[Suggestion] 1 out of 2 alerts suggest to be DeathMatch or else vets on the underdog faction won't have fun.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Jun 9, 2023.

  1. AuricStarSand

    I'm done trying to win, I've switched to NC East for 4 weeks now & absolutely getting destroyed on these alerts.

    For every 2 to 20 VS vet enemies, theirs 1 NC vet & that's the ratio. So obviously alerts are tiresome to try to win & even farms I'm getting shot by the 2nd enemy vet. I kill one vet, the other vet enemy shoots me soon after, rinse repeat.

    I read that they are trying to implement new win conditions as the old system was, having special capture regions or something. Yet that is too complex for the noob faction that is comprised of mostly amateur medics.

    US east is essentially VS non stop ninja'ing region winning 80% of games, or TR winning the other 20%. While NC wins 1% of alerts. It's absolutely not fun as a vet who doesn't want to just mindlessly farm & wants to win 1/3rd of the time at least.

    So Yes a simple mode, so that NC has a shot at winning the map. & the only way NC are gonna win is from Deatchmatch, the mindless farms, favoring the amatuer medic lanes, & mindless farms for the map win.

    Then get rid of tie breakers being DM mode, revert tie breakers to something else. Since DM suggestively is better suited for 1/2 of alerts for the whole hour.

    You also have to hold their hand, not rely on smart sunderer either. Meaning not allow VS's freaking VET STACKERS, to win with logistics of planning out the best Sunderer locations on the map to farm kills faster. No not that either.

    It has to be So Simple that a amatuer medic who never redeploys is able to understand & perform for the map win.
    Thus instant action has to be a more prominent feature than smart sunderer locations is for this new mode. & Instant action where they are told to push the dang button, with highlighted words flashing on their screen, without requiring their squad leader to tell them to redeploy.

    Has to be a dumbed down win condition mode to the max that holds the weakest factions hand. & won't allow VS's vet stacking superior logistics to matter at all. Zero.

    So VS is gonna farm kills on 2 fronts better than NC " if " sunderers play a role. They also redeploy better. So sunderers shouldn't matter for this mode as much. & redeploying shouldn't matter either.

    So other than simplicity. The only thing you'd have to figure out, is How to get people to leave mid and farm kills at the other regions for this mode. Since we don't want to be stuck at a mid farm for the entire hour.

    You could make it so kills are worth more outside of mid at the last 40 mins of the alert, yet then as I said, the weaker faction is super bad at redeploying & I mean super bad. So you'd have to as I said find a different way to go about this.

    The only way I see a DeathMatch alert working. Without getting stuck at mid. Is if you highlight " Press J to redeploy " on the screen. Tho I would't even rely on that, since many new players are as clueless as 10 year olds. Literally. So I would just AUTO INSTANT ACTION THEM. Auto Redeploy them. Without having to tell them.

    Bring them to the side fronts of the map auto style. Then GREY out mid for the last 40 minutes, so people don't get to score kills at mid at all for the 2nd half of the alert. & that sunderers aren't able to deploy mid after 40 min.

    What are the options? If you keep the alert system as it is right now, essentially your having what Outfit Wars is showing. One Dominant Faction landsliding victories while the 2nd place faction wins sometimes, & the 3rd place faction never wins.

    So you need a alert system that happens 1/2 the time that FAVORS amateur mindless farm lane medics.

    It's not just redeploying either. They also aren't good at defending a tech plant for 48-96vs48-96. Have VS HA vets shooting down the railings, while NC is stuck at the doors as medics. So anything that favors the vet stacking empire, logistics wise, shouldn't be the only mode available.

    Short version is " I don't want to yell at the weakest empire to redeploy anymore. "
  2. AuricStarSand


    We finally won a 48-96vs48-96 fight at the doors of Tawrich depot.

    VS had the room full with guys. We had to run at the last 2 min to retake. VS os'ed the first min & we retook the room & stairs at last one minute winning the map. Still this is a extreme rare win, haven't seen a legit win such as this all month.
  3. OSruinedPS1

    Wow, deathmatch FPS, rolling it back to 1995. That's almost 30 years ago with no progress in the genre.
  4. AuricStarSand

    Well it'd only be half the time. 1 out of every 2 alerts. & to be fair, would probably make people enjoy the ninja aspect more, if they aren't expected to redeploy every alert. & are able to just kick back and do their farm meta.

    Here's an example, pretend Outfit Wars was deathmatch, and wasn't ninja point holds. Even if their is some valid skill that is honorable for ninja strats, not every outfit is expert at that, most weren't. So you had 2 outfits landslide victoring verse 20 other outfits & were the 20 other outfits who didn't win, having a good time even tho they loss? Not really, since they lost from a landslide. They lost so severely, they didn't leave outfit wars with a smile.

    For a deathmatch alert to work, would have to divert from staying at mid too often. Tho I def am favoring the idea of the devs just auto instant actioning people to side regions that get farms, for this mode. Less buttons new players have to press to move across the map, the better.

    As a DM alert isn't just about kills, it's about less strategy required to help any vet stuck on the weakest faction to enjoy winning alerts. & for new players to not need any logistics requests from thier squad lead so they may focus only on kill count strategies. Instead of redeploy, point hold, & sunderer strategies. Which so far across most servers, mostly just VS are excelling at.

    Also this mode is in favor of the new player experience, new players don't even know how to set shop with sunderers on their own. Why have alerts favoring something only vets know how to do, does the game even the vets across every faction? No. So how do you even the playing field then?

