Not GOOD: Invulnerability of freshly spawned and revived players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gortha, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. biterwylie

    Can a Max be revived?
  2. Achmed20

    yup, he is jsut missing the icon above his dead body.

    on topic:
    kinda agree. invinceability should be broken on the first movement which is kidna like it seems to be now. dont see anything wrong with it.

    if SOE changes this, they are just promoting badly placed sunderers.
  3. Wily

    I see this is your first SOE game. ;) I'd be willing to bet upwards of a dollar that the 'using' they mean is 'firing'. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

    This doesn't even take into account what a medic with revive grenade may be able to do with their mobile wall of man sized shields.
  4. Cowboyhomer

    I dont see that playing out at all...if the downed player is close enough to have a short invul give him the opp to run behind the defense and break their lines then the medic will most likely get shot down before the rez.
  5. CitizenSoldier

    Tankers, Libs and Reavers cry the salty tears of the dinosaur - Your time is done. Long live the Infantry!
  6. Vertabrae

    I've seen the spawn invincibility in tons of other games. It's usually a 2-3 second thing and I've never seen it used to become a mainstay offensive or defensive tactic. The whole "I'll run around in a MAX with a medic rezzing me after each kill and I will be unstoppable" Never going to happen. For one thing your medic isn't invincible. If he is right next to you when you die, chances are excellent he died too. If he wasn't then he has to get to you, and rezz you. All while hoping the person who killed you doesn't kill him.

    Like I said, seen this done in a lot of other games. It's nice to give you a chance to spawn and get out of that snipers line of sight, or escape a room that everyone is fragging. Aside from that it is never long enough to be used on offense. It will save you from being camped if you like respawning at that Sundy that is being shelled by a tank. But your very very rarely going to find a huge help on offense. Your not going to be able to clear out bases using it, or take out a tank. It's a nice idea of dying then having a medic rezz you so your always invincible. If you can figure out how to keep the enemy from killing the medic, who isn't invincible. Course the medic could kill your killer then rezz you. But since it will wear off quickly, you'll be vulnerable again by the time your back in the fight.
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  7. Jonesing25

    Nah, I've been around since before SOE bought EQ from Verant Lol
  8. HerpTheDerp

    Human tears are salty too dude. No need to drag dinos into this.
  9. Oraculum

    I'd like to see this new mechanic in action first before getting all in an uproar about it. You're probably blowing this way out of proportion.
  10. Necron

    It's not going to be like 2 minutes of protection. I see probably no more than 5 seconds... maybe less.
  11. Sock

    This is dumb. Sorry.

    Dying should have consequences, combat rezzing should be risky, not a free second life. If you spawn at a contested sundy or accept a revive in the middle of a fight, you run the risk of getting gibbed. Deal with it.

    Lets flip this. I pull a lib out of a camped tech plant. AA starts lighting me up but they don't do any damage because I'm a special ed pilot who needs a few seconds to get my bearings. "But Sock, that's ridiculous! You knew there were tons of enemies in the area that could kill you." Oh hey, you're right. Then why the **** do you need invulnerability when you accept a revive in a spot where you JUST DIED?
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  12. Sock

    You realize 5 seconds (or even 2-3 like others have said) is an eternity in an FPS?
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  13. forkyar

    o goodie now people are upset that they got what they wanted,did you all forgot you cryed that you were geting farmed,so this is what you get,deal with it.
  14. Hydragarium

    Nothing you said refutes what I wrote - you're still invulnerable for long enough to abuse it without having performed an action. If you accept a revive, knowingly during a heated battle (again you can clearly see this while dead), it is your own fault if you are "grounded" immediately after.

    Funny - I don't recall crying over being an idiot for letting someone revive me in a firefight. That would be stupid of me.
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  15. Raital

    There two flaws in your logic that prevent your statement that it's, "never going to happen," from being true.

    The first is the assumption that your medic isn't invincible. A medic in a spawn room is, for all intents and purposes, invincible, because he cannot be harmed by anyone outside the shields. This statement again ignores the bug/exploit of explosives hurting people inside shields.

    The second is the assumption that he has to be right next to you in order to revive you. Certed out medic guns have crazy range, and it's more than reasonable for a medic to revive from behind a spawn room door as long as he has LOS on you and you aren't TOO far away.

    With these two facts in mind, I refute your statement that it's "never going to happen." Also, because you've never seen spawn invincibility used as a mainstay offensive or defensive tactic, I refer you to this video.
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  16. {joer

    Maxed out res is close to instant and has range enough to be given from cover.
  17. icesail

    My problem with this is that in a game where TTK is measured in tens of a second, and ROF is 300-600+, having invuln even for ONE second means you can survive someone emptying their gun on you, just in time for their reload, so you can them empty your gun on them while they cannot defend themselves....

    If you really want to make the medics being able to provide cover during the rezes, why not take the C4 away from them and give them sticky smoke granades? Now they can create a smoke screen so they can rez the peeps with some protection. Heck, give them flash bangs as well so they can "Stun" the attackers while they rez people.

    Even right now, you could already ask a teammate playing LA to drop a smoke grenade to give cover. Remember the all thing about team play and combined arms?
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  18. Vertabrae

    ok flipped. According to the notes, getting in the Lib ended your immunity to damage. Lib takes, AA fire, blows up, death number 2.

    Me personally, I don't take many field revives. I prefer to spawn back a ways and find a new route to my objective. I have respawned at a Sundy however only to find that a tank was parked 10 feet away and plastering everyone who spawned. Now I wasn't near the Sundy, maybe I was up in the Biolab, or over behind a hill, whatever. I didn't know the tank was there when I picked that Sundy to respawn at. Getting a couple seconds to run for cover is well and good with me.

    A Medic inside a spawn room..ok.. So if he is rezzing people in the spawn room, they are pretty much immune except to the large scale explosions going on at the spawn room doors. I have died from those, rezz, back up a few feet and I can't be hurt. Didn't need immunity to damage buff to do anything there.

    Now if they are outside the door and he gets them while he is inside, whats the big deal? Their immunity ends the second they fire a weapon. Seeing as how spawn rooms are so heavily camped anyways what does it matter. He comes back to life and has until be fires 1 round before he is mortal again and he is still surrounded by a ton of people waiting to gun him down. If he runs back in the spawn room, again so what. He could have just respawned in there and been just as much of a threat.

    Oh and as for the video. Ok I admit it. It's happened one time. In Battlefield 2, a game that came out in 2005. One time in a 8 year old game does not make it a epidemic. I played BF2 for 4 years, never had that happen to me. Never had it happen in BF 2142, or in BF3. Maybe it does, maybe it happens more often than I know about. That video wasn't proof it was a problem. He kept killing them and never died. I have to wonder if that clip came from a private server while he was playing with friends. Really easy to do something like that when your two best friends help you set it up. Rarely works like that in actual gameplay.
  19. Tasogie

    You do know that its a few seconds, AND the second you use anything, or shoot its gone.... instantly... there is no sky is falling here... res an use a sundy, bam!!, no invuln.... whatever you use, be it ammo pack, anything....This really is a non event.. I do think its too much pandering to the cod crowd, but we all new they would focus on making that lot happy anyway...
  20. DJPenguin

    that's the thing though. a few seconds is long enough to screw over your opponent without needing to DO anything. example being..

    I've got a carbine w/ 20 rounds. if the invulnerability is long enough for me to empty half my magazine into a guy who, unknowingly to me, just revived without taking any damage then I'm toast. He can just stand there until i don't have enough bullets to take him out with then kill me without a problem. and people with auto shotties? especially TR ones?