That's it for me for a while.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meurtos, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. forkyar

    no to all your bad ideas,this is endless war,i suggest you try a different game.
  2. MasterCheef

    isnt CoD infantry only fights? I really dont get these post. I need proof that these complainers are killed mostly by tanks/air.
  3. icesail

    I believe it would take only a couple of small changes, and none of them a nerf to damage, to better balance things.
    Air: Make it so planes cannot hover with rockets/dalton/zepher equiped. Now you have to actualy be moving in order to use them, making infantry farming at least something that requires skill to aim at a tiny target while moving at 100kpm. It can be explained by the added weight of the rocket pods/Cannons makes hovering impossible.
    Ground: Remove all HE ammo from main guns. Want to farm infantry? use the secondary grenade launchers. Want to be alone on your tank? now you cannot move while lobbing HE at infantry. This would balance the one person per tank farm. Want to instajib a infantry? score a direct hit.... Again, it is possible, but at least it rewards skill.
    Infantry: With the above changes I believe infantry would have a good chance against air and ground when it comes to 1v1. Obviouly, a fully crewed tank would BBQ infantry in seconds, as it should. But a 1 maned tank would have to choose between mobility and only direct hits or standing still and using anti-infantry AOE weapons. Both would give infantry a fighting chance.
  4. Daedrick


    Higby need to realise that, spam away everybody, ask for it EVERY SINGLE DAY on the forum, Bump FIGMENT base design thread. Lets fix this game as a community. Hammer it into his little brain.
    • Up x 1
  5. Nilbog

    I love this game and i think it has so much potential.
    However am just getting more and more frustrated with this game. It feels dead on all the servers i play on. ALL OF THE TIME. Servers need to be merged together or something.
    Also for the record when the developers and some people in this forum are all cool with players being mad and not wanting to play isnt a good thing. Telling people "Thats fine, check back in a while" or "Then stop playing and come back in a few months, we'll be here" is not inspiring confidence in this franchise or this game in general. I am honestly starting to believe that is why this game is so empty and lopsided. PEOPLE WILL NOT COME BACK IF YOU PISS THEM OFF. PEOPLE WILL NOT COME BACK IF YOU ENCOURAGE THEM TO LEAVE I can think of a few franchises that i will never play again for various reasons DO NOT LET PEOPLE FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT THIS GREAT GAME!
  6. Stormlight666

    The one thing that was annoying in PS1, and would be good here, would be autofiring base turrets. They were minor annoyances in PS1 but gave defenders warning when attacks were coming. Just have the AA turrets first slow shots at aircraft until tanks can get in range to kill them.
  7. Stormlight666

  8. Stormlight666

    I hopped over to my Vanu character to play around with classes I don't normally play and to test out items. The VS zerg I was with was like a 10-lane highway trying to drive down a one-way street from base to base. They were mowing down infantry left and right, bumping each other and crushing ATV's and when they hit combat they STOPPED refusing to be the first one to lose their mag in combat. I was thinking that (a) man I miss PS1, (b) this is why I don't play VS and (c) i'll just climb this hill to try and get around them. Oh yeah except the physics of the hill made it impossible for me to run up the incline even though there were paths on it and it wasn't that steep. Sigh, highly frustrating. But my point is, there is zero strategy involved in PS2. No backhacks to try and stop an attack, no real reason to defend ANYTHING, the stupid armor camos make NC look like VS and viceversa while the heavy combat refuses to put a red or blue triangle above the guys who ran around the corner, Infiltrators are just snipers. Sigh. Just make PS1 FTP or put some effort into making PS2 worth playing.
  9. Skadi

    I think, IF they redisigned all the bases, alot of the infantry complains would go away, and by redisign i meen completely with the intent of large superstructures (for large bases) that haft to be infiltrated by troops, and to keep out hordes and hordes of tanks.
  10. Fabien

    This guy.. OP., He's nailed it.. I'm SO glad I'm not the only one feeling this way.
  11. Kryoclasm

    Just adjust the XP reward for the type of kill.
    Tank vs tank should yield good xp.
    Tank vs soldier should yield poor xp. like 1/7th
    Same idea with AA vs aircraft is good
    AA vs tank or soldier is poor. etc...
  12. Meurtos

    Welcome back TrollYar. Still waiting on a profile link.
  13. Meurtos

    So far a consensus of most agree to problem lies in one of two places or both. And I agree on:

    1. Experience - Farming infantry is too profitable. Until killing a vehicle is worth more than 5 times an infantry, (Good starting point) vehicles will want to combat infantry before turning to other vehicles.

    2. Base Design - Allowing vehicles to own the places between major facilities, and around major facilities would decrease spam by tanks. However, I do not believe this will slow the liberators down. I find there is much more Liberator bombing, than tanks.

    Things I cannot agree on:

    1. Removing vehicles - This IS Planetside, vehicles do have a rightful place in the game. However, I believe they have a majority in the game as of right now.

    2. Infantry only zones - Full continent? No. This has ramifications that could hurt the game. Adding underground tunnels and access pathways around bases or below them, I think would be a great idea. However, not full continents.
  14. Daedrick

    bump for truth and visibility