Players transmitting music, fun or annoyance?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Smegburt, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. general_azure

    In fact, this should be a core game feature.
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  2. Zorlox

    the only thing apb reloaded did right :) Ride of the Valkyries in a dump truck rampage ftw evilness at it's core in style.

    I find it annoying at times, especially if it's poor quality and mid fight. If some guy is blaring his music while traveling point A to B or when it's quiet, then I have absolutely no issues, unless the music sucks then I mute him, that's what that feature is for.
  3. Wibin

    It's pretty cool 90% of the time.

    But we have this amazing feature in game called "mute"
    You must mute the morons, who are usually standing in the warp gate playing god awful stuff and its over with.

    I love cruisin around with another guy blasting music, sometimes I wish the enemy could hear it, but then they'd just be idiots and play crap constantly to annoy people, so thats a bad idea.

    At least we have the ability to play "quality" tracks now being able to select the input device.
  4. ent|ty

    Since people's taste vary so much concerning music, what drives you might not drive someone else. So it falls under annoyance, if I want to stream or listen to music while I play, I will do that myself.
  5. Wibin

    Danger Zone increases flight skill by 1000%
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  6. ZombieRommel

    A guy on Jaeger a couple weeks back would start playing "The Final Countdown" when we were about 75% of the way done capping a big base, lol. I thought it was pretty d@mn funny.
  7. DankFist

    Depends on the quality of the sound to be honest.
  8. Monnor

    I played Bob Seger, old time rock n roll after clean a base and its too quiet. Or macgyver theme while repairing something. And for some push , beta NC theme.

    What i hate is some weird russian turkish yodeled noise.
  9. Wibin

    If I could get this other laptop working and find my damn microphone, I'd be doing the same thing as well.

    Gotta choose music to enhance the mood and get your guys going.

    I think of it like IronMan. I'm making a statement when I roll in blairing music. I want my team mates to know I'm there to F S..... up.
  10. RandomRope

    Its like the trolls that continually try shooting people at the Warpgate. They are great for engi ammo drop xp
  11. Captain Sandwich

    I was genuinely thinking about joining the TR on Mattherson. The guy you mentioned has completely changed my mind, just isn't worth it to have to deal with mic spammers all the time.
  12. Yeo-Yin

    sometime i take a sniper and try to hit people who move in the warpgate. I don't think that i am a troll by doing this.

    i would love to see (it always me think about battle royal XD)
  13. Captain Sandwich

    Don't really see that as trolling, nor is it as imposing on others as mic spam. I sometimes do it for the sake of mucking about. It's also good target practice.
  14. Nulgaoh

    I would rather hear music than a 12 year old kid trying to give your team tickets for driving too fast while you are on your way to the next point, and then proceed to blab on and on saying he was giving them tickets for parking badly as we are fighting to secure the new point.
    Yeah I shot you, yeah you killed me. When i came back and you were still jaber jawing and shot at me I killed you and you didnt have a chance even though you shot first.

    Yeah play your music at the right times. No dont be a mic spamming 12 year old.
  15. Pazzo

    This guy rocks!
  16. Maphreal

    I'm probably in the minority, but I think if you have your mic on for a certain amount of time, (100% of a full minute, for example), your proximity broadcast is auto-muted to everyone for say, 5 minutes. If someone wants to listen to your spam, they can un-mute you themselves. Squad, platoon and outfit broadcasts would be exempt, if they find you annoying they can boot you.

    Until then I'll be team-killing every proxy spammer outside of a warp-gate, because it's easier and more satisfying than having to mute the same guy 20 times a day.
  17. Vendettta

    rofl Do you play TR on Waterson???????? If you do then that could have been me. I don't play it all the time like some people but I play it a lot and i do play some AC/DC
  18. Duvenel

    It's a shame stereo mix doesn't seem to be supported, I hate hearing bad quality music...
  19. Talizzar

    Annoyance. If I wanted to listen to music I would bring up my itunes, pandora or some other internet source. This should not be allowed.

    How about mutes that are saved??????????? Once I mute someone I should never have to do it again.
  20. P3STILENCE1973

    DUDE! I was sitting in church and read this. HAHAHA! I busted out laughing and couldn't control it! My mental picture was too vivid. man I wish I could have been there. I had to walk out of church because as soon as I got it under control, I'd picture it again and it would start all over.