More like World Of Tanks and Airplanes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sinmatar, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Sinmatar

    Increase the resource cost of vehicles and aircraft so they are less dominant, games getting boring with so much vehicle spam
  2. Eduard K.

    Because they are big enough to count them, go count infantry and stop making silly posts.
  3. DiscetoPT

    Yap, I thought about starting a topic on this as well, it feels like every battle in planetside is a vehichle battle. People go in their tanks, get shot down, respawn and get themselves a new one, they don't even need to go on foot anywhere because they can constantly keep spawning new tanks or air vehichles, it's stupid.
  4. Marka Ragnos

    And i turn it into World of Mines!!
  5. Mechasmeep

    For the entire day, I have had one glorious battle with 100infantry charging another 100 infantry...

    Then VS all rolled magriders ... so at least 30 mags, 20ligthings, 20libs.. 2infantry
    great fun..
  6. GraphicJ

    I love flying my Mossy, but I do agree with him. Tanks and ESFs need to cost more to prevent the overabundance use of them.

    ESF... intead of 200 resource... make it 350
    Tanks make it to 300. etc

    Also limit the amount of Sunderer spawn areas. They're all over the place.
    I would also add Double Bursters maybe to 250 as they are tough as tanks and almost invincible. People are spamming the **** out of them.
  7. Hael

  8. smokemaker

    Go play CS, or COD, no vehicles there. You willing joined a game that had air,vehicles, and infantry. Now you complain theres too many. This game may not be for you.
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  9. MasterD

    Vehicles are actually fine. Its the poor base designs we are having to play on. There is no reason spawn rooms shouldn't be connected to the bases so they can easily be defended by infantry. Current design leads to most bases being dominated by who has the most vehicles not the most people then spawn door camping with said vehicles. There are a few exceptions: The Biolab completely gets rid of the vehicle aspect which I think is a little too much. Then we also have a few minor bases that remove 1 vehicle threat altogether like the Vanu Archvies and The Crown. That makes the battles last longer for the most part and is a lot funner but still could use some work.

    Vehicles in this game can shoot into almost every capture point / generator room in the game. That just doesn't make sense when you designing a defensive structure.
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  10. Argento81

    You could just stop standing still while the guy with rocket pods empties his whole magazine on you, but who am I to tell you how to play.
  11. HadesR

    100% This

    Ofc things such as rocket pod's need slight balancing but doesn't make an ESF a bad idea in general
  12. MasterD

    Yep! A Tank, ESF, and Bomber should be a very powerful tool! Once you strip away its power it becomes useless transport.
  13. NavSpec

    Most of this game doesn't make sense for defensive structures. Example: I was in the tech lab on Esamir and it has snow drifting up onto the walls. :confused: Gimme a plow on the front of my damn Prowler, we'll take care of that. That same base also has an infantry access tunnel and since there are no doors in this game, it's wiiiide open. Granted, someone with an engineer turret could camp it and make someone's day terrible but FFS, this is a long-running war. These groups are grizzled at this point, you'd think they'd fix the damn buildings to be more defendable.
    Not to mention that now the generators which power the defensive shields are on the OUTSIDE of the base. Because, you know, competent armies put defense crippling generators out where they can't defend them without actually leaving the main defenses..

    Base designs need some serious TLC. I guess they can get in line though.
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  14. MasterD

  15. Sinmatar

    nice post MasterD, You made my point better than I did :) what i wanted some constructive criticism and useful insight, not 'stop making silly posts - Eduardo.K' or 'go play CS or CoD - SmokeMaker' type of drivel.
  16. Sebyos

    Cap the tech plant of the enemy you are attacking asap before pushing too far and profit...

    But yeah even then it's far from perfect and I agree on a higher resource cost. As of now resource is pointless, it's not even a barrier unless you use infantry stuff.
  17. CobraBoss

    Ofcourse you can run away from a rocket pod rain over your head ...
  18. PS2 MEDIC

  19. notyourbuddy

    Had a good 1hour fight in Bio Labs tonight. Finally repelled the enemy and took the fight outside.

    And what do I find?

    Over the course of a 30+ minute outdoor battle there must have been 40 mosquitos, 8 liberators, 30 prowlers, and only about 8 enemy infantry. No matter how many moskeeters we shot down more and more just kept spawning from the warpgate. It was a neverending wave of rocket spam skeets.

    The vehicle spam can definitely get out of hand at times. Game needs shared vehicle cooldowns or an increase in individual vehicle cost to force people to play on foot once in a while. Right now players are just bouncing around from one vehicle to the next whenever they lose one.
  20. forkyar