SOE lets us know you are fighting for us.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by smokemaker, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. MrPokealot


    APB:R did this and they were bloody useless at it. One month you'd have a fair number of hackers and the next you'd have like so few, and then people would complain on the forums because there'd still be a fair number of hackers in game. There's no permaban for free mmo games, it's just a fact of life.
  2. JohnnyMaverik

    Yea come on SOE, admit you fight for the VS (no I didn't read the post, just the title). OP FOREVER! ^_^

    Ok seriously though, I agree, I don't expect them to fix all the problems immediately, or even soon, but I'd like to know that they know that they are problems, and that they do plan on fixing them.
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  3. SiosDashcR

    To be honest, some of these points are silly.

    1) CCs aren't available to everyone - While true, prepaid cards exist at almost every local pharmacy store- Which is equivalent to a CC.

    2) You say we have more people because it's a F2P. While that IS true, you also see CounterStrike - a game that COSTS money (not only requires a CC), have a MUCH larger community-base than PlanetSide 2 does and most other FPS games.

    3) You talk about LoL and PS2 - Which is completely unreasonable. Two different games will NOT yield the same values for decoding to allow cheaters. FPS games deal with player hit boxes, a target that aimbot clients LOOK for. Name five FPS games where there isn't any sort of aimbot feature to.

    4) And this:
    What? Completely f*cking what? So you're saying adding cheaters is fun to the game because it adds to the "massive" aspect to it? Then you may as well distribute aimbot clients for free to attract those who can't even play FPS games to add to the massive.

    PlanetSide 2 ISN'T just about the massive community. Quantity doesn't justify quality. It's about the QUALITY of the game versus how many people it can yield. Yes, you're right in the regards that THINGS MUST CHANGE. However, saying that more people (hackers, griefers, exploiters) adds to the community is far what makes PlanetSide 2 what it is today.
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  4. smokemaker

    yea i remember reading about APB and its fight with cheaters. what a mess.

    So are you saying that it would actually make it worse, if they tried to post XXX amount of hackers banned last month... to then have current players still see cheaters in game?

    could be an issue.
  5. SiosDashcR

    At least it's a step forward without any negative impacts. GMs aren't perfect and anyone who expects them to be is out of their mind.

    It's hard for someone to distinguish (while observing in third person) in a 1 v 1 one, who's a professional, competitive player or who's an aimbot. While I haven't been called a hacker, I've definitely soundwh*red a TON of people due to footsteps and from a third person perspective, it may see as if I'm wallhacking.
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  6. SiosDashcR

    Made a reply to that already:

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  7. smokemaker

    "PlanetSide 2 ISN'T just about the massive community. Quantity doesn't justify quality. It's about the QUALITY of the game versus how many people it can yield. Yes, you're right in the regards that THINGS MUST CHANGE. However, saying that more people (hackers, griefers, exploiters) adds to the community is far what makes PlanetSide 2 what it is today."

    I agree on this point. Quality of the player should trump quantitiy of players. IE i do not want to play with cheats simply for sake of more players.
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  8. Yeo-Yin

    It's not intended to be full smart :)

    Then, i don't really get the point of adding a cc check if i can bypass it with a prepaid card. Correct me if i am wrong, but i can get as much as i want of these AND i still can use them (for other things) even if my accounts get banned.
    Actually, what people want is electronic is card and this doens't exist in my country and i hope what this will never ever happen. Big Brother is not far from this.

    CounterStrike is famous. It's an old and famous game.
    When i listen to you, it's like when i hear people say "omg, music was better before, for exemple [insert a name of a famous music here]". It's stupid : before you had some good musics and a lot of bad and now it's the same. Only good musics remains and this is why you think that before everything was better.
    So, CounterStrike was (and is) a good game and it's community keep it alive even now. However, most of games just disappear with time.
    You can't compare ps2 and counterstrike. You can a bit compare ps1 and cs. Nowaday, you have plenty of fps, so it's not enough to be good to have players and if people have to use a cc or something equivalent, they could just go to an other fps which won't have this "barrier".

    It's not so stupid. Devs of soe compare themselve their game and LoL (more for marketing aspect, this is true). If soe can't do a game without cheat, then they don't have to promise it. I play at firefall and afaik there is 0 cheaters in it. And it's a mmofps too.
    Do i have the right to give the name of 5 fps on consoles ?
    You also had hellgate london (dead now :'( ) and once again afaik there was no cheater in it. Hey, it was a good game, sad that is was soo poorly optimized and has so big flaws in the multiplayer part.

