Air counters Air when Air outnumbers Air when Air attacks Air at a base full of Air.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dracent, Dec 30, 2012.


    BFBC series wasnt part of the battlefield series. it was an offshoot designed to compete directly with COD. thats why BF3 was such a shock as it was pretty much BFBC2 with crappy jets instead of being the true successor that we were all promised and lied to about.

    I dont really know why i felt inclined to say this, as it really doesnt even pertain to the discussion, but it did.
    • Up x 1
  2. MrPokealot

    Still dont give a ****
  3. LittleDi

    This thread is full of WINd
    • Up x 2
  4. Phsychotica

    A single hit from a comparatively low velocity MG maybe, several hits to the same place or a hit with an anti-material rifle? I think not.

    But on topic:
    Woo! Air!
  5. Linedan

    Yo dawg, I heard you like air so we added some air to your air so you can air while you air.

  6. Hydragarium

    Whiners whine at whiners when whining outnumbers whining when whiners whines whining at a whine full of whining.
  7. Mahakar

    You mad cuz its true
  8. TeknoBug

  9. JojoTheSlayer

    Yeah, once the air fight is over.
    Ground troops cant leave their bunkers because there is a million Liberators nuking it and it takes a ton of fire just to take one down.

    Infantry/Maxes balance vs Air and Vehicles is BROKEN.
  10. Immortal-D

    Outrageous, there are so many little details you need to address, lest this picture simply be a 'flavor of the week'. The slash is far too bright red, causing imbalance with the main caption. And what were you thinking giving every word a capital start? Does skill mean nothing? This is like charging people for a buggy and hack-ridden half finished signature you obviously rushed as a cash grab. Who in their right mind would justify such an abhorrent business practice?

    anti-material...what? a .50 BMG is considered an "anti-material" rifle as using .50 slugs against combat infantry violates the Geneva convention laws. the Apache, for example can withstand MULTIPLE hits from a .50BMG, and in the case of the A-10 a 30mm Anti-air round. but what we are discussing is sniper rounds where the highest impact would be a .338 Lapua which is well beneath a .50/
  12. Jourmand1r

    What color is the moon? I mean, they say its grey, but maybe the video just made it look grey cause it was in black and white.
  13. TheJosephChrist

    You might say this thread is a breath of fresh....air?
  14. Protential

    They can't miss the point of this one.

    Good Job
  15. Tenzin

    I don't know, everything's up in the air.
  16. Vortok

  17. sustainedfire

    You have to be a real Air-Head to come up with a thread like this one.
  18. HerpTheDerp

  19. Vedo

    Trading in my Skyguard for this:
  20. ArcKnight

    hey i wanted to say that