday to Sunday(8 pm to 10 pm)
    I've always wanted to join an Infiltrator Outfit.

    PS. During January to February I won't be on the servers much because I'll be moving
  8. Sidecar77

    We'll be glad to have you!

    I'll pass the word on to the officers, they'll be sure to get you added!

    Also, I haven't updated these forums yet, but we're building a nifty website in the backwaters of the internet. Check it out and toss us an application! We post all of our events, discuss tactics, and share our lulz.

  9. Alex097

    I'm not sure of this yet but can you guys actually recruit when I am Offline?
    I don't know because I haven't yet gotten a Invite
    I'll be on tommorow (maybe on Indar or wherever a squad or platoon will take me.)
    If you see me, please be sure to send an invite
  10. Sidecar77

    I believe you are correct. Outfit invites haven't picked you up, but I've asked the guys to send a friend request(I believe they send when you're offline as we'll). Look out for SpinBot and Sogetsue. And thanks for you patience, look forward to playing with you!
  11. Alex097

    I really want to be playing right now but all my stuff from my last home is still coming.........
    So you should expect me to be on in March or start of April.
    Sorry if I haven't been active lately
    Which time zones are you guys at?
    I'm in Turkey sooooo.