Detailed Stats for all MAX AI weapons

Discussion in 'MAX' started by StormFrog, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Destinatus

    "But we only dominate at really close range!"

    But TR MAX doesn't dominate at ANY RANGE.

    TR MAX is a joke. VS MAX is a joke. One heavy with LMG can rip through any max at any range except NC AI MAX.

    This game is horribly balanced. What were people doing in BETA? Surely they weren't dealing with balance issues.

    The whole game has turned into farming choke points with the most unbalanced game mechanics.

    NC AI MAX works at 50m just fine, so cut the crap. What they complain about is not being able to instagib at 50m.
  2. TriumphOfMan

    Scat MAX burst damage needs to get nerfed badly. Way too effective at bursting down other MAX units. Distance isn't even an issue when you can remove the gap by just charging.
  3. Fonk

    So charge away?

    If I see a TR MAX at mid range get the jump on me I run away and pray he isnt charging after me.
  4. TriumphOfMan

    That's not an option if you're defending a generator room at all. Unless you know, you don't like your generator or whatever position you were trying to hold.

    Most common place I see Dual Hacksaws take a heaping dump on everything is pushing the biolab shield generator, then the SCU.
  5. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    Let's not turn this thread into another "NC Maxes are way stronger" thread, will we?^^
  6. StormFrog

    I'm going to respond to this one more time and then ask you to take any balance discussion to its own thread. This thread is for helping people make informed decisions about which MAX weapons to buy.

    Fun fact: in beta the scattermax had a smaller clip size and did less damage per shot. There wasn't a range at which the scattermax could beat a TR or VS MAX. A TR MAX could literally tank a scattermax at 5m and kill it outright. Right now any MAX can win, if it fights at its optimal range.

    It's very obvious you haven't played a scattercannon MAX for any reasonable length of time.

    This is what 50m looks like:
    You aren't killing anything at 50m.

    At 20m, you might get lucky with dual Hacksaws and kill someone without having to reload. This is what the Hacksaw's spread looks like at the edge of its effective range:

    Charging at people with a scattermax sounds great but in practice it's one of the quickest ways to kill yourself. I've had a single engineer take half my health in the time it took me to charge at him and kill him.

    Other MAXs do beat scattermaxs. It's just a matter of range, as it should be.

    There's a very good reason why you see them there. Scattercannon MAXs aren't very useful for anything other than Biolabs.
    • Up x 2
  7. Arcanum

    In the tech test the scattermax was really overpowered. From what I heard from other players.
  8. Vansoth

    That 20M spread is pretty good now that I am really looking at it. No AI MAX is viable at 50M or more, It would take way to long to even bring downa stationary target.
  9. nella

    Dual mercys are no joke.

    "NC AI MAX works at 50m just fine"

    I'll wait for you to prove it.
  10. StormFrog

    There was a bug that allowed a scattercannon to shoot all of its ammo at once. They nerfed the gun in addition to fixing the bug. Balance adjustments during beta were typically very large and harsh.
  11. Fonk

    Chances are you're not alone in those situations, are you?

    Haven't played in a few hours, but I think every class gets a gun
  12. Narutobieber

    at 20m with extended clip, I've emptied my dual hacksaws and it was barely enough to kill 1 infantry. A mercy max could probably killed that infantry in half the time it took to empty my extended clip.

    I'd say dual mercy TR maxes start outdamaging hacksaws 15m+ out, however if an hacksaw max dueled a mercy max at 15m, the mercy max will win because the hacksaws will have to reload because that 15m it would take at least 2-3 clips to kill another max with hacksaws.
  13. Rigsta

    Nice, thanks for this.
  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    Wondering about the Mattock:
    Does it retain the increased projectile speed and reduced damage when using slug ammo? Do slugs travel faster than regular ammo in any case?
  15. Anonynonymous

    Looking through the spreadsheet I can tell something's definitly not right with Hacksaw. It's maximun COF spread is only 3 compared to every other scatter guns which all have 7! So get this, Hacksaw is actually MORE accurate during sustained fire than the other scatter guns! IMHO, Mattock should be the one that gets the maximun COF fo 3 as it's meant to be the longer reaching, not to mention it already does the least amount of damage per shot out of all 4 scatter guns. While Hacksaw should get 7 like everything else.

    And as I have long suspected, Grinder is absolutly the worst of the bunch. The fact that it has even LESS accuracy than Hacksaw just says it all.
  16. StormFrog

    I couldn't tell you. I haven't found anything that would give you stats for weapon attachments. Someone with the Mattock and Slug Ammo would have to test it out.

    I don't even know if Slug Ammo uses the playerstate CoF values listed for the guns.

    CoF on a shotgun is a bit of a misleading stat. It's just not going to matter as much as pellet spread. The Hacksaw and Grinder both have higher pellet spread to offset their advantages. If I had to guess, I'd say the Hacksaw probably has a lower max CoF to compensate for the fact that it has the highest pellet spread and rate of fire.
  17. Dkamanus

    Probably. That's why during a good part of Beta, ScatterMAXes, even at 5m could barely kill infantry at Point Blank Range, and beyong 5 m, they wouldn't kill ANYTHING. Then they finally fixed them closing september. And it has been working since then. Instagibbing infantry that comes into 5m of a MAX ARE supposed to be destroyed. Even inside the biolab there are places where ranged combat can be done effectively, but it is a CQC enviroment where the NC MAX shines. There are a few other places, but TR MAXes are more forgiving in open areas compared to the NC MAX.

    VS on the other hand suck, since they cant hit stuff for **** (Dual Quasar)
  18. Vreki

    Make all MAXes more resistant to bullet damage. And make AV maxes do more damage againt other maxes.
    Or make an entirely new Anti-MAX class with specific Anti-MAX weapons. E.g. No self damage when used up close.
  19. RHINO_Mk.II

    In beta the Flamethrower MAX would wreck enemy MAX units so fast it wasn't even funny. It was less effective against infantry because it had no splash damage and was hard to aim what with the fire obscuring your view.
  20. Anonynonymous

    Another thing to take note is that wouldn't the relatively small maximun COF spread of Hacksaws (3 vs 7) make them the BEST slug platform? As right now a huge problem with slugs is the fact that they get exact same COF spread per shot as regular buckshot which's huge if you're using anything other than Hacksaw. So if you click too quick with it your slug would lose way to much accuracy to reliably hit anything.