Infantry draw distance, snipers useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by playerone, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. LameFox

    The whole point of this thread, to anyone with a semi-functional brain, is that they don't WANT to have to be on the front lines, but during any semi-large battle the server limits them from seeing distant enemies. That makes sitting at a distance somewhat useless.
  2. Bone

    I always thought that the lack of rendering was due to the limitations within the engine itself, I can't comment on the server settings at all, after all in order to do that you would have to be an admin for the server in questions wouldn't you? I am not even sure that the SoE devs have even mentioned why they have an MMOFPS that has servers that are running settings to not render your enemy, in a game that boasts massive battles none the less, that sounds a bit ridiculous to me.

    So we have this major problem that is more and more apparent and gamebreaking in the huge battles they promised, for an unknown reason, however much we speculate. In my view this is down to the engine they are using, in order to actually work without falling on its behind I suspect they have had to limit the number observable players in a set area when the rate hits a limit point, this has been done tons of times before to cope with lots of players in one place in games historically. Either that or they have decided to limit observable players within a certain radius to cope with the scaling of PC's, this I am afraid is the usual trick to allow as many players as possible to play the game, great in theory and for SOE's pockets, however uiltimately self defeating when you have to restrict everyone elses enjoyment and immersion to do so and those who want more from their games and PC's will just move on...

    My predicition is,It wont get "fixed" because it's not a bug or a config issue, its hardwired and will remain. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of the game and enjoyed PS1 alot, but this version has some rather large flaws in its core that I just don't think can be resolved, hope I am wrong though. o_O
  3. LittleDi

    See, you make sense here. A rifle has a decent range, but it's not a sniper. Then you go about and post the following:

    Actually my point is that if you're going to play a sniper you should stop playing as assault. But nobody seems to understand that at all because they want to play guy with heavy hitting gun who can kill you in one shot. So how long have you had the delusion that sniper = Dirty Harry? Assault is the front lines of the trenches. A sniper is never supposed to be in the trenches. The entire point of trench sniper is foolish.

    Yes being on the front lines in a semi-large battle is a difficulty. But rather than taking the shots at the targets closer so your team can push you want to hit the ones inbound why? And you don't want to actually use your stealth to get tactics completed either why? In effect the complaint about sniper rifles being useless comes into play again. THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN USELESS. Anyone with half a brain can see that. Stop trying to make this about the draw distance. I can still see and shoot enemy troops well beyond what my recommended weapon range is. I can't kill them as efficiently as a sniper could but I can still do it. And that's with the default heavy assault weapon from the TR. I can shoot them with the hand gun too but at those ranges they're literally garbage for accuracy and damage.

    This entire thread is a case of "I can't see targets that I want to" instead. Who's fault is that they're not using their eyeballs?
  4. LameFox

    Um... because if I was going to shoot the ones up close, I'd be using a class that doesn't specialize in long range weapons?

    What on earth does 'get tactics completed' even mean?

    How about you stop trying to make a thread that is about the draw distance into one about something else nobody but you cares about?
  5. Diamond Sword

    Protip: You can't change draw distance for infantry. The draw distance you can change in your ini only affects vehicles and terrain; infantry still will only render at a max range of 1000m, and in reality it usually doesn't render them until about 300m.
  6. LittleDi

    Since you seem to have failed to discover the basics:

    When a target shows itself near the front line you kill it from the back of the formation. If A is you, B is the front line, C is the enemy's front line and D is the enemy's back line it would appear similar to this:

    As a sniper my targets are anything between C and D. Focusing on the ones at C (heavy/light assault) who can push the allies at B. This would allow B to advance in order to complete the tactic of advancing the front lines. Once the front lines are close to the enemy base it is time to start looking for the D targets. D would include any enemy support units helping to recover/improve the defensive line. Engineers and medics are the D targets. Maxes are not part of this because you'd only just give them clear knowledge of where you are. The engineer supporting them is perfectly fine for a sniper. You don't need to be at max range to be a sniper. You need to use your brain to do so though. Tactically speaking this would be known as an advance. In time the advance becomes completed and you begin the siege. These are very basic military tactics. I'm a bit confused why people don't know them. They're used all the time.

    Sabotage is another tactic as is scouting. The two biggest keys an infiltrator has. If your allies knows where the enemy is coming from and with what you have a severe advantage. There are times where I have to give up being a heavy assault to give my team knowledge of what is where. I stand back, tag targets, and someone out there knows "hey, red blip on map, kill it with fire" thanks to the fact that someone pointed them out for them 5 feet to their left on the other side of the rock. Seriously, it's like 80% of the players don't know the Q key exists. And when that 20% jumps in and gives them map awareness the entire flow of battle changes.

    It's NOT about draw distance. It never was. People don't seem to understand minimalist military tactics and want to blame the game's draw distance for their inability to use their eyeballs and assist their team. Does anyone happen to understand how far 300 meters is anymore or how hard it is to actually shoot accurately that far? Get the freaking knowledge of what you're complaining about:

    Here's an old one. Watch it and learn from it before you complain about the draw distance.
  7. Diamond Sword

    Yes, yes it is. Perhaps not everyone here is talking about the same issue, but I for one know for a fact there are rendering issues in this game. I am rather careful as infantry, moving slow taking cover, and scanning my fire sectors. I've been playing Battlefield for a long time and also play ARMA II religiously. ARMA II especially can be hard to see people; there's no radar and no tags and on top of that, when playing Warfare with default teams, both OPFOR and BLUFOR have almost identical uniforms.

