Planetside 2 Achievements

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JonJonPoPong, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. JonJonPoPong

    I couldn't find a thread covering this but I am surprised that planetside 2 has none.
    One of the things that makes team fortress 2 fun is all the vast achievements one can unlock.
    Planetside 2 needs to get these implemented and do title rewards for certain ones.

    You know the typical knife kill, pistol kills, road kills. Kill X number of engineers who are repairing their own vehicle, or manning a turrent, knife a engi who's manning a turrent, kill 3 maxs with the same grenade.
    Stuff like that.

    Also it would be cool to know things like you went on a longer kill streak that life as a heavy than you ever have before, or you rezzed more/healed/repaired more that life than your previous best.

    I don't know when the planetside 2 player page is going to be up so we can see more stats info. But I'd like to know what my longest kill streaks are with each class or in a given life or hour.
  2. BrickaBracka

    I offered up a similar idea where certs were awarded for achievements. Would be cool though. This game is so big on stats anyhow It would not surprise me if they have been considering it, or it is already in devolopment. Here's hoping!
  3. McHiggins

    You do get certs for hitting certain kill levels with the different weapons, but that seems to be the extent of it so far.

    also it doesn't apply to all weapons. For example, I'm approaching 1k kills on the MCG and haven;t received a single cert for it.
  4. Gisgo

    If you check your character panel (summary) there is already an "achievements" stat, so i guess it will be in the game at some point.
    I hope that achievements will also unlock new titles, i really want to be Sundy Sitter Gisgo.
  5. JonJonPoPong

    It would be nice to have the weird achievments, like headshot a sniper after they just got a head shot kill or kill someone who killed you less than 1second ago(both killing each other same time)
    And then being able to see them and see other neat ones to accomplish would be cool.
    Just rip off team fortress 2s achievment system and that would be cool.
  6. forkyar

    no no no no,this is not wow,sorry but no.
  7. italktowalls

  8. DeadOnArrival

    Yeah and....? How would achieves degrade the game in any way?
  9. Darlith

    So the best reasoning you can give for this is that wow had it so it must be bad, despite the fact that achievements have been around since before wow decided they needed to add them to remain competative and give bored players something else to work on?

    Old PS had medals to work towards, no reason you couldn't add a few more that weren't weapon specific to PS2.
  10. FreelancePanic

    This thread reminds me of an image I made a few months ago in off topic...


    I'm surprised a certain 'achievement' holds true to this day.

    OT: I think they are planning to add them at some point in the game. After all, it isn't finished yet (check version number in task manager)
  11. Koadster

    Submit a bug report. the NS11 didnt give medals for a long time. Around 10 of my guns still havent given me medals like the MCR3 Mercy.

    Yes because WoW was the first game EVER to have achievements :rolleyes: It gives bored players something to work towards. It may help keep some players, wow has 8+ million subs.. SOE should take some ideas from them for retaining players because WoW must be doing something atleast half right to maintain 5+ million people for many many years. Something no game has come close too.