[Guide] Weapon Recoil Plots

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by thefissk, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Vorpal

    Good resource. Particularly, this should end the false claims that the Orion has the same recoil pattern as the T9-Carv (it obviously has much much less recoil)
  2. thefissk

    actually they do recoil in (almost) the exact same way, the only differences are the size of the COF (which accounts for the differences in the graphs) and the size of the first shot recoil multiplier (2 for the CARV and 2.15 for the Orion)
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  3. Cyridius

    Very nice thread. I'd be much more interested in graphs showing ADS - taking into account COF.
  4. japro

    Hmm, interesting. What is the math for the bloom contribution over time/shots?
  5. thefissk

    if the COF MIN + (SHOT# * COFGROWTH) < COF MAX, then COF MIN + (SHOT# * COFGROWTH), otherwise COF MAX

    remembering that i assumed the maximum RPM which does not allow the COF to recover
  6. HerpTheDerp

    I absolutely can't understand why did you do this and how would it be useful to anyone when we have all the weapon statistics online for everyone to see.
  7. japro

    Is the math behind all this documented somewhere? Also how do you get the x and y components of the recoil from that google speadsheet? It only gives these vague arrows?
  8. Vorpal

    Ah. So what you have here are not recoil graphs at all, but rather cone of fire graphs.

    Still a good resource, but you should update your title.
  9. Jakobud

    Could you post the data in a Google Spreadsheet?
  10. Jakobud

    A picture is worth 1000 words?
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  11. thefissk

    most of my data was derived directly from the assets files of the client (I did not change my client in any way). this is the same way that the Google doc gets its information, and it derives its vague arrows from the same source (i actually used the doc to find the locations of the data, i simply took the same data and interpreted it at a higher level.

    as for the math, it was created by me, i derived it partially from the google doc (expanding on his assumptions) and from my own inferences.

    the plan is to in the future have a Google spreadsheet version of my own simulator, however there are some differences between how google and excel treat data so i will have to rewrite some of it
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  12. Jakobud

    Ah okay cool. Would you be open to posting all the equations you used for this? Or a link to the excel file?
  13. wabbitseason

    Uh, no. These were done 1 meter from the wall where CoF is _ABSOLUTELY_ irrelevant. This was done on purpose, to exclude the effect of CoF from the plots and show _RECOIL_ only.
  14. h00n

    These plots do NOT account for first shot recoil multipliers and make the GR22 look more accurate than it is. It has a multiplier of x3 for the first shot. That's .22 x 3 compared to the Gauss Rifle S at .35 x 1.65.

    Base Gauss Rifle needs less recoil though, it's recoil is almost identical on the first shot to the GR22. I also speculate that the GR22's horizontal recoil is not what the charts say.

    These plots don't tell the tale of the first shot multiplier nor the spread added per shot.
  15. Kudaros

    What did you use to simulate this? I would like to hear more of the simulations themselves, the assumptions and mathematics involved, etc.
  16. Furluge

    This is all very nice but it needs to be up in a better format than what is here, and not on photobucket as some plots are already not being shown.
  17. Koadster

    Hmm dunno how accurate your results are. Both the guns I linked with the plots.. Shoot no where near that bad. By the looks the Warden is even worse then the AMR66.. Yet they are identical guns stats wise so how could there be worse accuracy

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLWc&type=view&gid=12&f=true&colid0=17&filterstr0=BATTLE RIFLE&sortcolid=16&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250

    You get more dmg and slight faster reload then TR. Take the default Guass Saw. You get access to BOTH compensator and advanced foregrip. Carv-9 only gets basic foregrip. Equip the comp and adv foregrip and it will equal the Carv accuracy wise but with 2 tiers higher dmg.. 200 per hit (5 to kill).. So making it a better weapon, its just the playerbase who are $hit. NOT the weapons

    Also recoil on NC guns isnt that hard to compensate for.
  18. wabbitseason

    All your derp derp derp about "tiers of damage" etc doesn't change the simple fact: THE CARV DOES MORE DPS THAN THE SAW. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS.
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  19. D0n

    Lol, confederacy
  20. Krizzen

    Every single one of those plots should go straight to this amazing PS2 Wiki. All your work on these is beyond awesome, and putting them in the Wiki would more-or-less "eternalize" them!