    This part was a bit a troll of mine, i have to admit it :)
    However, i think that they hope to fix the possibility of cheating instead of ban people who cheat.
    Also, keep in mind that as long as they don't ban cheaters, they know who they(cheaters) are.
    Ban them, and they'll keep cheating, just less obviously.

    This is the part that i prefer. Yes, i agree with you at one hundred per cent, we need a good community more than we need a big community. The fact is, they "sold" their game with the argument "big community". If they loose that, they can't compete with CoD etc. as, you must admit it, ps2 is more ugly than a lot of other game. Ps2 IS big battles.
    They can't change the f2p "easy-to-play" or shareholders could leave. They (devs) promised a game "like LoL". What made LoL so famous is it's f2p and easy-to-play part. LoL just took a lot of players of WoW because of this (i don't have stats but this is well known, even blizzard admited it). So, shareholders want their own "LoL". The problem is, this let cheaters go in. And if they ban, cheaters will just create more accounts and hide themselves.
  9. SiosDashcR

    You still have to PAY for an electronic card nonetheless. So that doesn't make it so "easily" accessible unless you want to continuously pay a good $25 or so, just to make a new account (for those who can't register for CCs.)

    Also about that EIC - No, you don't know what people want. It's just a Credit Card - is all. The US doesn't even have EICs - Why would people want EICs to be a requirement if the majority of players are from the US (or at least since this company is IN the US). If anything close to an "identity card", it would be a SOCIAL SECURITY card, which is given to EVERYONE, regardless of country (so long as it's modern).

    1) Considering that PS2, with my proposed model would STILL be free, there isn't much restriction from it - and the fact that it has certain requirements, will filter out A LOT of the immature players who can't easily access an easy credit cards (at least the younger ones.)

    2) FireFall DID have aimbotters, actually. Just because you didn't see them (because barely any played that terrible grinding game), doesn't mean it didn't happen. Remember the sniper one-shot ability? People easily abused that during PvP nonstop (or to be more subtle: PvE)

    3) You can't compare LoL and PS2 (except when it came to marketing.) They are two COMPLETELY different systems in how the game read values: if you learned a bit about decrypting game files, you'd understand how they worked. It's the same way how MapleStory, a sidescroller MMORPG would not be anywhere near close to a game like World of Warcraft, an open MMORPG. It depends on the placement of certain objects (not physical objects either: talking about sprites, spell locations etc, it's on a different plane.)

    4) Plenty of FPS games also don't get the same recognition as PlanetSide 2 has gotten recently, with the constant "best game of the year" awards and multiple reviews. They've done great on their advertisement (and even if I hate this), gotten some pretty famous gamers to start that all-out faction war.

    So continue to let them cheat? Lol - No thanks. I much rather have requirements set in place to filter out the amount of people who think they can easily just make a new account for negative (or positive) reasons. Negative reasons include but are not limited to: faction griefing (or individually targetting someone you hate), aimbotting, reporting other players (to raise flags), boosting, etc.

    I'm assuming you don't understand marketing when something is oversold and presented as such, to draw in a larger audience. If companies were removed for not taking everything they said literal and upheld it, the majority of companies, more than a good 80%+, would be gone. Read the majority of Terms of Service Agreements that state that their conditions are able to change at any time, without your notification and that you could face punishment for breaking those rules you never initially knew about.


    Not to sound like a d*ck, but I may as well. The way I see it, you're talking from the standpoint of a person who thinks the world is magical and that everything is simple and not at all complicated. I reference this from your earlier remark of: "Firefall has no cheaters" and "I can get unlimited CC checks (which seemed as if you thought they were easy to just keep buying, but I doubt you knew of the buying aspect.) ".
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  10. Germanius_GER

    This would be much appreciated .
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  11. Yeo-Yin

    I don't see any problem here. You know, the laws against wrong advertisements exist today, but they are not very old. This is however an other topic.
    And it's not the point i am rising here. What i point out is the fact that shareholders are needed forthis project, like for all big projects.

