SOE lets us know you are fighting for us.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by smokemaker, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. MurderBunneh

    We need a constantly evolving detection system that is updated hourly and that lets player submitted hacks go into the data base in the same way that antivirus systems work. I would be willing to download and submit hacks for analysis there are things that can be done that are not.
    Reporting is a reactionary measure I do not like it as the primary source of detection. You are essentially putting the responsibility of security on your paying customers.
    My biggest problem lately is that the hacks we are seeing should not be happening they are basic basement hacks and free to download there is no excuse for them to be working 2 weeks after they are released.

    If a hacker gets in and is able to grieve players for hours or even days like what has been happening then it doesn't matter that they are later banned the damage has been done.

    And now those of you that said we shouldn't post it on the forums can see that at first it was someone like me that has been playing games my whole life I know what to look for.
    But now we have casuals and people who come from mmorpg that have never been subjected to this kind of cheating. They are starting to see it too and post about it. You can only cover it up and hope for the best for so long before it blows up in somebodies face.
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  2. smokemaker

    I guess there are issues with this as well as an IP can be changed... not sure I understand it all but every time i see this, it gets shot down quickly. Can anyone explain the ban IP thing and why it wont or cant work?
  3. smokemaker

    Interesting view point but i am struggling with how cheaters encourage others to play the game.?.
  4. smokemaker

    roger that and understand
  5. MrPokealot

    Honestly MMOs, especially free MMOs and hacks are like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You can't have one without the other....eventually. You don't see, and frankly don't care if someone hacks singleplayer games.
  6. T D B

  7. MrPokealot

    Well, from what I learned from APB, hackers have their own forums as well, not unlike this. They're havens for people who are passionate(I'm not joking) about hacking and programming, and coming up with new ways to beat the system. Some do it for the money. Essentially there are a ton of kids out there who are willing to pay for hacks, and when they hear about planetside they'll want to play too. Free publicity. As long as they're undetected generally nobody does anything about it.
  8. smokemaker


    I vote quality over quantity
    A cheater is not a quality player.
    I would rather play with less numbers then more numbers if they included cheaters.
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  9. MrPokealot

    unfortunately, we dont get a real say in the matter. its like saying "Yeah bullies are bad, I would rather hang out with nice people instead"
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  10. Cymoril

    Dark Age of Camelot had a radar hack that cost $25 a year. It exploited the hell out of the game for several years. One day they bought the hacks program and figured out how he was doing it and shut him down. So, if SOE would "buy" the hack so to speak they could reverse engineer the program and squash it for awhile.
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  11. smokemaker

    I would actually be surprised if SOE wasn't already in a lot of the cheater sites. To me this would be a no brainer.
  12. MurderBunneh

    They do have forums I go there and read them that's how I know whats coming and what hacks are being used and what SOE is doing or not doing to stop them.
    If the devs do not have memberships to these sites and are not downloading these hacks to find put how they work then they don't deserve to have their jobs anymore.
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  13. MrPokealot

    lol...that's a little harsh, no? Plus it doesn't exactly generate revenue, nobody's really paying for it...
  14. Yeo-Yin

    Disagree. Shareholders are not players at all. They don't care about the game, they want some stats. For them, more customers = more buyers = more money.
    The game can be a turd, they don't give a **** about it.
    The game can be full of hackers/crackers people can be angry etc, they don't care. As long as people buy items in game and as long as you have more and more players they are happy.
    If tomorrow SOE oblige people to have a CC to play, the number of new players will drastically fall, and shareholders will leave.

    I think that SOE has more than enough money do developp this game, even before the 3x sc. But this is not the problem : even if you work for microsoft, you won't have money for your project if you can't bring more money. And microsoft will not listen to any promess you can do, they'll want stats. Actually, the bigger the company is the harder you'll have money when you want to do something.

    There is a reason why the name of this game is planetside 2 and it's not because of the gameplay. There is a reason why this game is f2p, and it's not because devs are altruist.

    This happened to me, and more than you can think. I know that it's boring. But once again, shareholders don't care about the fun of the game and so devs (who only care about shareholders) don't care about it either.

    I love pve, a problem with that ? I love minecraft, yes.
    I play firefall for something like 2 weak and i unlocked everything in all the t1 frame and in some t2 frame. It's not hard to play, and it's always fun to dodge the fire of many juggs and assault to finally kill them. Every frame give a whole different gameplay, they are not copy-past with only one or 2 differences between them.
    I play mostly engi, and even with just that i have a lot of fun.
    The fun thing is in firefall, you can unlock a lot of things AND have upgrades for them for free and easily. Try to have half of this in ps2 and you'll have to grind for weeks. Man, even the gameplay is better: you are faster, you can jump higher, you have a jetpack on every battleframe ...
    I prefer the graphism of ps2 (more realistic) but it's the only thing that i regret.
    You are not grinding in firefall, cause everything you do will give you a good amount of exp. you don't have rewarding jobs and unrewarding jobs : all of them will give you exp, all of them will let you play alone or in team. It's more fun in team, but you can still play alone and enjoy the game.

    You know that people find devil may cry fun. Yeah, be able to beat dozens of AI is fun for some people, and they are not more or less "stupid" that people who love to fight vs non-ai.
    And fight a baneclaw, destroy an incursion, retake a tower or def a thumper are really not the same things, at all.
    But this is not the point : in firefall even if you are cheaters as this game is more pve they'll be less a problem. SOE said that they will create a game with "battles on an epic scale". If they don't have the technology to do it, they shouldn't have promised to do it.
    MMOFPS are rare and this because it's a hard topic. If they can do it, it's awesome. If they can't do it (as no one before could) but they pretend to be able to do it, this is awefull. I am waiting for the patch to know if they are really a bunch of liers.
  15. SiosDashcR

    Hackers don't make this game that much money - Kids who look for free hacks don't spend money into this game, therefore there's no profit in this.

