[Suggestion] Improve INF combat; remove "Q" Spotting, add more cover.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Germanius_GER, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Psychophonic-RNX

    Remove Q spotting from game please!

    Q spotting and the things that you see are causing performance problems.
    All those useless triangles in the middle of nowhere i dont care!

    Instead of showing postions of people that are kilometers away just show me people that are close to me!
    Maybe this goes hand in hand with the rendering problems.

    Also remove all the friendlies postions! Exeption is when they are in your platoon!
    Only show the friendly pos when they are in the range of my minimap this will
    solve alot of performance issues!

    Btw fix the broken Minimap. Broken why? take a look here...

    We need to add/change in game

    In PS1 it was possible to render all the things around you even in big battles.
    You only saw the people that were spotted by your platoonmembers.
    And spotting was actually to have people seen on your screen somehow.
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  2. TheRunDown

    I've been on this forum for a week straight and yet to see a response to any of the whining threads by a SOE employee. (except mods when needed)

    I don't think they even care what we think and only want to make the game how they intended since the alpha.
    Witch is, Farm Doors, Farm Spawns, Farm with Libs, Farm anywhere with anything, to create a supposedly "Epic Vehicle Warfare, On a Mass Scale" MMO, call it PlanetSide 2, but have nothing from PlanetSide 1 other than weapon names, nation's names and vehicle names..

    People have seem to have forgotten what SOE did to us on PS1, I shall never forgive them for it, while still taking our subs, but I still play PlanetSide 2, cause COD(mindless game/children) and BF3(newbs and hackers) suck on PC.
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  3. Germanius_GER

    We already see sniper spams in the game, nothing new.

    Remove Q spotting, and i am sure there will be even less sniper spam and you know why?
    How do snipers find in the moment their targets in game? "Q"
    If they have to work to find you, they will lose interest in this class.
  4. control-z

    I don't have much trouble at all staying hidden from vehicles except maybe on the ice continent. I just think the bases need to have more interior rooms and safer spawn points.
  5. AtomicGerman

    In the end, Q spotting is NOT an easy way to get kills. It only improves the chances of the spotted player dying, and the spotter and friends to remove a threat. That is what it was meant to do, and that is what it does. It can stay right where it is.
  6. Germanius_GER

    Some good arguments.

    I know what real tanks are capable of doing in real live. But here again i have to say, this game is not realistic.

    Concerning cover. There are really a few good spots for infantry, but the are rare. My experience is that, most of the time you can just easly drive around them or find higher ground next to it.

    Of course removing Q spotting will not eliminate bombarding, but will reduce it. Because players are then force to actively scan to battlefield identify targets and actually aim for them.

    That is the point, you will need more skill to aim and shoot. Giving infantry more survivability, what would improve infantry combat.
    In moment, in my opinion, infantry men are just victims.

    Sorry, but staying unseen to the enemy or flank him is almost impossible and even if you success thanks to this mechanic
    he can almost instantly find your position.

    It would be extremely unfair for HAs to go entirely unseen popping out from cover and hammering vehicles with rockets.

    Why not? I almost never get flank or killed from behind, HA, mines C4, nana. Respect for the few players who have the done this.

    Ready your response, strengthens me in my conviction. Saying it shows you enemys popping up on your screen and map you would may never see, spotted by our teammates.
    There is no surprise in this game, you can almost tell where the enemy is.
  7. JohnnyMaverik

    We had far worse Sniper spam in early to mid Beta, because a lot of the new players coming in (and even some of the older ones) didn't know how to spot. By late beta most people knew what to do and it wasn't such a problem, before that snipers would camp spawn rooms like we see ESF's and MBT's doing now. Don't feed the farmyard by taking Q spot away.
  8. JOups

    how about bringen to cert funktion in?
    one for spotting?
    and one for "not get spotted"
  9. 13lackCats

    Yes, absolutely, yes...remove Q spotting ! El horrible!

    Cover is fine.

