0.75 ADS Calm, please?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wroth, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. Wroth

    There are too many people who make a shouty, angry thread about the gameplay mechanics that they don't like, and we need people to calm down, and have a proper talk.

    I will start by saying I main VS, which means that I have a natural bias towards my home faction, howver I will try to keep neutral.
    The standing movement multiplyer is 0.50 , but on SMGs, shotguns and some VS LMGs it is 0.75. That means you can use a 50 round, 750 RPM , accurate LMG and still move faster than people using ARs, carbines and other LMGs. Yes, that is overpowered. Because an LMG is a heavy weapon designed for supporting fire and suppresion.

    Many VS say 'oh ur just bad cos ur all scrubs' or 'deal with it' which is a childish and unnecessary approach to the issue.

    Furthermore, 0.75 ADS is horrible for the netcode, meaning people with laggy internet will find hitting 0.75 ADAD strafing players nigh on impossible. So that's another issue. My personal opinion is to rid all of Planetside 2 of 0.75 ADS other than pistols, because pistols aren't massively strong anyways.

    Any other VS agree?
  2. Alan Kalane

    I never found the 0.75 ADS OP anyway. The Orion is basicaly a high-mag SMG you have to ADS because it has terrible hipfire CoF. But if that makes everybody cry then go ahead, you could even remove the 0.75 ADS and Orion altogether and I wouldn't miss it too much.

    Comming from an NC main
  3. Jake the Dog

    My prowler moves at 71kph when i ads...
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  4. Demigan

    I main NC, and the whole 0,75 ADS discussion is a farce.

    When you go into ADS (Aim Down Sights) you have your movement reduced to 75% of what it normally is. So if 0,75 ADS is such a big problem, hipfire with accurate weapons would be even more OP. Why? Because you will go at a speed of 1,00 or 100% instead of 75%. There's some Carbines and SMG's that are incredibly accurate while hipfiring that would be massively more powerful than a 0,75 speed.

    So the problem is not, and has never been, 0,75 ADS speed. It might have added to the problem, but it's not the problem itself. Removing 0,75 ADS of these weapons will not magically make them similar to other weapons.
    The problem, as I see it, is the fact that the weapon itself has many more advantages, such as high accuracy and great DPS overall. But the biggest problem is netcode. Someone using ADAD can warp their character model around, making it impossible to properly keep track of an enemy. It's one of the biggest disadvantages of the Latency system, although this problem also exists in other games to a lesser extent.
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  5. FieldMarshall

    I main TR and i dont care about .75 ADS. There i said it.
    Dont main HA and never has a problem fighting them.
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  6. Scorpion97

    I still can't get it,some NC and TR see .75 ads isn't OP while others say the opposite,to be honest,the deeper I go through balance discussions,the more headache I get
  7. ronjahn

    If they added Inertia to player movement .75 would be fine. In current game where you can instantly change directions without any penalty, .75 is a beast and allows ADAD spam to work to well.
  8. Necron

    It's not NC mains that are crying...
  9. Scr1nRusher

    0.75 ADS Shouldn't be on "big weapons"

    "Big weapons" are classified as LMG's Heavy Weapons & the Archer.

    0.75 ADS should only be on Pistols & SMG's.
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  10. BrbImAFK

    I agree completely. Make sure you nerf the Jackkhammer too, please! :D
  11. Scorpion97

    I actually don't want to to mention how many OP weapons NC got becouse they are going to rage on my face and claim the opposite with no evidence as usual
  12. Scorpion97

    Well they aren't crying but just whining -_-
  13. Scr1nRusher

    The Jackhammer is a Heavy Weapon.
  14. Saokeh

    Hip fire weapons arent even in the same area code as 0.75 weapons. Outside of carbines (which HA cannot use) and smgs (range limitations) ads movement speed will always be a problem if a weapons survivability is accompanied with great range. Meaning there are drawbacks to the 0.75 ads weapons in every category. From carbine to ar and smg. But a 0.75 really strong cqc to mid lmg on the designated 1v1 class is just too much. Its been at the top for far too long. Time to bring it in par.
  15. Jaedrik

    I'm calm when I say that Orion and Betelgeuse are the two best LMGs in the game, brought to you in part by .75 ads.
    Sorry if my allies are a bit less civil about it, but it's true.
  16. CorporationUSA

    .75 ads gives an advantage with no disadvantage when it comes to the Orion. With NS-15m, you have a higher TTK, so maybe it's balanced, but it's hard to determine whether or not the negative and positive traits cancel each other out in a 1v1 mid-range or close-range encounter. I will say that close range side-stepping is more effective than mid-range, so maybe mid range doesn't matter much.
  17. MarkAntony

    the reason you give for why it is OP is wrong. therefore your argument is invalid.
    IRL lmgs may be designed for suppressive and supporting fire. In this game however they are most certainly not. the only heavy weapon meant for suppressive fire is the Lasher.