1000 certs, what to buy?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GeneralPeragorn, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. GeneralPeragorn

    Recently came up to 1000 certs again, don't know what to get. Any suggestions?

    To let everyone know, I only play TR, have dual fractures and am not interested in a pistol. Thanks!
  2. Sossen

    Nanoweave 5?
  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Striker obviously.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    Do you fly ESF?

    if so.... wait.

    You'll want those certs for one of the new weapons or at least afterburner certs.

    There's lots of good choices really... depends what you play (besides MAX as you apparently have that done?)
  5. dragunov

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  6. Delnar_Ersike

    Flashlights for all your weapons!

    ... on a more serious note, if you don't have a Striker as a TR, get it. NC and VS regulars (including me) will hate you for it, but you'll farm back those 1000 certs in no time using the Striker.
  7. Raraldor

    do you have the anti-vehicle turret? You seem to play engie lots so that may be a good buy
  8. Tommyp2006

    a bunch of things that add up to 1000 certs. Or 4 250 cert weapons.
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  9. LowTechKiller

    If you're looking for something physical to buy, think about either the MSW-R (if you're playing HA a lot), or the Jaguar (if you're playing Engie/LA a lot).

    I'd also consider certing out your ammo pack. Dropping that thing in a transporter room during a Bio Lab assault will rack up the certs.

    Oh, and remember, if you're like me and you use "stealth" in your AMS Sundy's defense slot, it now requires a lot more certs to drop the auto-detect range down to what just the first box would before. You may want to beef that up.
  10. TheBloodEagle

    What class are you most hooked on?
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    hardly helpful info here. what infantry class you play most? what vehicle you play most? do you want to get something new (a weapon) or improve on already existing things (certing)? etc etc
  12. Kurohagane

    The update was supposed to come out two months ago. Then they moved it to august. Then septemver. Now they laid off few dev team guys and are focusing on optimization. No idea when to expect the update. FML
  13. Flashtirade

    10 Flashlights
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  14. HooWoo


    I don't think you've used the striker before?
  15. Ronin Oni

    Layoffs weren't the PS2 dev team...

    they were QA and older titles support.

    They're focusing on PS2 and EQN.

    Weapons were pushed back because of lock-on update, which to my knowledge is still being worked on, which was put on hold for optimization which, as I noted in another thread, takes priority over everything else because playability is required for anything else to matter.

    I have 1100 certs and counting... when that mofo launches I'll have the fastest ESF.... er.. well... fastest Scythe on Auraxis.

    Maxing AB pods certs on Day 1

    My Hailstorm and PPA loadouts will be untouchable.
  16. Raraldor

    yeah, I had over 2k certs saved up for the infil update, but with all this optimization stuff I didn't feel the need to save everything so I bought a gun for my light assault and attachments for it and have over 1500 now.
  17. IamDH

    I was saving up certs since the last double XP waiting for the ESF update

    I had more than 2k certs
    A lot of time passed and it never came

  18. Ronin Oni

    I will still buy a lil thing here and there, I'm still generally climbing. ~2k should be enough to max the cert line.
  19. IamDH

    I predict the guns will be 1k certs (strange feeling i have)
  20. Ronin Oni

    Oh they will...

    I'm maxing the Fuel cert line though... make the most out of my PPA and Hailstorm (both weapons already maxed)

    I haven't decided what new weapon to get... though I'll prolly buy it via SC and am not in a major hurry... will let them get live playtime and see how they readjust them :p

    The twin rotaries looks interesting, would likely use it with PPA I'd think

    The railgun one seems like it'd pair awesomely with the higher accuracy default noseguns for long range Lib killing

    swarm missiles seem utterly pointless...