    Infantry can do a lot to help themselves by getting away from the spawns.
  10. Germanius_GER

    I have to admit, snipers would be a problem. Hard to spot them based on the tracer.
  11. Wibin

    You really suck at finding cover then is all I have to say.
    It is incredibly hard to find good snipers.

    As for perching on a mountain top with a magrider, its not that simple.
    I have to have a gunner, and I have no breaks, so shots are very hard to make while I "attempt" to hold a magrider still.

    Then add on top of that how good my ping and his ping is as well.

    Then if your still lost on how not so special this is, you just grab some C4, come up behind where its impossible for me to see you and blow me up easy peasy for almost 1000 points.
  12. Wibin

    Notice the trend though when Mod's shut the topics down, they are usually really stupid threads that are just silly.
    The rest of the time they sit there and laugh at us for all the stupid posts and idea's that people post in these forums.

    They are so radical and assinine, how would we ever expect to be taken seriously?

    SOE records data and takes some suggestions from here.
    I'm sure it goes before some sort of group for vote.

    PS1 was ruined by community complaining, I think they acknowledged that for ps2, thus they are being more selective with suggestions for ps2.
  13. Wibin

    Great points.
    To bad that when my squad mates spot somebody, they never show up on my map or screen.

    it would be helpfull in my tank when they do, so I know what the hell they are shooting at seeing as SOE didn't put the turret indicator back into the game mechanic like ps1. Driving in 3rd person is a PITA with the magrider, and the main screen is better than ps1, but I cannot see what my gunner is doing. Half the time they forget to relay directions to me properly as well.
  14. Wibin

    The spot command rarely works for me.
    sometimes it helps sometimes it doesnt.
    Rarely works when my enemy is in cover.
    if they are in the middle of a field i can use spot on them, which seems realistic.

    the spot command isn't really overpowered cheezy, but sometimes it can be.
    I don't really see it being that big of a problem.
  15. The King

    Q should only work if you actually saw the person.
    Having the crosshair over the person and pressing Q.

    Right now I can just spam Q and find people I didn't even know was there. lol... sad
  16. Meiu

    Lol, "degree in biology," dat undergrad, please sir, how long have you been in med school and tell me about your optometry practice. If by making up definitions you mean by properly using definitions specifically used in the field, then yes, if by "making up definitions" you mean not what you found when you wiki/googled something then no. Please, stop now, people who don't understand don't care and people who understand the field know you are full of nanites, all you are doing is lying to yourself.

    Also, if you don't at least have a doctorate and specifically work in that field your opinion is far from qualified to retort. Undergrad in biology is pretty much a worthless degree just like psychology.
  17. Lancener

    No kill cam to see where the enemy is, spotting allows people to prevent people from camping. Don't think there's anyway that they'd get rid of spotting, when in doubt Q.
  18. Eli

    If they don't get rid of spotting they should at least add a significant cooldown and limit its range.
    Other solutions : red arrow disappears when the enemy isn't on your line of sight anymore / Spotting only works for teammates, but not you.
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  19. Mriswith

    From all that I've seen the Q spotting is not the reason for bombardments at all but more of a side benefit where it's the liberator that's actually spotting people, and that mainly to get help from ground forces to catch escapees.
    Bombarding liberators DOES receive some tactical usage out of spotting but it's not what people here make out to be *the reason everyone is getting hit from air*, but more simply a way for air to know in which direction they need to move to get to the actual battle (since ground battle can move at a relatively fast pace at times).
    And so removing Q spotting would not really help infantry at all on an Individual survival level because practically every liberator already has the IR scope for their bombardment weapon, and would be quite immune to the removal of Q spotting (They don't need people spotted to see them after all).
    And fighting the ESFs is pretty easy as long as you have at least a few people willing to get their Max's out to handle them.
  20. Vorpal

    A magrider has an easier time traversing difficult terrain than does an infantryman.

    This game is all sorts of backwards.

    It would help to provide walls and shields that actually stop HE splash from going through.