So another rocket launcher?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cidroyz, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. {joer

    Beta is about making the game work, this is about taking our money. If the game starts to suck, but they make 1000 more, you know which direction they will go.
  2. MartianDiscoFish

    Edit: And I expect TR and NC to do the same!
  3. Kurreah

    If you only use the lock-on functions of the G2G and G2A launchers, then it will be an upgrade. For you.
    A lot of others however also use their lock-on launchers in dumb-fire mode. Ducking around cover to shoot tanks in the side, shooting at MAXs or clusters of infantry, taking a snapshot at the hovering ESF before it starts shooting. For us, it will be a downgrade because no one wants to have to trek back to a resupply point as soon as a different threat appears.
    So . . . upgrade for some, worse for others. All depending on personal preference and playstyle. Sounds like a side-grade to me.
    Of course if it does twice the damage of the Decimator, or you can carry 10 rockets for it as default, then that would mess up the
    balance. But as it is described, sounds reasonable.

    When the changes to the lock-on launchers were proposed, there was a huge storm of protest. Removal of dumb-fire mode is a big change and would have ruined the G2A launcher for a lot of people.
    SOE's reasoning is probably that if dumb-fire mode is so important to some people, removing it completely is probably a good balancing factor to allowing vehicle and air lock ons.

    I personally do. If you cannot see the use for a fire mode that does not require you to be in plain sight of a target that can one-shot you for several seconds before being able to fire, and that allows you to fire at things other than vehicles, then I'm not sure what to tell you either.
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  4. DeadOnArrival

    The post says nothing about the old launchers. MY guess is this one will be weaker or take an hour to lock on. Remember there are no upgrades, only sidegrades. It does save newcomers (like myself if i had not bought the GtA after getting farmed by a plane for 20 min my 3rd day) from buying both the GtG and GtA launchers.

  5. Chiss

    ITT: wahhhhhh
  6. Babaganoush

    I wonder how the projectile speed will be for this one. Since it also locks on to air, I assume at least 240 KPH.

    Decimator is the only worthy launcher IMO.
  7. isilyan

    Is this one also gonna be bugged against air like the G2A inf launchers....

    .....wasted more money now cause i just bought a rocket launcher for ground then this comes out and makes it so i will never use the item i just bought hours ago i would like a refund.
  9. Osmadius

    I honestly don't mind them adding a new launcher. However what I do mind is that I bought the G2A launcher in order to shoot at AND HIT aircraft after the lengthy post from the game's lead designer about improving the lock on for it. I bought it for lock on and nothing else. That's why I bought it but those changes never happened and I'm stuck with a launcher with a poor dumb fire and a useless lock on.

    If this new launcher is better at locking on to aircraft han the one I bought after they announced the improvements to it that then never happened I will be far more wary of ever spending money on PS2 again.
  10. DukeFlash

    If you're using this weapon at mid/long range, it's an upgrade.
    If it's close range... I'd hate to have a lock-on required weapon.
  11. {joer

    As a side note if you think the G2A launcher is "useless" you have no idea how to use it. I love my grounder and never leave the sunderer without it (well unless I'm playing LA).

    Even post nerf of the G2G its great. Of course now its obsolete.
  12. Bone

    Well the changes in weapons are fine, just give us a refund and we can then re decide what we spend our SC or Certs on, its simple really, I spent my cash on the Grounder, now it appears that another choice is being made available I would like to respend my SC based on the new information and options now availble to me, I would hate to think I am being shaken down to spend more cash in this fashion, It will just prevent me spending anything else in this game at all if I think I am being going to be screwed over by the choices made outside of my control every other patch.

    Give everyone who has purchased a launcher the cash/certs back and let us decide please.
  13. PiratePL

    Can't they see how broken this is ? When they introduced the Annihilator it was a powerful dumb fire launcher with a significant drop. Great at close range. The lock-on launchers were much more effective at long ranges but had lower damage. Now we not only have a single launcher for G2A and G2G but also it's the MOST powerful of all. Even more than the default dumb fire one ! You can now grab the new launcher and shoot everything from a safe distance. Good job SOE :/
  14. SenEvason

    So what are the stats of the new launcher?
  15. PoopMaster

    How much damage does it do? Everyone circle-jerking over this without backing it up.
  16. XALON-NC

    To the rabid crybabies....

    You want you money back??? You buy weapons from the store(instead of EARNING them) and then you CRY when new weapons are released that you want instead of the weapon(s) you already BOUGHT?

    Are you sooooooo stupid as to noyt have realized that in an MMOFPS game there will ALWAYS BE NEW WEAPONS!!! They will be added weekly/monthly and will continue to be added until the game dies 20 years from now!

    I have never seen soo many people COMPLAIN about a game they can play FOR FREE that will have been out only 1 month - TOMORROW! Are you that jaded and spoiled you whiney little brats???

    If you like what the game DOES HAVE - then play and enjoy it like 99.9999999% of us do! if you dont like it, either take a break to come back in a few months and see if what you dont like has improved/changed/etc.... OR, just leave an play one of the other mmofps. FPS shooter and mmo/mmorpg games in existence! Theres no need to cry soo much about something soo amazing!

    A month ago we didnt have a game that allowed us to play in 2000 player batttles across three continents. Where hundreds would fight in battles when it was a SLOW day , with tons of weapons and amazing vehicles and classes to choose from. Where there was action 24 hours a day, any day of the week - and not need to pay a dime!!! We should be GRATEFUL for such an epicly amazing experience!

    Please - if you dont have something good to say about the game, have advice(or need advice) or anything that DESERVES to be on the PS2 forums - then LEAVE!!!!! Noone cares what you say anymore, most have ignored you ingame(which is weird that you play yet hate it soo much) and you have serious issues. You are in need of attention - but get it somewhere else. This is my xmas gift to you. Go quietly or karma WILL get you from being such ******** scumbags.

    Thanks and happy holidays!
  17. isilyan

    So you never had any probs with the missile giving you a hit indication when it explodes at max range, and not hitting ****?
    But i never had probs with it before last update....
  18. {joer

    Yes, and sometimes I get the green lock on and fire and the missile doesn't track. No I didn't have these problems pre patch. That doesn't mean its useless, it means I basically have a few dud shots every now and then. Overall its still a very useful weapon and I use it with great effect. When I play my HA the most effect I have on the outcome of a battle solo outside of clearing a point is clearing the air, which the grounder does very well.

    The hit no damage thing isn't just with the launcher, it seems to happen with all explosive weapons.
  19. notyourbuddy

    Work to properly balance the game? Nah, lets just keep releasing more and more weapons for $$$ and hope it balances itself out.

    *stares at now useless 1000 cert Crow I just bought last night*
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  20. Flarestar

    Welcome to the SOE F2P model, folks. Get used to seeing things like this.