Kill the K/D Statistic. It's killing Planetside. Seriously. It's time to Reevaluate The Effect.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by inigma, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Phattie

    Boring typical responses by the usual fanbois. I'm pretty sure none of my outfit play for the cert grind; in fact there is infact no cert grind for me. I'm sat on 2k certs at the moment and struggling to put them in something unless I just take a shot in the dark.

    I play for killing, we play for killing. The death and death ratio part is useless and serves no purpose other than flexing one's e p e e n.
  2. Johan

    Lol grandpa is mad. Dude i str8 skooled you with not 1, but 5 dominations. No wonder your knocking KD. YY generation? Better hope we dont got Ww3 gramps cuz we going to be defending u. Pwnsauce with buttermilk biscuitz.
  3. Nimvalz

  4. siiix

    this is an ongoing request for so many games now ... PLEASE TAKE KDR OUT THE STATS

    OR make it private ! only i can see it and admins
  5. maxkeiser

    Agree with this. I play for the killing, the battle of wits against other players, the tactics, the massive battles. I also have loads of certs saved up and don't really bother about them much - 2616 to be precise.

    Certs are basically irrelevant. I don't play for them.
  6. Haddos

    I kinda have to agree with this. SOE get on this. probably only takes like a day to code
  7. Sebyos

    K/D has to go I totally agree. I'm a medic and I love it as support, but I constantly keep an aye on my K/D that I want to keep up because I fear someday I will insult people or talk too much then they will PS Universe me and say ''oh oh big mouth look at this 0.1 K/D you ******* suck so shut up''.

    I'll admit it leads me to play much more conservatively (like a *****) than I should sometimes even not rezing people if I have a decent risk of being killed with my ******* medic gun in my hand.
  8. Eugenitor

    The K/D thing gets really ridiculous when you have ESFs that simply won't land except to repair. It doesn't matter if they killed the last defender (or the only defender)- some of them *will not* attempt to cap points, take generators, or anything else that might help their team. They just want to sit there and farm with their overpowered noob toy. Even when they're warpgated. It's pathetic.
    • Up x 1
  9. Quake

    Keep the K/D statistic. I have valid reasons for it.

    1. Planetside 2 without any consequence of death will inevitably turn the game into a spam, charge fest devoid of skills or tactics. A game that has no penalty for death is not a competitive game. The only thing making Planetside 2 even remotely realistic is players not throwing absolute caution to the wind cause there is no penalty. Well K/D stat tracking is that penalty. If you play like a putz it will show up in these numbers.

    2. If I was forming a clan of top players how would I even begin to gauge their worth without knowing them? I tell you a .5 kpd player on foot is not the same as a 5 kpd player, obviously. This data tells me that, without k/d ratio suddenly everyone is tops based on their word and resume. K/D is not close to perfect and tells only part of the story but it does just that, it paints a picture of a player.

    3. Every fps game measures K/D. I can't think of one, except tf2, but most servers are based on stat trackers and guess what? K/D is the most important stat even for TF2. Planetside 2 would become the only game without k/d stat tracking, meaning the nail in the coffin for any hope at all for esport, even though that itself is a pipe dream, taking k/d out seals that deal forever.

    4. K/D is an FPS statistic, I know a lot of you MMOers cannot handle this concept. Too bad, this is an FPS game and ALL FPS games track K/D. Seems the common trend is those with bad kpd, the majority want to do away with a stat that measures their badness.
  10. Looper

    Replying to point 1: Try again. Planetside 1 didn't track KDR, and it was glorious. Yes, there were zerg moments, yes, people rushed down the corridors in meat grinder spam, but you obviously either didn't play PS1 or weren't paying attention if you thought it there were no tatics or skills being tested, tried, used.

    Replying to point 2: Top five players based solely on kills? Wow, impressive. You said something that basically stated that the only thing that matters is shooting, and nothing else. I hope no engineer ever repairs you and no medic ever revives you.

    Replying to point 3: Again, PS1 didn't, and nobody cared.

    Replying to point 4: KDR is a statistic for ranked deathmatches, or FPS with no support classes. This game has two support classes. My KDR is hell, because I play medic, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad player because my ratio is low, it means I died trying to pick your stupid *** off the ground. Should we remove the medic and engineer classes so that people will stop trying to help others?

  11. ZtriDer

    People like you should not play PS2. Just go back to CounterStrike.
    People like you dont understand the meaning of team play. People like you dont understand of the meaning "PUSH, respawn and PUSH".
    This game is not about how many aircrafts you have or tanks you have. It is about how many men you can put on that battle field to push the enemy out. Does not matter if you have 5 DK or 10 DK as long as you do not help out capping and pushing out the enemy.
    And as the guy above me said. Hope you never get a repair, or an ammo pack, or resurected, or healed, or a transport in a galaxy.
    The "elitist wannabes" like you ruins the game.
    But anyway. Check out the lates patch note for january. SOE is trying to go away from D/K anyway.
  12. AUSGrizzly

    All FPS games should do what TF2 Does in the terms of KDR/Score
    The only one who sees it is you,
    Score on Local/World Leaderboards has nothing to do with KDR it has to do with how effective you have been. On points, capping bases, working on repairs, revives and such...
  13. Goodname

    If your "personal goal" is to improve your KDR then you need to log off and do your math homework, because it's terrifying that nearly half the people here don't understand what a KDR measures.
  14. Pruto

    It boils down to anyone with 1+ K/D being permanently rooted in a vehicle, and camping spawns

    Meanwhile anyone who dies in droves for no reason beyond following some gas-station attendant turned milsim commander in his quest to suffocate the defenders of a base with the charred corpses of the attackers is very clearly the embodiment of cutting edge teamwork and tactics, and not actually just a terrible pubbie.
  15. Weylin

    Having kill stats even displayed on a game with such an uneven playing field is utterly pointless.
    It's fine if those stats are tracked for development purposes, but it needs to track who was in what when they killed the other player.
  16. dasichri

    i like seeing when i have a 2 to 4 k/d ratio which i normally do have.

    but do i actually care about it? or rage if i couldn't see it? no.
  17. Sparks

    I blame the 5 min. vehicle deconstruct timer when I get out of my mossy to help capping points. Also if I park my mossy near it there always seems to be a friendly running around who feels the need to destroy it.

    No point wasting my resources/timer for it, the risk/reward is just way too low in comparison.
  18. Kevorkian

    KD needs to be kept solely to determine wither someone is indeed cheating or not. Hackers tend to have exaggerated KD ratios.
  19. Nehemia

    What's even more useless? The freaking scoreboard. I mean, its based on experience, and that experience can be improved by paying 12 months of sub, and buying boosters. The best sentence I've heard in this game was a reply to my sentence "God that is an good pilot." "- LOL WTF HE ISNT EVEN ON SCOREBOARD".

    Also, the K/D just makes people camp and be afraid of dying / causes flame threads on the forums, remove it.
  20. Fate

    Wait, I just read this part. This is absolutely not true in the slightest. You accessed your play session K/D by hitting Alt+S on the keyboard. It gave you your K/D, Time Played, Assist, Battle XP, and Command XP.


    There was also a third party website that tracked stats - When they merged Emerald and Markov into Gemini the site went offline, but it provided a stat bar, similar to those shown below (I saved mine when it went down and started to update it on my own as best I could), as well as stats based on Empire, Server, Outfit, Player, etc.


    Stats were actually a HUGE part of PS1, so trying to claim they weren't is just an outright lie.

    - Edit: I look at these and all I can think is that I had soooo much more free time when I was in college. Growing up sucks.