PS2 performance

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Thedarkerhalf, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. Thedarkerhalf

    Why is it that I built a custom gaming PC with a CPU that can smoothly run WoW on max, GW2 on max, Aion on Max and a GPU that can run Any Crytek game on max...and yet Planetside 2 destroys my computer if I so much as decide to alt tab for a second? Not to mention the constant crashes/freezes every half hour or so.

    Why is it?
  2. LordMondando

    Welcome to the poor performance party your late. supposedly a press release about a patch to address this issue today.

    Its got very little to do with your specs.
  3. Jester7x

    Because it doesnt utilize multi threading properly and many other coding problems need to be worked out.
  4. DonnyD.

    Because nothing like this game has ever been don before and there are bugs to iron out still. Also none of those games you mentioned are anywhere near as demanding on your CPU as PS2 is. You also shoot yourself in the foot by not listing your system specs, could be something simple like a setting being wrong. <sarcasim> But from your post you just wanted to rant anyway, someone read it, feel better?</sarcasim>
  5. OvenTop

    Just wait for the patch like everyone else.
  6. Hydragarium

    What computer, OP? I don't see you mentioning your computer specs. Is this fantasy?
  7. Nik P

    ^what? how did you come up with this?

    this game is just not optimized correctly. i have three 680 gtxs and i still get fps dips below 40, which should not happen. and this is because planetside 2 only likes to utilize my cards 20-30% when they should be using at least 50%.
  8. Jester7x

    One of the devs posted today and if you've edited your useroptions.ini you should have graphic quality at least at medium. I guess the problem with the software is that when you set your over all graphics to low or off it wont even try to use your gpu. Whereas medium or higher it will try to utilize more gpu usage.
  9. raw

    Cause PS2 does more than these games. A lot more.
  10. oherror

    well my comment got removed for trolling which it wasnt. I'll repeat what i said before in a clearer way so mods can understand positive input. The engine is not optimised very well for very high end systems. Mine for example has a AMD 8150 8 core clocked at 5.8ghz, 32 gigs of ram, and revodrive PCI-E SSD. I had a 2 high end Nvidia video cards sli in but found my old one AMD 4770 worked better giving me a steady 30 FPS. With my two SLI cards i was barely getting 1-15 FPS. It seems that the more middle your system is the better. Also i have to run on medium to low so i can have max draw distance. Also i have found the game only uses 2 cores and they NEVER go over 60% usage.

    SO pretty much if your running AMD or a newer i7 you might be in for some issues.
  11. PoopMaster

    WoW is no where near a good benchmark comparison now, but anyway this game needs optimizations like people mentioned.
  12. darkagent

    i have found running lowest settings and changing the render distance, flora, and other settings in the useroptions.ini i can get around 70-80 fps at warpgate and 30-50 in fights. i also run gamebooster to shut down any processes not needed. highly encourage you guys not to down load on steam as steam will run in the back ground taking up your cpu and ram resources. this game is running as low as it can go. i could care less about how it looks as for how it plays,

    i7 920 @3.6-3.8 with turbo mode engaged.
    7 gigs of ram
  13. lolmanlee

    Can you actaully tell us the specs?