    What alert mode favors beginner medics who never want to redeploy, who never want to push one simple button? Who don't drive vehicles much, who barely know how to push past doors, who don't know how to hold rooms that well, who have less valk pilots, less galaxy pilots, less sunderer drivers, less redeploy expert squad leads, less HA with expert aim. Amatuers who literally walk down roads after a farm is over with, & even then don't run to the vehi term to pull vehicles to go to the next base, without me having to tell them to do so every time.

    Yes you have to auto instant action them & no they won't push one simple " U " button 99% of the time.
  5. AuricStarSand

    Reddit reply:

    " While the current alert system is stale and ignores basically everything that happens in the first half hour (extreme faction focus imbalances notwithstanding), making an alert that's entirely a deathmatch will sadly create as many problems as it solves. The most efficient way to get kills is just to sit at one meatgrinder base for as long as possible.

    All too often in sudden death alerts I see two factions put all their people in one base and just farm each other there, leaving the third faction out in the cold. Or else one faction will be able to split its people between two fights, one with each other faction, and have more meat to grind for kills.

    In the end the problem ends up being the same, whichever faction has the most stagnant fights on its fronts grinds more meat and wins. Sudden death does nothing to encourage fights to move along or spread out, which can also lead to server crippling numbers of people gathering in one area. I'd dearly love to see the alert system change, but I'm afraid this is likely a poor solution. "

    My reply to him:

    " Well said. I agree it's not perfect. However even with one faction getting farm kills with 2 fronts. That's still a 50% ratio to win for the weakest faction. As of right now NC's Esamir only wins 1% of the time.

    Also I've suggested the devs to auto droppod people to side region farms to get people away from staying at one base. Maybe bases get greyed out after a fight there for 20 min and the devs just bring people to whatever region they want to. Similar to stages. Where it equals the playing field with the pop. So 48vs48 for this region & 24vs24 for the 2nd region.

    20 minute fights, 2 to 4 regions per front, per empire. Equal pop fights. fight 20 mins. Then grey the region out, & send everyone packing auto dropppoding the next region stage. "

  6. AuricStarSand

    I really am a fan of the auto droppod stages. The devs get to pick the locations for the pop size of the map, of where the fights are gonna take place, each region has a 20 min timer. Maybe it's 2 neighboring regions with the rest of the map greyed out. Where sunderers play an effect, as to where to park nearer to the farms once droppodded there. Or else sunderers play no effect, & they just rework sunderers to have a official battle bus spec, & deployed sunderers are just for the regular ninja alert mode.

    Yet neighboring regions would be best, or else their wouldn't be a fight between bases and that's not enough space. So 2 to 4 fronts depending on the pop. & every faction gets equal fights, without logistics required. Without a redeploy button required. A alert without ninjas.

    - So you highlight 8 regions

    - That gives every faction 2 fronts

    - Each front has 2 regions that neighbor eachother, one base for the enemies, with a neighboring ally base.

    - Auto droppod everyone to their allied base, facing the enemy base.

    - You grey out the rest of the map, that isn't those 8 regions. So sunderers are only allowed to deploy at highlighted regions.

    - You don't let people overpop one factions side. So you'll have two 48vs48's per front.

    - Then you let everyone fight there for 20 minutes.

    - After 20 minutes, those 8 regions are greyed out, & you auto droppod everyone to the 8 new regions.

    - Rinse & repeat the 20 minutes of 8 open regions, till the 1 hour 20 min alert is over, most kills wins.

    8 regions. Else 14 regions if you want 3 fronts per faction. two 48'vs48's & one 24-24. Also these regions don't have to be the boring typical mid line, where the regular ninja map gets stuck at. Meaning they can be any 2 regions anywhere at all on the map, use your imagination. Since the devs are auto droppodding everyone there. Meaning doesn't have to be the typical ninja front line tug of war regions, since it's about kill counts & greyed out zones. So these 2 neighboring ally to enemy fronts, get to be any 2 regions that neighbor each other on the entire map. May also be 2 regions near the warpgates. As long as the greyed out zones don't allow for deploy sunderers, that'll stop noobs from venturing outside of the farm zones.

    Other than that if you want to make a unique 3 faction fight happen once per 20 min as well. That isn't just a middle of map 3 faction fight. For example a 3 faction fight at Quartz Ridge never happens. Yet if you droppoded 3 armies there, 2 or at least 1 of the armies, wouldn't have a vehicle terminal, less you gave them a free dev ant silo outpost or something. Or dropped the third faction near some empty Ant's. However 20 mins isn't enough time for them to build a full fledged base. Less the alert was given a extra 10 min, to be a 1 hr 30 min alert, with 30 mins for a 3 faction unique fight region, & three 20 min stages of 8 open region lanes. Same for Howling Pass a 3 faction fight there. Or anywhere a 3 faction fight doesn't normally happen at, would be the unique idea for this alert mode. Just have to find a unique way to provide the 3rd faction with vehicle terms. & that fight would have a 20 min timer as well.
  7. VV4LL3

    So you're saying the rest of us muggles have to suffer for your entertainment?
  8. AuricStarSand

    Kinda of a outdatted suggestion, NC's winning some lately. Well so so.

    Still would be sweet to see a kill score for the whole hour & see who's better at fighting, without having to redeploy as the meta every single alert.

    DM is def mood for when you want to relax, yet still play some strategy, while the strategy is more focused on the battles themselves, rather than just traveling to regions.
  9. VV4LL3

    Just go play modern warfare, CoD, ... CS... then?