    It's not an issue of spatial awareness or perception when you can peek over the railing of the lowest tier balcony on a tower, see that there's nothing below you only to jump down and be instantly surrounded by enemies that were there the whole time, but not being drawn. It's not an issue of perception when you're tracking a medic with your scope and they vanish out of thin air because the game decided your GPU didn't need to draw the ****** any more.
  8. Yadda

    Hah, you think you have it bad? Try driving a tank. I have two words for you and I'm sure most drivers already know it.

  9. Diamond Sword

    Try gunning for a Lib pilot.
    • Up x 1
  10. Yadda

    I hate libs because you guys always slam me but at least I can empathize with this. It's seriously the most frustrating thing in the world where you render to everyone else but they don't render to you. Half the time I'm getting my *** kicked by ghosts and the worst part is I can't follow the tracers to discover where the enemy even is because that doesn't even render, nor do the explosions. My tank just spontaneously explodes.

    It's pretty much impossible to even approach the crown this week because I get locked by 10 invisi rockets the moment I leave the garage. Oh hey, I'll just go see what's at TI Alloys. Nope, locked on from crown air pads.

  11. LameFox

    You asked me why I don't want to shoot the ones 'closer'. It's because I don't need a long range weapon to shoot people close to me. If I was doing what you're talking about, I wouldn't need to be an infiltrator to begin with. Whether I could do it as one is irrelevant to what I said.

    Is there something mentally wrong with you? This thread is about the rendering in-game. You did not start this thread, you did not choose the subject of this thread, and you apparently don't know a bloody thing about how the rendering in this game works. All the tactical things you can possibly paste into this thread have nothing to do with the technical issue the thread is about, and all you're doing is spamming it. If you want to post things irrelevant to the thread, make a different thread.
  12. LittleDi

    Odd, because I never have that issue and I've been in heavy sieges both as offense and defense. So the advantage we have with our radar and knowledge shared between team members is a detriment to you. Ever tried to defend a base against a 100+ man push? I have. I'm a heavy, I know my job as a heavy.

    I've done enough defense and offense to know what I should be doing and how. I cover the allies of mine so that they can do their jobs. I try to take the shots so the medic doesn't and can help everyone recover. When alone I use tactics to avoid detection by people entering a door so I can shoot them first without them doing the same to me. When i see someone about to commit to a charge I lay down cover fire. When I know a pack of enemys are inside a door I throw a grenade at them. When I see a swarm of maxes I pull out the launcher and C4. When I know I can't kill a target, I alert the people who can by putting the target on the map.

    So in effect your inability to work as a unit is the render issue. I'm getting tired of repeating what you should already know. This is my last post in this thread so listen up and listen well.

    Heavy assault is the front line's best unit. You need to be able to take damage and dish it out preferably without dying in the process.

    Light assault changes the game by attacking from multiple directions of not only above but from below.

    Medics and Engineers help both of them by picking up and resupplying both. They're not useless in the fight but do better by supporting it than being the front line. The best of them know how to use the front line unit (heavy for medics and maxes for engineers) in order to support the push.

    Infiltrators don't belong in the line. They're easy targets to squish. This is why when I am at the front line and I see an infiltrator I MOW THEM DOWN. They aren't looking at me anyways even when I'm point blank shooting them. I've actually countered a sniper shooting at me with a launcher more times than I care to count. Stop playing stupid as a unit that isn't designed to be stupid and the entire game will change for you. If you keep thinking infiltrators deserve to be on the front line expect to die a lot more.
  13. Latros

    "Cant tell if stupid or just trolling......."

    You are the most special person ive seen on this forum or any forum for that matter in a very very long time... even more laughable are your stats lol...

    The fact you can not grasp that this thread was about he limitations of the games infantry rendering and somehow believe it has to do with "tactics" is mind boggling... I did think you were just trolling at first then I just realized you were simply ********.

    I as many others have quite nice gaming rigs able to handle anythign and everything planetside could ever throw at it and the fact that no matter how I set my settings or tweak my PC it will never change the fact that in most battles with a 12x scope on a sniper rifle I can watch the infantry disapear and blink in and out of existance between 250-300meters. Its laughble and piss poor for this game to limit the ability to snipe to under 300meters.

    Anyways... Take your "27" headshots(LOL) and go be proud there Mr All Mighty Master Blaster Sniping Tactictian I *Salute* you!
  14. LittleDi

    Appears you can't read. It says 83 headshots. I'm not even a sniper. Front line troops will die a lot because people behind me will not commit to the charge without someone going in first. So I take a lot of hits in order to give everybody else a chance to get into position and return fire a lot. Big deal. Not everything can be taken without losses. Also 300 meters? You're shooting the length of a football field there. With a 12x you should be able to clearly see targets as if they were in pistol range and pick them off. I pulled my sniper out recently and got some nice nifty kills from a shorter range just by finding where the enemy team started moving their vehicles to repair them, circling around, and killing the driver when they hop out to repair them.

    I don't like the sniper rifle, but if you're going to blame that you can't see as far as you want to shoot then the problem isn't the weapon still. It's your inability to find good targets you can see. So stop blaming the weapon, the render distance, your eyeballs, your friends, your team, your allies and START SHOOTING WHAT YOU CAN SEE. The fact that you are taking a sniper into the trenches means you're the one who's stupid.
  15. forkyar

    read higby's tweets he says they are working on resolving it.
  16. {joer

    The one place I'm glad about the render distance is sniping. Sniping is boring. Its boring being a sniper (shooting gallery weee) and its boring being sniped from something half a mile away. Infils never should have gotten a sniper rifle in the first place. It in a way hurts the class.

    (Well you have issues but you can snipe!)