Libby Fighters Own With Dalton

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Imnuktam, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. huehue

    This is just sweet retribution. Libs have been food to rocket pods since beta. Now we get to experience what they felt when we used OUR A2G weapons on Libs to more effect than our main anti air guns.

    Just act like you belong in a fighter, you afterburn and pick a new angle to avoid the cannon.
  2. Antivide

    If you get hit by a dalton...

    1. You deserve it
    2. Fly better
    3. You deserve it, idiot

    Its the same reasoning behind getting one shot by tanks (SORRY PROWLERS) and HA rockets. If you get hit, its your own damn fault.
  3. Imnuktam

    I think ill quit poisting for balance , all the little kids just cry about how its your fault that a weapon is OP, especially all the people who use it and want it to remain that way. Is too tiring to argue with everyone who just wants a chance to tell someone they are bad.

    All the skilled pilots on this thread do it daily and all the noob pilots tell you that you are doing something wrong since they only pulled it off once. Its easy to tell who the 'bad' players are, they are the first to resort to that in each and every thread.

    It isnt about range or your angle since I have been out of range for a2a to lock on but got belly gibbed, just like I have been directly above a lib who rolled belly up to start firing. A good pilot and gunner can use this on you no matter where you are, and there are plenty of good pilots in this thread that use it and agree. I am not a good pilot, dont fly very often at all and have still killed 3 aircraft with the dalton. I have probably bombed a total of 90min or so since release, and a good pilot can make your shots VERY easy. Mine the day I spent an hour in one was pointing sideways infront of a biolab pad letting me shoot all the way in the base and flying so slowly we were all but hovering.

    Take away this BOMBS ability to fire upwards and sideways and make the tail gun highly effective and then you have a bomber. Right now you just have a bigger more effective fighter than can also bomb the **** out of people.
  4. Dirkah

    he definitely mad
  5. waiora

    If any of you fly ESF's on miller NC or VS side im sure you have made an acquaintance with the GOON gunners before ;D
  6. Justicia

    As a Scythe pilot on Miller, there are a few TR/NC lib crews that I fear. I approach them with caution because getting too close solo is likely to get me killed. I just tick away with my hailstorm from a distance and see them run. The trick is to be careful and not too overzealous in your chase, because they might stall/Immelmann and get the drop on you.

    Most libs are easy targets though. I can only give props to those lib crews that manage to make me cautious in my attack, it takes some coordinated skill to take down a skilled ESF in a lib.

    P.S. to the above video, I can't recall any Goon libs, but I'll keep an eye out and take some down with caution :D
  7. Weylin

    I only wish that I could flip my infantry upside down and one shot a lib when it flys in with that Zephyr.
  8. Windchaser

    It's part of the meta game.