    SOE promised a game f2p, a game like lol, not to us, customers, but to them, shareholders. I don't think that shareholders play ps2. But, they want to have money.
    LoL was (and is) a success because (mostly) of its f2p and no-barrier aspect. So soe just said "we will do the same, we will have the same success, you can buy our shares". Got it ? It has nothing magical or cute or whatever. It's all about money.
    But the problem is, if tomorrow soe change their mind and just decide to put a cc as a requirement to play, shareholders will just leave and soe will not have money for the developpement.
    So, they can't change this aspect.
    Once again : the reason why they can't change this aspect is not because they promised anything, it's just because if they do that they'll admit that it's a fail and shareholders will fear.
    And for hackers : they don't ban them right now cause it's useless (they can create an other account), and while they don't ban them they can know where are the hackers.It's like a security system irl : if you have a very strong "no one can enter" system but nothing inside, you'll have no problem until the day where you'll find that a robber just took everything.
    If you let hackers like they are now, you can hope that when you'll have a way to track them and to ban them, then you'll be able to know who they are and you'll clean all of them, once and for all. I think that SOE is looking for a solution (yeah, i think that they fear a massive leave from players) but ban cheaters is not a good solution : it won't solve anything (they'll be back in 2 min) and they'll know that you can track them so they'll be more and more hard to find.

    I never said that "firefall has no cheaters". I just said "afaik firefall has no cheaters". Maybe it has. I don't play pvp in this game.
    And the "grinding" you can have in firefall is VERY lower than the grinding you have in ps2.
    I don't have a CC or anything equivalent.
  12. smokemaker

    Good idea, but may not be so easy.
  13. SiosDashcR

    So you're saying that shareholders much rather have a hacker-infested game than one that's mostly clear of it? Here's the thing you don't seem to get: Shareholders come and go. The more appealing a game looks, the LESS bugs it has, the more endorsements are thrown at it. Shareholders won't flock to a game that's infested by a bunch of hackers because usually games like those, won't last too long. Also, due to the recent triple Station cash - I'm sure this company has just enough, if not more than enough, to support itself and to continue development to BECOME appealing to shareholders. Requiring something extra, only changes a few but not A LOT of shareholders. I doubt you were back here in beta or even alpha for that matter- But this game has changed TREMENDOUSLY since then and has been expanding and improving since. So does that mean because the game changes, shareholders will leave? No. A game can be F2P and have a CC requirement with a massive community, especially filled with more adults - since CCs are generally free for people eligible of age. A mature and productive community is something any shareholder is willing to invest into - than a sh*t one.
    Doing something is better than doing nothing. Apparently you don't seem to mind hackers because I doubt you've even dealt with that sort of trash. If you had, you'd realized that being hunted down by the same player from half-way across a large base - isn't all that fun.

    The grinding in FireFall is way worse than in PS2. You kill the same AIs over and over again - nothing changes. Walk out, drill for resources, defend, repeat. There's nothing interesting.

    Here, you can at least visit different battles: actually approach battles of all types instead of one and because players aren't AI, they're a lot less unpredictable than the AIs.
  14. MrPokealot

    Gloating about banning hackers is a marketing gimmick. Its even a waste of money if you consider the number of people that have quit because of hackers, the effect of hacking is the opposite I'm afraid - it encourages more people to play the game.
  15. MrPokealot

    This was addressed in another thread as well, how planetside 2 is designed to be similar to pretty much every fps game, where they reward kills the most and not teamwork. You cannot expect teamplay in a game not designed for teamplay. Additionally, the product wont sell as well if its an fps that does give substantial kill rewards. In the end the safest decision has always been to stick to the kills first, then teamplay and it saddens me that no company has ever tried differently.
  16. Cymoril

    What about BAN IP?
  17. Tasogie

    I wish I could post the email I got from Admin this morning but I cant, suffice to say I can understand their difficulty in this a little more now. It just gets so frustrating when you feel like they are not doing anything an that they are ignoring you. I am just a fisherman by trade so my knollege of computing is very limited, but I would have thought it possible today to have some sort of ID tag on an account so it shows up in game?... I really dont know as I just guessing. But there must be a way to trace accounts an people who are hacking.
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  18. IshanDeston

    Please, no more messages. I don't want to get perma spammed with "The drones are watching" in game. Its so annoying.

    I don't want to be bothered. I want Hackers to be dealth with MIB style. I don't want to know about it. I want them gone and dealt with. Thrown into the deepest hole they can fine, but i don't want to know about it.

    I don't care what they do, how they do it and certainly i don't want those horrible and annoying messages again.
  19. Tasogie

    Actually Dynamix did. Tribes was about team play, you didn't solo for long because it was so fast an so frantic you needed others help.Dynamix did an amazing job of foster community.
    The Tribes community was one of the best I've seen in FPS gaming ever.
  20. MrPokealot

    Eh tribes is interesting, though I admit I never got to play it. Looked like it'd make me seasick, though I did watch TB's Tribes videos for a while.