    Quantity =/= Profits. Quality of servers is what make people spend a sh*tton of money into the game that they can support. Look at the Billing forums sections, you'll see people already requesting refunds or leaving the game because of the hackers in the game makes the money they spent NOT worthwhile.

    This isn't a small individual project that isn't supported entirely by shareholders and investors. This isn't some small company - Otherwise you'll see a sh*tton of affiliates on the main page of PlanetSide2.

    Actually, according to many other players who ALSO played FireFall (that I have played with, or heard friends talk about) - It's the same issue. Otherwise FireFall, like it was back when it was in beta (if it still is), would be heavily endorsed and heard about. Much publicity of it is over.

    IP addresses can easily by changed if your IP is dynamic vs static.
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  16. Stormlight666

    Could attach a Paypal account.
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  17. Yeo-Yin

    1) ok, let's be even more clear : shareholders don't know what is a hacker. This is likely untrue, but you can consider that it's true. They put money in something to have more money later. They don't care about the game, they don't care about hackers, they don't care about anything except : the game have to make money.
    2) even if soe is a big society, each and all projects have to make money. SOE can hold the developpement of ps2 without any support from shareholders but they won't do it as it's not possible to know if the game will have success later. What they want is result. They can put money in the game, they can accept one or two fail but after a moment they will just stop the developpement if it doesn't make enough money.
    3) firefall is STILL in beta. (and in closed beta)

    WoW is now f2p until you reach lvl20. Why they did that ? To have more players. Blizzard has a lot of money, really a lot. They had a project to make the gamme full f2p but some studies showed that it wasn't the best solution to make money. So they didn't. They changed the game cause they was making less money than before and because this was making shareholders "angry".
    Players (and especially hardcore players) didn't like what happened to the game (more casual) but blizzard just didn't care about them.

    They don't care about players. Accept it. As long as people pay, they are happy. When people will actually stop to pay, they'll do something. Right now, people are complaining about what they bought but soe don't care, they'll won't give their money back. If people who paid leave, other people will come and pay, and maybe later leave and let other people come etc.
    This is perfect for soe. You can rage, you can ask for refunds etc, this won't change anything.
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  18. SiosDashcR

    You make it seem as there aren't a ton of shareholders out there, who would be more than willing to yield all of the profits PlanetSide 2 makes, NOT off of hackers, and make it seem as if this is a small company that solely relies on shareholders.

    This game has expanded ever since it was in Alpha, as I had mentioned before. So long as this game expands and SHOWS positive progression - You will get more shareholders who believe that their investment is worth it. Investors play by risk - So they won't just leave for any random reason, for something as little as a change that can increase the quality of the community.

    From my standpoint, it seems the MAIN reason why you're attacking the whole "CC -registration" and it seems like anyone else who is: is because you're unable to get a CC for yourself, no matter how easy it actually is. I'm not going to risk the quality of the community to deteriorate because some players are too lazy to go out themselves to get a CC.

    You obviously, as I mentioned earlier, haven't dealt heavy with hackers on your end. Earlier today, I had to deal with a hacker who managed to clip INSIDE the SCU room and was able to keep blowing up the SCU WITHOUT taking out the SCU shields.

    Had another player who was wall clipping through MULTIPLE walls (not just one) - just to get a ton of kills.
  19. Gavyne

    They have been on vacation for just about 2 weeks, there's a reason why there have been no updates. But no worries, they come back in full force Jan 2nd, sit tight for ONE more day.
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  20. Yeo-Yin

    1) nice, now you start ad hominem attacks, i am not sure it's really usefull for the topic.
    2) shareholders cannot have a right estimation of the game. Man, i can't, you can't. Have look at the forum of LoL : full of people who are complaning, full of people who say that they'll leave, that the game is over ... and this last for years now. The impact of the quality of the community over the money the game can make is not something trivial. CS has a lot of hackers and people are still playing at cs. YOU want a strong link between a good community and a healthy game, but it's not so evident. Actually, only healthy games have such a terrible community, so ...
    I hope you got it : all shareholders are not 30 years old person who have a sharp mind of what make a game "good". Most of them don't care, they only believe stats. They can't spend too much time to have a good estimation of each an every aspect of the game, so they want clear and "easy" data (easy for them, nobody else can understand their data).
    One more thing : they don't care at all about the longevity of the game. If the game die, they'll have time to leave before it's too late.
    3) You know that google has a lot of money ? Yes, everyone know that. But, something that few people know is that in google if you have a project you'll have very little money to do it. The bigger the company is, the stingy it is. PS2 is not SOE, ps2 is a project of soe. One between many. If this game doesn't meet requirements, they can just shut it down and start an other one. They have money, a lot, and for this reason if it appears that this game doesn't bring enough money, they can just stop it. Because they have money.

    Before LoL, there was very few f2p out there. Now, you have so much of them that it's rare to find a fee-based game. It's not because lol is fun, it's not because nobody thought about it before, it's only because before LoL everyone was trying to beat WoW (understand : have a piece of the sweety cake) and everyone just failed and when LoL started to steal more and more customers to WoW, they just changed their tune.
    PS2 try to do the same. Shareholders came because they hoped that ps2 will steal customers of LoL and if it doesn't happen (or doens't happen enough) they'll go on an other project. They'll have no regret as for them ps2 is one of the 1000 investments they have.
    I talk about shareholders like is they was persons but actually it's more and more wrong. Now, they "are" programs, that can trade sell buy a lot of things in a millisecond. These programs use algorithms to determine which are the most profitable investments. For "them", ps2 is just an ID with some stats.