1 Camo per Coninent: Your Choice?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bersigil, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Bersigil

    With th UI improvements I've decided to get myself one camo per continent but I have a ver hard time deciding.
    I already have giraffe and it works on Indar, especially around the crown, but there might be better alternatives.
    I do like the recommendations of the directorate (http://www.directorated.com/camouflage/#) but there might be better options since the release of the new camos...
    So... what would your choice be?
  2. Chiss


    Circuit Board Camo.

    All continents.
    All vehicles.
    All the time.

    Also, my helmet glows bright yellow at night.

    Screw camouflage.
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  3. VanuSovereignty

    Sandy scrub(?) for indar.
    Amerish leaf for amerish.
    Esamir snow for esamir.

    Indar dry brush for urban combat.
  4. Treasurer

    There is no such thing as "best camo for continent x".
    First of all camo is not that useful. I personally think it saves you only from fast flying aircraft and unaware ppl. Then faction colors are sometimes contra productive (yellow NC stripes better with esamir snow camo than TR red). Armor upgrades have no camo on them at all. Its only a small advantage (about 3-5%), but if you have anything else, why not.
    Every continent has different colored areas which need other camo, Indar being best example. It has two types of desert, these sandy canyons and green ares as well. Even Esamir is not all snowy and white. So to be covered best you'll need a couple of camos per continent.
    If you are asking this because you are cheap and fear for your SC just wait until camo is on sale. 250 SC that was bought on double SC day is only 1,25€(for me), doesn't hurt much.

    So far i have only 3 camos. My expirience:
    Esamir Snow:
    - to use on Esamir of course
    - for ground vehicles best in this frozen river and areas around, also snow planes
    - also good against the bright sky considered you don't have composite armor on your ESF

    Sandy Scrub:
    - best in Indars canyons, south eastern warpgate area and the belt in the middle separating desert from south west
    - a scythe with this camo on almost disappears when landed on those patchy canyon rocks

    African Forest:
    - had some good effect on Sundy parked between/under trees on Amerish(many aircraft passing by), but trees are good camouflage on themself, and i did have vehicle stealth on it
  5. Blarg20011

    African jungle, all continents, all the time. But actually, pine forest works surprisingly well on Esamir and Indar, and, less surprisingly, on Amerish.
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  6. DashRendar

    It's tough to choose just one for an entire continent... I usually have 2 or 3 per continent that I interchange depending on the situation.

    Pine Forest for sand with light grass areas
    Temperate Forest for grass with light sand areas

    Rocky Tundra for open snow fields
    Northern Forest for regions with more variation

    Temperate Forest for daytime
    Amerish Scrub for night time

    General use:
    Northern Forest for building/tower/biolab warfare as it makes a great urban camo, probably the most versatile camo in the game
    Rocky Tundra just for looking alpha and feeling like a flashy P2W badass

    I approve. Although it works not so well on Esamir actually :rolleyes:
  8. Blarg20011

    Wait, we talking about African jungle or Pine forest? I've found Pine to work well on the rocky areas of Esamir, especially at dusk/night. It's actually a very gray camo.

    Sry, was referring to pine forest.
  10. bodmans

    no camo is best camo:D
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  11. Blarg20011

    Yeah, Jungle probably wouldn't work very well on Esamir, I'll try it tonight and post results.
  12. NinjaTurtle

    Unfortunately all NC camo looks ****.

    If I were TR I'd have the Zebra camo (I think that's what it's called) all the time for everything it looks ******* awesome. Maybe because it's black and red but still it is really cool
  13. Korimer

    I got tired of changing camos all the time. I run Indar Dry Brush all the time.

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  14. Gary

    But in TR form!
  15. RF404

    You look like a happy kitten
  16. Bersigil

    I've considered Indar Dry Bush for Biolab-Fights but that seems highly situational and I'm not even sure its ideal for that... (although... it looks badass...)
  17. Korimer

    That pic is a random Google Image. I don't have that helmet, just the camo. I was close to mentioning that in my original post but was like nah, it won't come up.
  18. Falcon_BR

    African Jungle was on sale yesterday.
    Some friends got it, but I really failed to see where it is more effective them the florest scrub I already have, so I didn´t got it.
    Esamir I am using the rock tundra camo, but it not as effetive as esamir camo.
    Indar I am using the Sandy scrub at the north, at the south I am using the Dry savana, something like that, but I really need a better camo for indar, the Sandy scrub dos not work well at the north party of it and in the south I couldn´t find one.
    At night I use the digital camo for the TR, now that is it bugged I am using the alpha squad. The circuit camo doesn´t work well at night, it is only good when you want everyone at your sunderer.
  19. ih8Darian

    Sadly I don't have it for vehicles :(