[Suggestion] Сorrection proximity radar on sunderer.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EFREM, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. EFREM

    To make proximity radar on sunderer analgy motion spotter at infiltrator, certainly without increase in an alnost of action. I very seldom meet (to be exact practically I don't meet) proximity radar on sunderer in game. This offer and realization is possible will give a push to proximity radar on sunderer use.

    Version of the new name: Motion Radar.
    • Up x 1
  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    Google Translate is OP, needs nerf.
  3. FateJH

    The OP would like that Sunderer Proximity Radar to display detected enemies to all surrounding allies and not just to people seated in the Sunderer. I believe that's what he means.
  4. Tommyp2006

    I agree, the proximity radar on the sundy should be changed to a scout radar.

    At least I think that is what you were trying to say.
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  5. Arkenbrien

    Agreed. I've always wished that radar would be more useful than just to the occupants. It makes sense on sundies.
  6. TheMish

    Yes please!

    I just got it, pretty useful for my gunners. But I'd like my sunderer to help others see the enemy on their minimap too.
  7. Zotamedu

    Agreed. The Sunderer is a support vehicle so it would be nice to have more support capabilities. The radar is in the defence slot as well so it would be a perfectly reasonable trade off. The current radar is not very useful. Why would ju run proximity radar instead of blockade if you are going battle bus? Or even stealth? You can quite easily balance it with the range as well.