15 shots from 2 meters - not a SINGLE hit

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pashgan, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Pashgan

    Opened fire (I was first), shot (from hip, "alpha squad" engineer carbine) ~15 bullets from 2-3 meters - didn't even scratch the guy.

    Really - what the hell is this coding and gameplay, SOE?! If you want to make people buy $7 Pandora or VX7-something - just explicitly state it and I'll purchase it immediately instead of waiting for 50% daily deal discount.
  2. smokemaker

    90% chance your aim
    9% chance enemy actions
    .9% chance connection
    .01% chance code
  3. Phyr

    Shenanigans, I've been told repeatedly that that we have aimbots on our weapons. In case you haven't noticed, you can't kill walls.
  4. Littleman

    Pretty damn sure one can put the cross-hair of a carbine (already a strong hipfire weapon) over someone and can expect a round or two to connect at 2-3m. Was it really that short? No telling, this is the OP's story. Am I about to discredit him? Hell naw, it's happened to me. Hit marker hit marker hit marker *I die* guy suffered only a single bullet worth of damage to his shield.

    Only explanation I got is it cancelled out every round after my first because I died firing just one bullet, or so the server says. To get the jump on someone and still see those results, rage quit worthy. It just paints the game as really shoddy and low quality.
  5. GamerOS

    So it's like the issue back in BF3 with their Client Side hit, getting shot behind cover, emptying entire mags into enemies but dieing to them anyway because on your screen you were faffing about in the middle of nowhere.
  6. Littleman

    The getting shot behind corners bit is all too common in PS1 AND PS2. Inherent latency within the server's network coding is precisely why cover is kind of moot against anyone with half-way decent aim. One's enemies will kill the poor sod before the server tells them one has ducked behind that box, despite having done so on their end some 200-300ms ago. PS1 and PS2 don't put out packets nearly as often as traditional FPS' do, so even if one has a 5ms connection to the server, the actual ping times between players could easily be several hundred, all to save on processing power for the clients so they can spend more time rendering stuff, less time crunching position and action numbers.

    This is also why despite the slow speeds strafing is still so freaking effective, especially while sprinting: every time the server updates ones client with the target's new location and direction, it will literally speed up the character's movement to smoothly transition them from their previous location to the new location and continue moving them in that direction on the client's end until the next packet comes in telling the client the target's new location and direction. This is what one might call "warping" or speed hacking, only in a much more subtle, exploitive, and technically legit way.

    The OPs case is just bad hit detection, or god forbid, the cliesnt/server hybrid model does actually exist, and the OP was killed from a camper in the corner while shooting at a ghost because the server never updated his client with that particular target's info. $#!% happens. So yes... kind of like what happened in BF3.
  7. Bape

    I believe this i was 20m away from my target with my LA80 aimed it right at his head but missed? I was like wtf? So i shot again missed? So i re position my gun shot again still missed wtf? The game is very buggy i raged when i died after that ><.
  8. Zoner

    I've lost count the number of times this has happened in my dual-scatter max. Its also extra-hard to hit LA using jump jets or people using the air-pads, until they touch the ground. Point blank in a max is also usually a miss, the hit detection is just bizarre. I suspect the starting point of the bullets is much farther in front of you than it ought to be for some of the guns, making it miss people that are in melee range.
  9. DinChao

    Jules: This was Divine Intervention! You know what "divine intervention" is?
    Vincent: Yeah, I think so. That means God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets.
    Jules: Yeah, man, that's what it means. That's exactly what it means! God came down from Heaven and stopped the bullets.
    Vincent: I think we should be going now.
    Jules: Don't do that! Don't you f-ing do that! Don't blow this s--t off! What just happened was a f-ing miracle!
    Vincent: Chill the f out, Jules, this s--t happens.
    Jules: Wrong! Wrong, this s--it doesn't just happen.
    Vincent: Do you wanna continue this theological discussion in the car, or at the jailhouse with the cops?
    Jules: We should be f-in' dead now, my friend! We just witnessed a miracle, and I want you to f-ing acknowledge it!
    Vincent: Okay man, it was a miracle, can we leave now?
  10. Grotpar

    This is actually a real issue.

    Yesterday decided to use the Hydra(aka H-V45 or Centauri) a bit, shot almost a bull magazine into an enemy, impacts were visible and everything, no damage.

    From that moment it was extremely clear to me that there is a hit detection issue, people aren't just seeing things, it's an actual thing.
    Reloading is a temporary fix, as I managed to get out of the situation alive and reloaded and could continue to shoot those fools who cheated death.
  11. Big Cyz

    The servers probably need a reboot
  12. Nekky

    Definitely an issue. I almost exclusively use the Nova shotgun and last night at least 5 or 6 times in a row from pointblank range I ripped off 4 or 5 shots and apparently did no damage. 2 of the other guys playing with me had the same problem. I know hit detection is only clientside but this only seems to happen at peak times.
  13. Bejita231

    Supposedly, some of the S versions of carbines are broken and dont register hits sometimes, all i know is i went to assault rifles and started geting far more kills and registering every hit, where as carbines are hit or miss
  14. K-On

    Bullet reg has always been a problem in any online fps, not that it's a big problem for me on here. Little story guy facing the other way waiting on us coming out of spawn and I was behind, unload 20shots hipped noting missed on my screen because I was right on him 0m lol. He turn around at around 13-15 shots and I died and he lived with 2 bar of health trolol.