125 damage TR LMG?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Neo3602, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Neo3602

    The TR are the only faction that has non SMG weapons that do 125 damage per shot, one of them is the reworked Lynx and the other is the new AR the TORQ, both of these guns also shoot at around 850-900 RPM and have low recoil.

    Do you guys think that the next TR LMG released will be similar to the two weapons mentioned above?(ie. 125 damage , 850 plus RPM, and lower recoil per shot)
  2. cruczi

    I hope not. A light machine gun should pack more punch per shot than an AR or a carbine. Then again, LMG's in this game have almost nothing to do with LMG's in the real world. But still... the MCG already fills the bullet hose role.
  3. LordTankT9

    Why should we? Anything 800+ RPM is all lead before dead.
  4. Bankrotas

    TORQ-9 style LMG? I think, you'd be happy with 0.2-0.2 horizontal recoil for a change on higher than your average rpm weapon.
  5. Neo3602

    I just think that SOE might release one because they have given a us a 125 damage carbine and AR and imo a 125 LMG would be then next step considering the TR are the only faction that has any 125 damage guns that aren't SMGs and could be considered a unique damage tier that only TR have fro non- SMG weapons just like the NC have a 200 damage Carbine, AR, and LMG.
  6. Nakar

    It will, and it will be awesome if it's even halfway like the TORQ. Of course the big problem with a 125 damage LMG is that the MCG already does high-RPM 125 damage bullets for TR, so I think you have to play to the strengths of the TORQ/Lynx and play them up a bit harder in order to make them different.

    In other words, it should be more of a longer-range LMG, 125 max and 112 min like the TORQ, with probably a lower ROF than the Lynx/TORQ have; 125@800 is ~1667 DPS, which is comparable to the Anchor (might need tweaking up into the 820-840 range depending on TTK though), while still being the highest-RPM option in the entire LMG category. Average vertical recoil, minimal horizontal recoil (somewhere around 1.8-1.9 like the Lynx/TORQ, ideally at a fixed amount), good horizontal tolerance (we don't know what the Lynx/TORQ's tolerance is, sadly, but I'd say this hypothetical LMG would want to be at 0.4 with the Anchor and GD-22S), good muzzle velocity (620 like the TORQ, let's say), average moving ADS COF (worse than the MSW-R and Bull, which are more mobility-oriented LMGs), average-to-poor hipfire, a 100 round magazine, and a relatively quick reload. Give it access to a Compensator and Extended Magazines, but no advanced attachments and no SPA/HVA. Functionally it would be similar to the SVA-88 without the 75% ADS and with lower per-shot damage but a larger magazine and more forgiving horizontal drift, but the middling hipfire COF and bad bloom (presumably 0.05 like the Lynx/TORQ) would make it a pretty bad hipfire option. Throw on Exmags and you have a sustainable fast-firing weapon at midrange, use a Grip and Compensator instead and it becomes a mid-long headshot hunter. Completely distinct role from the MCG, which has no bloom and significant close-quarters prowess. Call it the TLR (Terrain Light Response) with some numbers afterward and have the lore mention it's favored by support gunners for its excellent shot grouping and the light weight of its ammo, allowing them to carry larger magazines.

    For the NC, give 'em a 200 damage at 545 RPM (roughly comparable to the CARV/Orion) LMG with 45 round magazines, average reloads, bad vertical recoil and extremely bad (TAR-tier) horizontal tolerance (and maybe 0.2-0.2 horizontal recoil like the bandit), multiple tiers of damage dropoff (say down to 143@60m), better moving ADS COFs than the SAW but worse than the Anchor, 75% ADS, and access to Exmags (not a 2x magsize though, maybe 15-25 extra rounds) and an Advanced Grip (no ammo options). Basically a crazy rattling unpredictable weapon you either tame with a grip or just learn to live with and instead turn it into a 60/70-round monstrosity that won't hit a dang thing at range. Call it the GD-3X Vaquero and make note that Genudine Dynamics was trying to improve the functionality of the SAW in a lightweight frame but the insane recoil convinced them to abandon the project until a drunken rampage by a scavenge-happy mercenary revealed the weapon's value as a devastating close quarters option. If players think they've seen spray and pray LMGs, they ain't seen nothing yet, but with the Advanced Grip in the hands of a patient player the gun will have more range than might initially seem possible, akin to the Cyclone being usable as a pseudo-carbine.

    For the VS, give them a weapon with relatively ordinary to above-average recoil characteristics, the attachment spread of the TORQ or Bull, RPM similar to the NS-15M (~625 or slightly higher), 100 round magazine and an average reload, and an invariant 143 damage profile at all ranges. Call it the VX-N8 Blazar and lore it up as the shadow labs' attempt to create a man-portable version of the Blueshift MAX weapon's stabilized emitter, resulting in a weapon that gains effective potency over distance unlike conventional arms and plasma weaponry that experience damage decay after firing. A gun you would not want to be jumped with (although maybe give it the best LMG hipfire profile; no reason not to, as it will have the worst max damage range DPS), but one that never gets worse at a distance and has the accuracy to do well when other weapons are bottoming out (without being too accurate to the point that you can countersnipe Infiltrators trivially with it). This one would probably need some testing and RPM tweaks upward until it's properly balanced to not be too terrible up close and actually advantageous over other LMGs farther out, but the concept would be neat and would be pretty nasty mixed in with some Lashers as a pinpoint finisher for enemies weakened by allies' splash.
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  7. Bankrotas

    Can't NC have one more (other than NS15M) decent 143 tier LMG first :/ ?
  8. Neo3602

    Great ideas Nakar!
    Though unless the Planetside 2 wiki is wrong the MCG does 143 damage per shot not 125.