It's Official, I'm a skilless noob!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Prince Planet, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Prince Planet

    Just posting for others who may feel the same.

    So I play VS. I've been reading about the VX6-7, the Flare, the Pandora and Serpent. I've seen the videos and read the reviews. All seems golden.

    Then I trial them and get owned something stupid. I seriously can't tell the difference over default weapons. Sure the auto shotgun is different but as for mowing down the enemy like in the videos... ah nah. Doesn't happen.

    I have bought the Parallax and have fun with that. I bought the Lasher which I think is the biggest piece of rubbish put into the game so far. It's as effective as throwing duck feather pillows at the enemy even when they are chocked or in a spawn room. It should be renamed the "splasher" and I sure hope there's a medal for the number of assists, because that's all you'll get with it.

    Anyway I'll keep experimenting with unlocks and maybe find a weapon of choice.
  2. Phyr

    Weapons are basically sidegrades. You trade one thing for something else. The serpent has really high ROF, but good luck killing someone past 40m and don't venture too far from an ammo point.
  3. Hydragarium

    Yeah almost all of the infantry weapons are sidegrades with slight tweaks to them - some have automatic fire when this isn't the case for the "regular version" (shotguns), certain rifles shoot faster/slower than their other variants, offering less damage per bullet (higher magazines)

    But there ARE true "new" weapons. Mostly noticeable on vehicles such as the ESF (Reaver, Mosquito and the Scythe)
  4. Garrix

    The problem is you play VS to start with. All the 'AMG THIS IS CRAZY' posts tend to come from people of other factions that pick up the strongest VS weapons and realize that they are absurd. They aren't that different from normal VS stuff, but tend to be lightyears ahead of NC, and still a pretty large upgrade for TR.
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  5. Regpuppy

    The weapons are within your own pool are mostly going to be similar. Aside from two or three in each weapon type that seem to mimic guns from another faction. Devs did a decent job on sidegrade weapons in my opinion since we're seeing multiple weapons called up when you ask which is best in each category.

    The reason VS weapons might seem more popular, assuming realistic damage potential is perfectly balance (which, I don't think it is), is because they're easier to use compared to NC guns. Less recoil, tighter cones of fire, and good rate of fire? All make for easier gunplay. Not to mention that close in close quarters quarters, fire rate is king.

    As for auto-shotguns. The ones for each faction all make the other shotguns seem inadequate in the shower room. Even the NC Jackhammer.
  6. Tasogie

    VS weapons are basically for the COD crowd, they dont miss, have no recoil, an fire much faster than other two. As a BR42 with every possible upgrade you could want. I can be killed in under 3 seconds by a BR1 with the Carbine... usually when I go head to head. Doesn't stop me playing simply because I know they are VS for the simplicity.
  7. HerpTheDerp

    Of course you are - you play VS

  8. Timperium

    This is one of the reasons I hate these forums. So much misinformation being spouted by fanatics who are too lazy, ignorant and anti-intellectual to attempt to do research upon the true advantages and disadvantages of all 3 factions. Instead just spout circle-jerk type nonsense because they don't have the mental capacity to think for themselves.
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  9. Big Cyz

    This is what happens when you give people the best guns as default. Create a NC player and spawn as Heavy for a couple of minutes to see what I mean.
  10. Sabzi

    Did that. Fits my play style more than VS guns, became my alt which I love. But VS/TR weapons do have the upperhand in most cases the game has to offer. You can say that NC weapons are good at this and that, but it all comes down to the certain situations in game. And the game is not rewarding for NC gun users. It's not enough that the idea behind the balance is good ON PAPER.

    But I really won't accept these type of accusations from TRs, sorry. They kill both my NC and VS from long distances easily, without bursting, no matter what I try. In close I kill them with NC, prefer medium range with VS.
  11. Tasogie

    Sunshine, either
    A. Show an ounce of maturity when you speak to me, or
    B. Dont speak, there's a good lad...

    I have no tolerance for the egotistical young internet warriors that think they are something special.
    When I say something I ONLY say it from a position of 100% knowledge, or els I dont speak. period.
    Every single word I posted is a fact, an exactly how it operates, I have not jsut started playing this game I have pored 300 hours into this game an same in dollars, if you dont like it I dont give a ****.
  12. forkyar

    we are all noobs intill a year has passed
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  14. Aelloon

    So everything is a fact, huh?

    - VS weapons are basically for the COD crowd
    Fact, clearly, the developers thought "we need to make weapons for Call of Duty players" and made VS weapons.
    - they dont miss
    Fact, you don't even have to aim them and they will automatically hit enemies!
    - have no recoil
    Fact, every time a VS fires their gun at a wall they drag the weapon upwards to create the illusion of recoil.
    - an fire much faster than other two
    Fact, the TR pistol does NOT fire at 845 RPM, it actually only fires at 84.5 RPM, nor does the cycler or the GD-7F. The ONLY weapon to fire at 845 RPM in the game is the Serpent, a VS gun.

    PS: most infantry guns can kill people in less than a second. Also, the TR pistol has a similar TTK to the Solstice and a higher rate of fire.
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  15. Spookydodger

    The Lasher is best from a high vantage point where you can move around a lot. Firing from the top of the Crown at rushing infantry is great because even though you may not get many kills, you scare the hell out of them with the splash damage (in actuality, I Got a decent amount of kills for hipfiring that thing from 75 meters)

    The Pandora is awesome at taking out TR and NC MAXs if you can catch them from behind. In close quarters it can either rock or suck hard. Most of the time, if I use the Pandora, I equip the magazine extender (bringing it up to 10 shots), and run with it on my Engineer so I can supply myself, then I run like a madman and try to jump over rails in towers and then run UP my stairs. That way I can mow down a few people from behind and escape to tell the tale. Throw down an anti-personnel mine when you first land and you'll catch some pursuers.
  16. breezy808

    sometimes all it takes is a little experience and understand to fully capitalize on the strength of your weapon. I like the Orion but I fell in love with the Flare!!! 47 levels later and on the NC side this time... I still kind of miss the flare.. Even after picking up 6 new weapons I still really miss the flare. That's just me though , like you said you'll find which gun you'll like =) Good luck
  17. f0d

    err what? cod crowd? i hate cod and i was vanu probably before cod was even thought of (was VS in PS1)
    they do miss
    they do have recoil
    TR have similar ROF

    your facts are wrong
  18. Tasogie

    I have no issues with VS weapons as they are, I dont let it slow me down or stop me in any way, they are very easy to use, an sometimes even humorous, as in when a VS sniper sees me its generally a case of pop pop pop pop pop.... eventually the shots land because he thinks hes using an assault rifle. For us on NC we are used to the one shot deal, or if we have to do body shots, 2.
    Not 20....
  19. Timperium

    Grow up. I don't tolerate misinformation and ignorance, which you clearly portray.

    You are the epitome of irony; "When I say something I ONLY say it from a position of 100% knowledge, or els I dont speak?"? Are you serious?

    So VS weapons are for the COD crowd is fact?
    They don't miss is fact?
    They have no recoil is fact?
    They fire much faster than the other two is fact?

    Really, just go back to watching Fox News and stay off these forums. There's a good lad.
  20. undeadsapir

    lol, you're saying that every VS player is playing VS because they are OP?
    you do realize TR was the ones considered OP antil maybe 1 week ago? so you're saying that all of the VS pop, that you're fighting picked VS, KNOWING that it will be the best faction at this moment, just for it to be simple for them?
    lol sad

    i cant wait for when the NC are OP so we could rage at you and make you feel bad for being "OP"